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Off-Season Surgery?

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:48 pm
by nick_nameless
Does anyone play with a house rule that allows a team to heal up a stat bust or NI in the offseason?

I was thinking something like: Whatever the cost of the player on your team is, if you accumulated enough gold during the season to pay that amount in the offseason for "surgery", you could remove one stat bust or NI from the player. One player per team.

Re: Off-Season Surgery?

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:53 pm
by voyagers_uk
Play a game of deathbowl.

1st place - can heal 3 injuries
2nd place can heal 2
3rd place can heal 1
4th place no-one

obviously the likelihood of further injuries in a game of deathbowl is high... so take a risk and see what you can get.

if more than 4 teams exist in the league/or want to take part make it a series of matches...