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Little Army Designer - special rules management

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 1:30 pm
by littlearmydesigner

After a few weeks of rest, I am pleased to introduce a new feature on the website Little Army Designer.

This feature concerns the management of special rules for the Blood Bowl teams building. These special rules are particularly useful for tournament play, because today there are no two Bloodbowl tournaments with the same building rules. And that's fine like this.

After this short introduction, I come to the description of the feature.

First, the league or tournament team concepts have been removed. Instead, there is a Special Rules button that gives access to building rules that one wishes to define. And there, I feel that you will be a bit disappointed because there are no more options than before for lack of time.

However, what changes is that the players connected with their Little Army Designer account can save their special rules and reuse them to build other teams. What also changes is that it is possible to access a public database of tournament’s special rules. Lastly, special rules can be used also in "match" mode.

In the future, I wish to enrich this database with more tournaments and more building rules. I invite you to contact me to add tournaments of greatest interest to you.

Certainly not everything will be possible, but I will try to please the greatest number.

A soon for other news,
Little Army Designer