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Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:57 am
by Stompie
Heff wrote:Did you ever play my Human team "House of Bateatus"? All named from characters.
Alas not. Genius idea though! Waiting to hear from Foxybee about our open game this Tuesday but I notice you have scheduled a Slann v Flings game for some point, which will be nothing but whacky fun, assuming you do not manage your usual injury every other turn with deeproot! Will liaise with you on a day/time over coming weeks.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:17 pm
by Stompie
I have been meaning to paint this chainsaw miniature for years now. It was one of the first miniatures sculpted by Franarcilla. I am not sure I will actually end up using it. He's one of the star players for the chaos pact team I am playing in the Edinburgh Bloodbowl league in central London, so I am not sure there will ever be team value difference which merits me using him instead of a marauder with the skill. As it was one of the early sculpts, I think that Franarcilla did a brilliant artistic job of creating a sense of movement and dynamism. However, I am not sure he had got to grips with the level of detail expected in the heroic scale Games Workshop and there are lots of open and detailed areas and the eyes are literally just a sculpting tool jabbed into the face. Anyway, it is what it is and here you go.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:21 pm
by Stompie
My wife thinks it's puerile I've painted blood on the chainsaw. Er, yeah...

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:29 pm
by Stompie
And I've now finished all the froggie linemen for my Greebo Slann team in the open league. I've had a lot of fun playing mostly Heff with one duff/complex tem v another. He still usually wins.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams - Ripper and Minotaur

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:35 am
by Stompie
I managed to do some painting over the bank holiday weekend. See pics of GW Ripper and Gaspez Minatour, along with troll painted five years ago by way of comparison to see how things have moved on since then. I have started following the painting guidance from the privateer press series of army books. So, for example, I no longer just douse miniatures in inks. Instead, I Use fewer layers in the layering process and use inks to shade natural shadows.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:43 am
by Stompie
Here are some rear views. I am hoping that the new troll, ripper, will be multi – purpose. He is in the colours of my future orcs team, prussian blue and orange - hey why not, I have a lot of leftover Vallejo prussian blue from a mate. I am thinking of playing orcs next season but he will be playing in my current league chaos, where he is on a tantalising 5 SPPs.

It's also the first time I tried checks. I used a pencil first, with limited highlighting to the black checks.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:56 am
by Stompie
Anyway, a side view with an in memoriam shot of my dark elf lineman (who just happens to dress like a witch elf) following her death in my fifth league game this season. A 2-1 loss for my Chaos Pct team, the Golgothan All-Stars, albeit against a chaos team 280 points more advanced than mine, with a claw Minotaur (Rugr, who has become a flipping psychopath), 3 warriors with one useful, violent skill and 1 with two. Taking Ugroth and Bomber was fun but didn't quite cause the damage one would have hoped for.

A game report beautifully written by my opponent is set yet below, reproduced here again as part of the memorial for my 14 SPP dark elf lineman, Isher "the fallen", I.e. fallen like the eleven race but note the pun. May Khaine protect her soul:

"With the teams lining up on the pitch, the sight of Chaos Orgre Mungo "the Magnificent"; Chaos Troll Snogrot; two Minotaurs Rugr "The Friendly Minotaur" and The All Star's Rookie; as well as Ugroth Bolgrot weilding a chainsaw; the teams were a sight to behold. After one turn both teams had lost a player, with Rugr demonstrating that the Chaos gods have started to take hold within his mind, as he gave the All-Star's minotaur a shove into the baying crowd, removing him from action for the rest of the game. The GIs new apothecary proved his worth in this match, saving Langorg from death at the start. This meant he was unavailable for the remainder of the match, with disastrous consequences. To deal with the chainsaw menace, Rugr blitzed the Chaos Troll, leaving him in the TZ of the prone Ugroth. With an unsuccessful armour roll from the chainsaw, the "Friendly Minotaur" swiftly dispatched Ugroth to wherever chainsaw-weilding super-stars come from.

A drive by the all-stars was caught on halfway, with team captain Klnthquaztor the Grim dispossessing the ball carrier. The GI wrested control, with Doggharth the Terrifying scooping the ball up and running away for the score on the stroke of half time.

