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BB 2003 free mini

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 9:19 am
by Indigo
Well, ignoring the fact it wasn't a mini and was a coin, what do people think of it?

To be honest I was disappointed, expecting something similar to the Res Gutter Runner. Having thought about it, I think the best idea would be to produce a Blood Bowl coin EVERY year, with the date on, AND produce a limited edition mini. I'm planning on having my coin framed and made into some kind of "players medal" type thing. If they produce a medal for every player every year, which can't be too expensive looking at the amont of metal in it, people can collect them.

Anyway, vote and see what others think.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 10:12 am
by Mestari
Sounds like an excellent idea to me! A coin for participating. Yes. An excellent idea. Naturally a mini wouldn't hurt, either, but if I had to choose between mini and a coin, I'd probably go for the coin.

Do you have a picture of it?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 11:01 am
by Indigo
not yet, I will try and get it on tonight.

It is about the size of a 2p piece, or a 2 euro coin. It is painted in brass/bronze colours and roughly inkwashed with dark brown. The "heads" side reads Blood Bowl 2003, with the 'B' symbol from the blood bowl logo. The flip side is an image of the blood bowl itself, which isn't too bad.

I might be selling mine for auction on ebay soon as I am going to S Africa for holiday and we've been hit with a large bill (about £2k)

Had it been an actual mini, I might not have sold it!! Still, it does have a lot of sentimental value, so I don't know yet!

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 11:19 am
by Mocaiv
I'll take a picture later (if nobody beats me to it). Will have to use super macro mode as it is a bit small.

They did say that Jervis stomped up personally for the coin, so all credit to him for doing something otherwise there would have been nowt.

Not sure if I'll use it anyway as its a bit small...

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 11:38 am
by McDeth
Indigo wrote: I might be selling mine for auction on ebay soon as I am going to S Africa for holiday and we've been hit with a large bill (about £2k)
Wish you all the best, it'll be interesting to see how much somethink i could have knocked up from a piece of metal dug up from the back garden, will sell for on e-bay :wink:

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 12:24 pm
by Spyke
Mestari wrote:Sounds like an excellent idea to me! A coin for participating. Yes. An excellent idea. Naturally a mini wouldn't hurt, either, but if I had to choose between mini and a coin, I'd probably go for the coin.

Do you have a picture of it?
For what it's worth - here you are :o

Image Image

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 1:28 pm
by Indigo
heh I don't think my description was too bad really

see, now if that a hook for some ribbon on we could wear them at future BB tournies!

If Jervis did stump up the cash, I'd like to know what the rest of my cash went on, as although decent, the food wasn't worth THAT much :roll:

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 3:26 pm
by Piepgrass
I would be interested in buying one of those.
Anyone want to depart with it? And for what price?


Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 7:51 pm
by Mestari
Hopefully this becomes a tradition. I'm definitely going to try to collect a necklace of BB-coins in that case :D

Where try = afford.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 7:59 pm
by Grumbledook
To be honest I feel like it was a bit of a slap in the face, its utter cack. I made better castings myself for my gcse art when i was at school.

I heard we were getting a coin but i was expecting a properly minted coin, not some shody thin bit of metal with bad detailing on it with mould line round it. The metal balls we played the last game with are much nicer thing and I am discusted at the fact we didn't get a nice new mini or at least a properly minted coin.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:39 pm
by McDeth
The coin was actually a nice idea, but this one really does seem to have been thrown together at the last minute, something chunky, well made and well inscribed that you could have tossed to start of the game, would have gone down decidedly well, but this "thing"??.

Was this really there intention or did GW forget and cobble something together at the last moment.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 11:01 pm
by Tim
The coin looks a bit like Jervis or Andy did it themselves :wink:
How about this theory for collector's value.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 8:26 am
by traveller
No value now for me... because its no mini :wink: But maybe in a few years you will pay any price to get it .... :smoking:

Anyway... thats no item you will put at a gaming table and everybody will " ahh, ohhhh, whats this ? Never saw this mini..." like the gutter runner.


Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 8:34 am
by Dangerous Dave
Well I think its cr@p!

Having said that I think that the attendees at the first BB were spoilt with the gutter. That sort of set a precedent - managing expectations is all important. Telling everyone they would get a "figure" and then giving them a garage :o token is not managing anything.


Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 9:16 am
by Tim
I've been bitching alot to Che Webster (GW) and Andy Hall (Fanatic) about that coin/figure thing on sunday, however, I think there's one good reason behind it somehow:

If they would sell tickets for 40 pounds and give away a rare mini all the time that goes for 60-100 pounds on EBay, it really could attract some local kids to the tourney that just hang around a weekend to make some money and get 3 free meals. That would make the tickets even more rare for us real Bloodbowl enthusiasts and would spoil the idea of the event as a tournament.

But i see two diffenent ways to counter that:
- give away a PREVIEW mini that comes out to the stores 3-4 months later. No collector will pay tons of money for something they can get for 4-8 Euros later, but for the attendees it would have been a great thing to get someting like "Zara the Slayer" or "Ramtut III" now.
- make a larger number of special minis (500 maybe) and sell them in the store during the Blood Bowl Tournament (one each person, 200 reserved for the registered players). Gives lots of spare minis for Ebay sale, but doesn't take away precious tournament places.