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Re: Lizardman Playbook for plasmoids

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:59 pm
by RogueThirteen
MKL wrote:
A fundamental skill in his team is Break Tackle: the 3rd and 5th Saurus usually got it as first skill. He use the BT Sauri, coupled by 1-2 SS Skinks and a (Stand Firm) Kroxigor to stymie any advance. Many times the opponent is tempted to try wrong, fast actions to break the stalemate.
He play an effective “control game” augmented by aggressive stunty ballhawks*.

Agreed, this is key. I would always take Break Tackle as at least the second Saurus level-up a team gets (I think it is more important than more early Block). You need to have some way of having at least one (ideally two) Sauri be mobile early on in a team's career. After that (depending on your league), I'd get a Saurus with Tackle, to deal with receivers and screening blodgers. A lot of times, good receivers are going to have Block and Dodge (and usually before your Saurus even has one skill), so having Block won't help a Saurus knock him down. Having tackle negates the dodge, though, and gives each die you throw a 33% chance of knocking down.

Here's how I'm roughly planning to level my team for their 15-Game League (against mostly bashy opponents):

1st Saurus to Level: Block --> then Stand Firm, Guard, or Break Tackle (or Kick if a Skink hasn't gotten it)
2nd Saurus to Level: Break Tackle --> then Block or Tackle
3rd Saurus to Level: Block --> same as #1
4th Saurus to Level: Tackle --> then Block
5th Saurus to Level: Block --> same as #1
6th Saurus to Level: Break Tackle --> then Block or Tackle

Honestly, I don't realistically expect to get more than 2 Skills on any of the Sauri (I expect maybe half with two skills, half with one skill after 15 games). Given the slow leveling, I also don't expect to take any Stat Increases (except Strength) or Doubles. Since Sauri level so slowly, I don't think it's a good idea to give all of them Block before taking other skills. You need some Break Tackle and Tackle on the team early, well before the Sauri start hitting 16spp. Also, I don't see time for skills like Frenzy or Mighty Blow, and even though they help generate SPP faster, I really don't think it will pay off in a reasonably long league (10-20 games). In an open online league, then maybe skills like Mighty Blow and Frenzy can be seen as more important than Guard, Break Tackle, Tackle, Stand Firm, etc.

Re: Lizardman Playbook for plasmoids

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:09 pm
by Smeborg
I agree with RogueThirteen - Break Tackle needs to be given a higher priority than 3rd and 5th Saurus.

Re: Lizardman Playbook for plasmoids

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:46 pm
by rvlvr
This has nothing to do with the tactics in the playbook, but does anyone know how to get the setups to show on a Mac without MS Office? It seems OpenOffice does not like the .docx format that much...

Re: Lizardman Playbook for plasmoids

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:38 pm
by nick_nameless
rvlvr wrote:This has nothing to do with the tactics in the playbook, but does anyone know how to get the setups to show on a Mac without MS Office? It seems OpenOffice does not like the .docx format that much...
I have not tried to open this document with it, but I know the latest version/patch of Neooffice opens .docx without a problem

Re: Lizardman Playbook for plasmoids

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:55 pm
by Oxynot
rvlvr wrote:This has nothing to do with the tactics in the playbook, but does anyone know how to get the setups to show on a Mac without MS Office? It seems OpenOffice does not like the .docx format that much...
This is not a solution per se, but the pdf playbook on plasmoid's site have the same pictures (I assume, as I can't get the docx to work either).

Re: Lizardman Playbook for plasmoids

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:51 pm
by RogueThirteen
Thinking about this a little more over the past few days and trying to systematize some of the various perspectives, I think playing Lizardmen breaks down to the following two mentalities:

(1) The Lizards are a Bashy Grind Team. This philosophy tends to emphasize full on cages and views the Sauri as the real stars of the team. Emphasis is given to creating opportunities and taking risks to score with Sauri, as their leveling is what will make or break the team's success. Skinks are often fired after their second level-up if they don't get a stat increase or doubles. Skinks will still often have to score most of the touchdowns, but they will do so slowly and will maximize the amount of blocks the Sauri get to throw. Sauri will focus on skills that help them make lots of blocks and maximize SPP (Block, Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Guard).

(2) The Lizards are a Quick Agile Team. This philosophy emphasizes fast, slippery running plays that take full advantage of the skinks' mobility, and views them as the stunty heart of the team. Sauri are seen as secondary support roles, and are essentially linemen (albeit it really good, STR4 linemen!). This build scores quickly and often, and the skinks acquire an array of offensive and defensive skills. The Sauri level very slowly, with the goal being to get each of them one level-up and develop them for particular support roles (Block, Break Tackle, Tackle, Guard, Kick), allowing the positions of their mostly unskilled but STR4 wall to still slow down advances. The highly developed nature of the skinks allow thems to pick-up slack on the defense, most notably being able to increasingly threatn the ball and create opportunities to steal the ball from the defense and make quickly recovered TDs.

Obviously, in reality the Lizards fall somewhere between this dichotomy, and their flexibility to move closer to one end of the spectrum depending on their opponent is what makes them a really fun, dynamic, and balanced team. Successful coaches will have to master balancing their team's skinks and sauri and making use of the team's overall versatility. While in-game flexibility is nice, developing a Lizard team will require picking one of these two overall philosophies and acquiring skills and SPP accordingly. I suspect the Lizards become less flexible on this spectrum at higher TVs, as the team has been steered more towards one pole.