The second half saw the advent of Bomber Dribblesnot, who did a fine job of chucking bombs at the GI, with some success, but not quite enough to stop a drive up the right hand side of the pitch. It was at this point that the Chaos Gods decided to look away from the GI. Having had an ineffectual number of matches, the lack of casualties inflicted by Zhiquido the Unimaginable displeased them. With one feel swoop a 2D block landed on double skulls. With no rerolls, the eccentric Chaos Warrior hit the deck. A successful armour roll stunned the crowd, who watched in horror at the injury roll as the 6 came up. Zhiquido the Unimaginable was dead, never to return. Soon after, the All-stars Dark Elf, Isher "The Fallen" truly lived up to her name, and in the process of doing a superfluous GFI with no re-rolls got a 1, then killed herself.

Taking the second TD in, Doggharth The Terrifying took the tie to 2-0, leaving the All-Stars only 3 turns to score. Picking up the ball, "Runnerboy" Attil dodged out of Klnthquaztor the Grim's TZ, did a go for it, handed off to a teammate, who dodged out of a TZ, and did a go-for it to get away from the GI's scrambled defence. With Rugr "The Friendly Minotaur" bearing down on him for a hug, the All-star managed to successfully dodge away to leave a 2-1 score.

A Great game."

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 9:16 am
by Stompie
I thought I'd take a pic of Rugr "the friendly minotaur" next to Mungo "the magnificent", my ogre on 15 SPPs (a double for claw please please please) and 5 cas in 5 games. Rugr is some kind of old gw Minotaur lord with carnifex claws. Despite his previous "friendly" stance, since he got claw he has become a menace. Still, I lost a 90k dark elf to my own stupidity - what are the chances of failing a go for it roll, failing armour, rolling an injury, rolling death, rolling death again with a (now fired) apo? Still, I intentionally killed a skilled beastman and then a 120 point guard chaos warrior double skulled a block against Mungo I believe, and died - and the apo roll had already been used on the beastman :)

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:28 am
by Fassbinder75
I like your work on Ripper and the Mino. Did you have much trouble putting the Mino together? I've found that while the surfaces are very clean, there's big gaps - ravines really between the two torso pieces, and between the torso and the legs. There's going to be a large amount of green stuff required to get him to the undercoat stage.

I do really like the Gaspez big guys, brawny and fearsome. Chaos Pact is all about putting the shits up your opponent and I think these guys do that.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:07 pm
by Heff
They really are beautiful in the flesh. They die like any other player though.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:53 pm
by Stompie
Heff wrote:They really are beautiful in the flesh. They die like any other player though.

Come on. Who died last game? And was he not murdered by a remarkably well painted chainsaw wielding Orc with suitably pre-painted blood splatters...?

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:06 pm
by Stompie
Heff has managed to persuade me not to go with dwarves for next season. Seeing as how my chaos pact is doing so horrendously in the current Edinborough Castle league in London though, I think I need at least to take a fire and forget team… like orcs. Check out WIP.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:15 pm
by Stompie
Fassbinder75 wrote:I like your work on Ripper and the Mino. Did you have much trouble putting the Mino together? I've found that while the surfaces are very clean, there's big gaps - ravines really between the two torso pieces, and between the torso and the legs. There's going to be a large amount of green stuff required to get him to the undercoat stage.

I do really like the Gaspez big guys, brawny and fearsome. Chaos Pact is all about putting the shits up your opponent and I think these guys do that.
Most of the parts fitted fine and there was fairly minimal green stuffing. There is one thing though which has really really narked me about the last Gaspez order I did. Some of the models like the pretty cool looking dark elves, and I did not know exactly which until it was too late, seem to have retained the mould agent, even though they are metal, which means that the paint congeals as if the model is waterproof. Scrubbing with detergent twice does not seem to have worked and I do not know what to do with the minis I have already undercoated. I'll have to drop them in Nitromors and scrub them from scratch. Like I have the time. Aargh. Nice models though. Not sure there are any better dark elves out here. I played a game against a dude who converted a whole dark elf team from GW components and though he was very nice about reminding me who was what and had what skills I couldn't actually tell the difference between any of the positions.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:33 pm
by Stompie
Happened to have Fungus out for rebasing so thought I'd take a pic. Painted him five years ago.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:57 pm
by Stompie
Slowly slowly painting Orc team for next season. If nit ready, will do high elves which I already have painted.