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Fan/Spectator Miniature Deco

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 3:25 am
by Kiltman801
Hey everyone, I just wanted to take a few quick opinions regarding the deco on fan/spectator miniatures. I’ve just finished building a dwarf stadium and now need to begin painting the fans/spectators. I have a pretty good mix of races and was wondering what your guy’s thoughts on how to paint their clothing. I love the idea of the stadium being filled with fans clad in team colors like in real stadiums but I can’t imagine an orc or an elf wearing a dwarf team’s colors. I don’t mind painting the races in their individual team colors but I feel it would take away from the stadium’s aesthetics. In addition I feel that if I go that route, I’d have to group the races together rather than mixing them throughout the stands as I had originally planned. Thoughts and opinions please.

Re: Fan/Spectator Miniature Deco

Posted: Sat May 14, 2022 8:49 am
by GoForItPainting
I'm building a diorama and I'm going to make it so that whoever is not with the troops is neutral. He just wants to watch the game... Another option is to make it a one-day tournament where 4 teams play each other in one day and you can see that they are seated separately per sector, separated by a grid.

I'm painting the figures for now, but the stadium is still in the planning stages.