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Former Star Players (for one-off tournament)

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 7:14 pm
by Gaixo
As the topic says, I've been working on rules for including 2nd (or in a very few cases when I couldn't find an older one, 3rd) edition star players in a tournament.

Some add a new element to their team, others provide an extra positional player, and a few offer situational skills. Pricing is intended to make them attractive to coaches, and so should be considered in comparison to rostered players, as opposed to other star players. It should also be noted that these players have to make a 2+ roll before every drive in order to play, in a nod to the former niggling injury rules.

Stars are alphabetical by team type. Please let me know if you see any huge balance or pricing issues. I've included two Norse stars, just in case one was two boring or the other was too powerful, so be sure to tell me which you prefer.

I appreciate any criticism or assistance.


Snagtooth the Harpy - Amazon - 120,000
8 3 4 7
Loner, Leap, Wrestle, Claws, No Hands

Duke Luthor van Hawkfire - Chaos - 110,000
6 3 3 8
Loner, Kickoff Return, Pass, Strong Arm 110,000

Skurfrik Stonesucker - Chaos Dwarf - 80,000
7 3 3 7
Loner, Really Stupid, Sure Hands, Fan Favorite

Withergrasp Doubledrool - Chaos Pact - 140,000
6 3 3 8
Loner, Two Heads, Extra Arms, Very Long Legs, Pass Block

Tuern Redvenom - Dark Elf - 140,000
6 3 4 8
Loner, Diving Tackle, Tackle, Sidestep

Grimwold Grimbreath - Dwarf - 200,000
6 3 3 9
Loner, Block, Leap, Juggernaut, Pro, Thick Skull

Petro D'Arvill - Elf - 110,000
6 3 4 7
Loner, Kick, Wrestle, Hail Mary Pass 110,000

Spiky Norman - Goblin - 120,000
6 3 3 8
Loner, Block, Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff

Ernald Spiritburner - Halfling - 100,000
5 3 3 6
Loner, Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull

Highelm Lyrpadre - High Elf - 160,000
8 3 5 8
Loner, Dodge, Catch

Hoshi Komi - Human - 130,000
8 2 4 6
Loner, Dodge, Leap, Stab, Shadowing, Sidestep

Throttlegrim the Elder - Khemri - 140,000
3 5 1 9
Loner, Pile-On, Jump-Up, Regeneration

"Snake" Sanders - Lizardman - 180,000
6 3 3 9
Loner, Hypnotic Gaze, Wrestle, Sidestep

Frank N. Stein - Necromantic - 130,000
4 4 1 9 Loner, Thick Skull, Stand Firm, Grab, Regeneration

Wormhowl Greyscar - Norse - 120,000
5 4 3 9
Loner, Block

Gurk Cloudscraper - Norse B - 280,000
6 7 1 10
Loner, Really Stupid, Break Tackle, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm

Bilerot Vomitflesh - Nurgle - 170,000
3 4 1 10
Loner, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Foul Appearance, Disturbing Presence, Regeneration

Borg'n'Thorg "The Howitzer" - Ogre - 180,000
6 5 3 10
Loner, Bonehead, Mighty Blow, Pass, Strong Arm, Throw Teammate, Thick Skull

Greaser Geargrinder - Orc - 120,000
5 3 3 9
Loner, Strong Arm, Hail Mary Pass, Leap

Rasta Tailspike - Skaven - 130,000
8 3 3 7
Loner, Extra Arms, Dodge, Catch

Kremlo - Slann - 100,000
6 3 3 8
Loner, Leap, Very Long Legs, Block, Mighty Blow, Animosity

Harry Obitu - Undead - 100,000
5 3 3 7
Loner, Thick Skull, Regeneration, Sure Feet, Dirty Player, Sneaky Git

Garbage Throttlesnot - Underworld - 140,000
6 3 4 7
Loner, Dodge, Stunty, Catch, Right Stuff

Count Craggen - Vampire - 150,000
6 4 4 8
Loner, Regeneration, Bloodlust, Hypnotic Gaze, Frenzy, Pile-On

Pierrot Rainforest - Wood Elf - 140,000
7 3 4 7
Loner, Kick, Sidestep, Fend, Sure Feet

Re: Former Star Players (for one-off tournament)

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:40 am
by NickJMereel
I was planning on bringing back the old star players for my online league and I plan to use Galaks formula to work out costs etc. Would you fancy working on this with me or do you know if anyone has already done this?

