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House Ruleset: See problems?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:21 pm
by mattgslater
Edits in italics

League Structure
Each coach may have one primary team and as many secondary teams as desired, so long as all secondary teams are of different races. Secondary teams may play up to two matches per month against different coaches; no team may play the same team in consecutive months. Primary teams are given two matches to play each month, and earn an additional game (with the same rules as secondary teams) for each scheduled match played. Every sixth month (June and December), there is a tournament instead of scheduled matches.

1) Time Limit: If you notice your opponent has exceeded the four-minute time limit, you may not call for an immediate turnover. Instead, you must give your opponent 60 seconds' notice, beginning no sooner than the expiration of his time limit. This means that the practical minimum turn limit is five minutes.
2) Illegal Procedure: If your opponent fails to move his turn marker, you must warn him before calling an illegal procedure.

1) Apothecary: The Apothecary has two effects. You may use both effects on a player who has just suffered a Casualty, or the second effect only on any player in your Dead and Injured bin.
Effect 1: Re-roll the Casualty result. Choose which roll to select.
Effect 2: The last game that the injured player would miss is not missed instead. Badly Hurt players go to the Reserves; Seriously Injured Players remain in Dead and Injured, but do not miss the next game; Dead players are still dead.

1) Declarations: If you do not declare your action type before rolling any dice, you are taking a Move action.
2) Fouling: When calculating foul assists, include the fouling player.
3) The Ref's Big Hairy Eyeball: If a player is caught fouling and no Bribe is used (or the Bribe fails), he is not necessarily ejected. The opposing coach should roll 1d6, and add +1 for each Warning counter the fouling coach has.
1-2: Warning. The team suffers a turnover, and the moving team's coach gains a Warning counter.
3-5: Ejection. The player is ejected, as if he had been caught with a Secret Weapon.
6+: Suspension. The player is ejected, and must miss the next match as well!

1)Loner: A player with Loner may remove the Loner skill from his profile if he rolls 8+ on a Star Player roll. If he does, he must select a normal skill. Add 10,000 gold to the player's value if this happens.
2) Piling On: If the Piling On skill is used, the player may not use any skills on the re-roll.
3) Sneaky Git: The player's assist may not be pulled off during a Foul action.

Pre-Match Sequence
1) Petty Cash: There is no Petty Cash. Instead, inducements may be hired out of Treasury, so long as each inducement is paid for either entirely in Treasury or entirely in handicap fund. Inducements taken this way have no effect on TV.
2) New Inducements.
2a) Free Beer! Money can't buy you love, but it can buy you beer, so what's the difference? For 100k times your (FAME+1), add +1 to your FAME. You may do this as many times as you like, but it keeps getting more expensive.
2b) 0-1 Inspiration. For 150k, you may randomly select a player. That player feels extra-motivated and gains an additional normal skill for use in this match. At the end of the match, the player gains an automatic MVP award, in addition to remaining eligible for the MVP normally. If you take this inducement with Treasury, you must pay double.

1) General Skills: If a player without Loner or Stunty rolls 8+ on a Star Player roll, he may take a General skill. If he does not have normal access to General Skills, this adds 30k to the team's value, as if it were a double.
2) Dirty Casualties: A Dirty Casualty (DC) is a casualty inflicted as a result of a foul, a push into the crowd, or the use of the Stab or Chainsaw skill. It is worth one Star Player Point.
3) Immaculate Receptions: When a player on either team attempts to pass the ball, if the pass is not intercepted and the intended receiver does not catch the ball, and if any player on either side catches the ball before it touches the ground, that player earns one SPP for an Immaculate Reception.
4) MVPs: When selecting your MVP, nominate three players from your team. Then your opponent will select three of your players, including exactly one Journeyman, Mercenary or Star Player if possible. Line your six nominated players up from left to right however you like, and roll 1d6 to see which player gets the improvement.

1) Share of the Gate: Each team collects one gold per fan in attendance, friendly or opposed, rounded up to the nearest 10,000 GC.
2) The Bank: In lieu of petty cash, each team can hold up to 100,000 GC in the Bank after each match. Transfer all money from the Bank to Treasury before making purchases, then after making purchases transfer up to 100,000 GC to the Bank.
3) TV: Treasury adds to TV. The Bank does not.
4) Spiraling Expenses: Spiraling Expenses levels are as follows:
Up to 0.99 million gold: 0
1.00 to 1.39 million: 1
1.40 to 1.59 million: 2
1.60 to 1.79 million: 3
1.80 to 1.99 million: 4
2.00 to 2.09 million: 5
2.10 to 2.19 million: 6
2.20 to 2.29 million: 7
2.30 to 2.39 million: 8
2.40 to 2.49 million: 9
2.50 million or more: 10

Re: House Ruleset: See problems?

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:02 am
by dode74
I can see it being a fast-levelling league, and big guys being very powerful indeed.

Re: House Ruleset: See problems?

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:04 pm
by Daht
Yeah as long as you don't play a team without a big guy should work.

Re: House Ruleset: See problems?

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:23 pm
by mattgslater
Right now, we are expecting 8-10 coaches, including a few old guard coaches who just showed up out of nowhere (thank you, facebook) or decided to join in.

