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Swap Troll for Ogre in Orc team

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:23 am
by graeme27uk
If you were to swap the Troll for an Ogre in the Orc team then would that make the team unbalanced?

Re: Swap Troll for Ogre in Orc team

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:47 am
by Digger Goreman
I would think so... the team's already a might too-darned-good with access to the Troll and Goblins.... Even without, you're talking 4 x St4 and 4x Blitzers on a team with mostly AV9....

Bottom line, imho, the Ogre is an upgrade from the Troll and this team does not need any more help...!

Re: Swap Troll for Ogre in Orc team

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:57 am
by Grumbledook
they used to have an ogre or a troll, everyone always just took an ogre, never saw anyone pick a troll

most teams used to have an ogre, dwarfs, flings, gobbos, chaos etc

they all picked the ogre over the other one, so the access to them was basically restricted to human teams

all fling teams had 2 ogres not trees, goblins had 2 ogres no trolls, norse all took ogre instead of mino (though then the snow troll came in to replace them

was a shame chaos didn't have the choice, but chaos pact have remedied that so all is good

also I agree with all of what digger just said

Re: Swap Troll for Ogre in Orc team

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:44 am
by Alamar
I tend to agree with all of the above. Orcs are one of the best [maybe the best] basher in the game. Cheap Blitzers, Fairly cheap ST4 guys, high AV, etc.

Goblins add a very sneaky dimension to Orcs with their stunty antics. Trolls at least have a fairly big set of negative traits so they're not awesome. Ogres are upgrades in every possible way except for Regen over a Troll.

Swapping the Ogre for the Troll IMHO breaks the theme of the Orcs and makes one of the best teams just a little better.

Re: Swap Troll for Ogre in Orc team

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:08 am
by Greyhound
why would you want an ogre for an orc team?
Do you feel it's more appropriate theme-wise or you troll ate too many goblins?

Regeneration on a troll is not THAT good, to be fair either your troll is poorly skilled and you don't mind letting him die (being Orc you should have cash to buy a rookie) or he's a Block/Pro SOB and in which case you'll likely use the Apo to save him. Regeneration is "nice" but you won't downgrade a troll by taking an Ogre, like the above posters mentioned.

I feel like the Troll is the worse Big Guy, although I still take one in my Orc teams to start with... I like him and he looks good.