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Conduct to posts that contain links to "bad" websi

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:44 pm
by Old Man Draco
Lately we are experiencing a lot of posting from people who have nothing to do with bloodbowl and thus do not belong to our group. They only want to lure you to watch their sites instead. Most of these sites are not "kid or work" safe. They could even contain virusses.

Some of you have made posts in them to warn the others about the links. In itself that is a good thing. But please consider, if you post a reply, the writer of the initial post will get an email that someone has read his post and might get encouraged to post more and more of this filfth.

Also we have seen that people post in threads that are about normal BloodBowl matters. Please refrain from posting in that thread until it is cleaned by a mod or an admin.

I want to ask you all NOT to post in any "unsafe" thread and inform a MOD or ADMIN by pm immediatly. They will take care of the post and the account that posted it.

And as a last remark. Some of you might be tempted to have a look at these links that are provided. I can only advise you NOT to do that. YOu never know if the site you are transferred to will install a virus on your computer that could later on even affect other computers without you knowing about it.

Leave those threads alone and inform us. It's what we are here for. (Allthough it's too bad we have to do this) :roll:

Thank you for your help.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 12:41 pm
by Darkson
As part of the continuing fight against the spambots, we have now turned on the "admin approval" for new users.

For those that don't know, it means a new user cannot start to use their account until a admin has check the profile, and approved the account. Please realise there are only 5 admins total, so it may take a few hours, or maybe a day or so, for the accounts to get approved, depending on who's online when the account is set up.

So if you genuinely want to use this forum, and who've not been approved right away, please don't panic, as we will get to you.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 10:33 am
by Darkson
Someone brought to my attention that not all posters are sure who the mods and admins are on this site, and not everyone knows where to look.
Well, it's easy, click on "usergroups" in the right-hand corner, select "Da TBB Trollz", and there's you're list.

But for those you lazy to look for themselves ( :wink: ):

Admin: doubleskulls - Site boss, and owner of TFF - basically, if it's something the "regular" admins can't do, Ian might be able to.

Admins: GalakStarscraper, Thadrin, Darkson, Draco

Moderators: Deathwing, Dave, Longshot, Colin, Xtreme

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 1:22 pm
by Old Man Draco
Also you can see at the bottom of the forum, from who is online, who is an admin (letters in yellow) and who a mod (letters in green). That way you can direct your question to the admin or mod who is online and have the best chance to a fast response.

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 8:35 pm
by Darkson
Darkson wrote:As part of the continuing fight against the spambots, we have now turned on the "admin approval" for new users.
There is a bit of a problem with this at the moment, as many of the Admin functions seem to be corrupted (I'm assuming it's something to do with the server move, but can't be sure until JohnnyP has got back to us), so if you know of anyone that's signed up for TBB in the last few days (probably since the 3rd June) who is waiting for approval - we haven't forgotten them, we just can't activate them at the moment. :(

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:30 am
by Darkson
New user approval is now working correctly, and all outstanding approvals have been actioned, so if you know of anyone waiting for access to TBB, please let them know that their log-ins should now be active.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:37 am
by Old Man Draco
Didn't get any pm or mail for request, but if so, I'll tell them.

Thanks for the effort of you and Johnny! :D