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New Website (help wanted)

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 12:10 pm
by Aequitas

I used to be registered along time ago but apparently so long that my account became inactive, or something. Anyways I'm back and with a vengeance! I might even post more then once a month.

Most of my time is spent over at where I'm known to be dirty, vile and unforgiving (okay I'm exaggerating, I'm actually a nice guy sometimes) opponent. I'll foul, stall, throw people into the crowd and yet my main goal is winning the game at whatever cost.

During my time at Fumbbl I have grown to love this great game more then I ever have over the long years and I'd like to show my support by creating a long-term website devoted to the BB community. Aside from the 'traditional' website essentials, I'd like to offer free services available to those that join the community. Including avatar/team icon creation based on a ticket system. If enough interest is there (not for awhile I'd think) a league could be formed, but that's only speculaton right now.

I'm using PHPNuke ( for the layout/tools, which is pretty useful considering what I have in mind for it. That's all setup and ready to go, but if possible I'd like to get some people who are interested to get in on the development phase before I give out the URL. Doesn't require heavy html/scripting knowledge, and in fact almost no knowledge of either shouldn't be too big of a problem.

I'm open to ideas and suggestions. Don't be afraid to contact me either here or in private!