Re: Former Star Players (for one-off tournament)

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:40 pm
by Gaixo
I know they brought a few 2nd edition stars back for straight 3rd Edition. I don't think it has been done for the most recent set of rules, but I could be wrong.

I'd be glad to help with your project; feel free to PM me or whatever.

Re: Former Star Players (for one-off tournament)

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:31 pm
by NickJMereel
Cool. I will do. Cheers :)

Re: Former Star Players (for one-off tournament)

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:17 pm
by celticgriffon
Hey... did you guys ever get this project finished? i would love to see the stats.


Re: Former Star Players (for one-off tournament)

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 6:52 am
by NickJMereel
I got a bit sidetracked but back onto this now. Im working on Hoshi Komi, Fuggit & Biter, Cyborc right now. Will post my workings here too if you want to comment on them :)

Re: Former Star Players (for one-off tournament)

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:02 pm
by Gaixo
I went ahead with a list only very slightly altered from the above. The prices, as noted above, were purposefully low so as to encourage them to be used and because I had a built in negative trait in the way of a Nagging Injury (2+ roll to play each drive). Even so, they weren't super popular. Here are how they worked out for the teams that did choose them.

Greaser Geargrinder - his team finished in 2nd place, largely due to the skill of the coach. Greaser was a purposefully pretty poor, as I didn't want to give the orcs anything too useful, but it seems that adding a largely useless player isn't enough to drag orcs down.

Borg'n'Thorg - led an ogre team to the Stunty Cup and the top half of the table. His coach was very pleased with him.

Gurk Cloudscraper (name changed when I realized Galak was primarily an off-the-field personality) - I ended up giving him Take Root AND Really Stupid, which may have been overkill. He was cas'ed in Turn 1 of his first game, but did fairly well at holding the line after that. From what I saw of his games, ST7+Break Tackle was never used to great effect. Team went 1-1-1.

Snagtooth the Harpy - Judged to be an adequate player for the cost. Her coach was scared to leap with a loner and so just used her as a blitzer. Team went 1-1-1.

Rasta Tailspike - Last-place team, but I don't think it was Rasta's fault. The coach took Glart Smashrip as well and went with zero rerolls.

Re: Former Star Players (for one-off tournament)

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:25 pm
by NickJMereel
Cool thanks. I was more thinking of trying to create the star players as an accurate update from 2nd edition. The idea is they can be used in the same way as the current star players but will add some more variety and provide the newer teams (chaos pact) with a bit more choice. How did you work out your stats? Was that more on the dude of fun? Which is of course cool by the way :)

Re: Former Star Players (for one-off tournament)

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:25 pm
by Gaixo
I'm not sure what "dude of fun" means!

If you're trying to use a formula to convert those players, I think you'll be disappointed. Their stats don't have tremendous relevance in the modern game, and a number of the skills don't really have modern counterparts. I'm sure you've probably discovered that already, though.

I've done my best to make the players thematically similar to their original use, even when this doesn't make for a tremendously good player. Part of the joke is that some of these players have obviously outlived their usefulness (or so it would seem - witness Greaser's triumph). In a few cases (Frank N. Stein, Bilerot), their only real advantage is in allowing a team to field an extra positional.

Re: Former Star Players (for one-off tournament)

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:09 am
by NickJMereel
Sorry :) meant "side of fun"
Anyway I like your concept too. Will post some ideas shortly. Maybe you can let me know what you think :)

Thanks in advance