The Good
High Elves or Orcs (me)
Skaven (old veteran, about as good as me, found him on facebook)
Chaos? Not sure (my "BB rabbi", hasn't played for awhile, found him on facebook :D )
Dwarfs or Wood Elves (the guy who really wanted these house rules; he's okay)

The Bad (okay, the newer established coaches)
Skaven or Undead (the best of the current lot; missed last season to scheduling)
Necromantic (total trooper, getting better)
Skaven (promising rookie, still needs salt)
Orcs (willing rookie, will get there if he sticks with it)

The Maybe
Wood Elves or Dark Elves (old veteran, found through a friend)
Orcs (old veteran, but very rusty; found by chance)
Skaven (rookie, doesn't have much time)
Orcs (rookie, I don't think he's coach material)

Our coaching top tier will not be very big guy heavy, though there will be a lot of one-big-guy teams. No Khemri, CP or Stunty teams, one Undead team, big guys on 75% of teams, which seems pretty normal to me. Maybe we should play with 100k Flesh Golems? Would that balance it out?

Should I change 7-9 for General skills to 8+? Either way, it's 50/50 after considering doubles. I think 8+ is better.

Re: House Ruleset: See problems?

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:00 pm
by Daht
I would remove the bonus for general skills and keep the removal of negatraits personally .. they can still get general on doubles.

Re: House Ruleset: See problems?

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:49 pm
by Oxynot
mattgslater wrote: Skills
1) Claw: Claw now reads: "If an opponent is knocked down, you may use Claw to treat your opponent's AV as if it were 7. You may only use Claw once per turn. Because AV is calculated before the dice are rolled, Claw must be used before the AV roll is made."
So what does this rule do besides limit its use with Multiple Block? Can't use it if you forget to decalere it before rolling dice even though you'd always use it? Maybe I'm just a bit slow tonight :)

Re: House Ruleset: See problems?

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:55 pm
by dode74
I think he means once per turn, not once per player per turn. So even if you have 4 claw players only one can use it.

Re: House Ruleset: See problems?

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:21 am
by mattgslater
I was trying to curb ClawPO by making you use Claw on the first roll only, but I realize it wouldn't work as stated.

Fixed. I took out both relevant rules and replaced it with a change to PO.

Re: House Ruleset: See problems?

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:35 am
by DoubleSkulls
I don't really understand the loner roll. The first time you get a skill roll of 8 or higher you automatically lose loner and only add 10k to the player value - plus they get a normal skill? That is really good. I'd say far too good. How does this interact with the G skills? So a Troll rolls a 9, he losers loner and gets Block, all for 40k? Ouch. That just seems OTT to me since its basically a double whammy. I'd go with one or the other, but losing Loner is big, and should at least make the player forgo another skill IMO.

Piling On doesn't make sense. Do you mean may not use any skills on the reroll?

Bank should not be able to be spent on inducements.

Re: House Ruleset: See problems?

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 5:05 pm
by mattgslater
You're right about the first part, but not the rest of it.

If you roll 8+ as a Loner, you can take a normal skill (regardless of the roll) and lose Loner for 30k. If you don't have Loner, you can take a G skill at 30k. You can't combine them on the same roll, nor can you take advantage of any of the special options unlocked by your roll and still ditch Loner.

Example 1: a Troll rolls 5+3 on his first roll. He can take:
Normal skill @ 20k
Normal skill, ditch Loner @ 30k

Example 2: a Troll rolls 6+6 on his first roll. He can take:
Normal skill @ 20k
Normal skill, ditch Loner @ 30k
G, A, or P skill @ 30k (keep Loner)
+ST @ 50k (keep Loner)

Example 3: A Troll rolls 5+3, takes a normal skill and ditches Loner. Then he improves again and gets another 5+3. He can take:
Normal skill @ 20k
G skill @ 30k

The original plan was: if a player with Loner improves, he loses Loner. We decided we liked the power level, but wanted to make it easier for big guys to take G skills. This is an attempt at a compromise, to create a mechanic with about the same power level as "lose Loner if you improve" but with a bit of both. The only team I'm really concerned about in these rules is Undead. The one-big-guy teams just get a little bit better, not enough to be too concerned about. The multi-big-guy teams will be buffed considerably: Chaos Pact, Khemri, Undead, Ogres, Goblins, Halflings. We play a longish limited format (up to about 20-30 games before the tourney), and we're not a matchmaking format or anything, so CP will just be getting over the hump on their curve when the tourney hits and these rules should just be enough to make them competitive. Khemri kind of suck, and they'll be much improved by these rules. The rest are kind of immune to balance concerns. It's really just Undead that this will benefit, and there's lots of documentation on how G skills on Mummies only help to get Undead a little bit good, not so much that they're unbeatable.

Re: PO, oops. Fixed.

Re: Bank, we're in agreement. You can spend Treasury on inducements, because you've already paid for it in TV. Bank doesn't hurt your TV, but it can't be spent on inducements, either.

@ Daht: the only anti-skill you can rid yourself of is Loner. The rest are unaffected.

Re: House Ruleset: See problems?

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:21 pm
by Aliboon
Just the 8+ rolls to lose loner and then to get general skills is too much I reckon. Makes Big Guys much better, losing loner is worth at least 20k imo.

Khemri would probably be the biggest winners too, with a bit of luck they'd get 3-4 block ST5 players :o . Pact and Ogre teams could do very nicely too, although it couldn't be said that they overpowered at the moment.

Re: House Ruleset: See problems?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:20 am
by mattgslater
I'm not terribly worried about it on Khemri. TGs die on almost 1% of knockdowns suffered, so superstar TGs are only wonderful while they last, and they don't make up for the craptacular lameness of the rest of the team.

I could see adding 20k or even 30k for removing Loner: if you improve on an 8+, you may take a normal (Strength) skill and ditch Loner at 50k (skill value plus the value difference off a Mercenary)... that makes double-4 or double-5 a tougher call.

I think I'm less concerned about limited G access on big guys. Block big guys are a big deal early, but actually these mechanics reduce the odds of getting Block on a big guy early, by competing on half the doubles perms (or 40% if you factor out +ST). This just means that star big guys will be better. Early on, it's not a big help.