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Potential new synergy skill for pomb

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:50 pm
by SlannMann
I have a Slann blitzer who at the end of my last season picked up Mighty Blow as I want to make a killer. I am about to start the new season using him, it's the first time building a killer and was curious if Diving Tackle can stack with Mighty Blow and Piling On? I presume not because it plainly and clearly states in the skill description that Piling On may be used as part of a BLOCK or BLITZ action, (same as Mighty Blow and Claw which is why they can all stack together) so I answer my own question there. End of discussion, but humour me! :)

However, the fact is that a block or blitz action is where you declare standing player A does something physical (punch in the face) to standing player B which makes player B fall prone on the floor and thus requires an AV roll against them where you can use pomb.
Diving Tackle is not a block or a blitz, granted but (and unlike a fowl), is also where you declare standing player A does something physical (diving tackles) to standing player B which makes player B fall prone on the floor and thus requires an AV roll against them. Thus player A could technically use Piling On and Mighty Blow as it falls under the same rules/type of physicality (albeit different type of block). You see what I'm saying?

I assume this has never been allowed in the rules as it would be way too powerful (the ability for a player to create -2 to an opposing dodge with the bonus of pomb should they fail!?) but I was just wondering what you guys thought. Thanks for replying to this potentially ridiculous post!

Re: Potential new synergy skill for pomb

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:10 pm
by Darkson
Well, it wouldn't work as you need to be standing to use Piling On and using DT makes you prone. Tackle would be a better fit using your argument.

But no, allowing either to work would be to good

Re: Potential new synergy skill for pomb

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 4:06 pm
by SlannMann
I was visualising it as something like a pro wrestler's spear (Diving Tackle) to take the opponent down while driving your body (and elbow pad spikes, etc) into their torso as you are landing on top of them in order to get a better chance to injure the opponent (Piling On). Or simply a more violent type of tackle.

But yeah, as I also thought, allowing that combo would be too good as you say