Personally, my own take on the Lizards that I've been presenting is much closer to (2), and I think this is an interesting alternative to the typical view and playbook view. I still don't see how Lizards are supposed to play the standard bashy 2-1 grind against experienced coaches of even all STR3 teams (eg Human), given that only half a Lizard roster can afford to really commit to the blocking game while the other half is exceptionally vulnerable and needs to be protected. And against other high-level bash teams, you've got to play (2). Lizards just can't keep up with the 'assist race' against most other teams as easily as the skinks can score quick easy running plays.

I'm really curious to hear other coaches' opinions and perspectives on this thought.

Re: Lizardman Playbook for plasmoids

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:10 pm
by rvlvr
Oxynot wrote:This is not a solution per se, but the pdf playbook on plasmoid's site have the same pictures (I assume, as I can't get the docx to work either).
Thanks, man! Will get it from there.

Re: Lizardman Playbook for plasmoids

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:29 am
A Saurus with Break Tackle and Jugs would be good. Next skill would be Frenzy, I think. But I'd never give Jugs to a Saurus without BT. It's only good on a blitz, after all.

Re: Lizardman Playbook for plasmoids

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:04 pm
by garion
Okay well I haven’t checked this thread since the playbook was finished and posted on Plasmoids web site. So here are the answers to the two main points raised here -

1, Someone said that lizards should not try for the 2-1 grind against all opponents and should ramp up the score, especially against bashy races etc....

My answer to this is generally no you shouldn't you should try and win every game of Bloodbowl 2-1 2-0 or 1-0 no matter what the race and in that order. Obviously there are occasions when you can score more, and as said in the playbook you need to make these judgement calls your self as to when the opportunity arises. A playbook cannot possibly go into every possible scenario and this is just a guide to get the most out of your team. Even when I play with Skaven or Wood elves I try and always win 2-1, 2-0 or 1-0 albeit by very different means.
One of the main reasons not to ramp up the score is –
You should always kick first for the reasons explained in the playbook, if you get the ball and score early to try and ramp up the score then that means you are kicking again. Kicking is one of Lizardmen’s biggest weaknesses, and if you play against a knowledgeable opponent they will foul one of your Saurii every chance one becomes isolated which means one should get fouled every time you kick and when fouled properly the foul should be almost a certainty to break the armour. If you lose a few Saurii then you can find your self in a lot of trouble because you can no longer protect the ball carrier. So when you get the ball, keep a hold of it stall and score in the last turn that way you will not be kicking again until the last turn of the game if all goes to plan and your opponent will not foul you then so your Saurii should be safe.
Another point made by someone is you should especially ramp up the score against bashier races so you don’t get sucked into a bash war. Again I would have to say a big no to this. Against the bashier races again you really do not want to give your opponent 3 free blocks and a blitz on kick off because this can destroy your team and you should not be allowing them this many blocks a turn on you at any point in the game. This is especially true against teams with Claw, you have a far better chance of survival in the middle of the field than potentially letting a claw heavy team get 3 free blocks +blitz on your most important players.
The reason the person felt you should ramp up the score is because they felt Saurus cannot compete in terms of strength with Chaos, Khermi, Ogres etc... again this is wrong they can they just don’t operate in the same way, you are not blocking to hurt the opponent you are blocking to free up as many of your players as you can each turn to minimize the risk of your Saurii being hurt so they can protect the skinks.
2, Someone said I have under valued Break Tackle.
This is an interesting point and it is something I used to believe strongly in when I first started using them. Later on after hundreds of games - I found that they do not need it at all really (although one or two players with it obviously helps). I can see why initially it is an obvious choice for them because they appear so easy to tie up, while this is true in a way this all comes down to positioning. As you grow as a Lizardmen coach you learn how well they can support each other and how they can always free up space so that one or more Saurii can move freely if need be. This is very hard to show in diagrams and I showed you with zonal defending the basic principal behind it but how to keep your Saurii free is something that comes with practice and learning how to manoeuvre your opponents with your blocks, this is something I recommend you practice a lot and think two turns ahead with lizards all the time to maximise your potential for freeing up your players.
Below I have attached a team roster at the end of a season that I recently ran. As you can see there is only 1 player with break tackle and they was mainly there just to stop my Frenzy Saurus getting surfed. As you can see I was quite lucky with my Skinks so I didn’t need a Saurus ball carrier. But the wall of guard and Mighty blow made it very easy to break my opponent’s team down and limit them to very few blocks each turn which meant that I could very easily free my Saurus up with out having to rely on break tackle which although sometimes useful is not as useful as you would initially think and a dodge roll is something i don’t like to rely on because you only get 2 dice to roll a 2+ on with a re-roll with block dice you give 4 dice with a re-roll to roll a 2+ on, so it is a lot safer. If you have got the chance try and run a team without any break tackle for a season or two in your local league and I guarentee it will make you 10 times the lizard player you were :)

Saurus - Block, Mighty Blow, Guard
Saurus - Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle
Saurus - Frenzy, Block, Break Tackle
Saurus - Block
Saurus - Block, Mighty Blow, Guard
Saurus - Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Stand Firm
Skink - Dodge, Stunty
Kroxigor - Loner, Bone-head, Mighty Blow, Prehensile Tail, Thick Skull, Guard, Stand Firm
Skink - Dodge, Stunty, +AG, Wrestle
Skink - Dodge, Stunty, +ST, Block, +ST, Side Step
Skink - Dodge, Stunty
Skink - Dodge, Stunty, Diving Tackle, +MA
Skink - Dodge, Stunty, Side Step
Skink - Dodge, Stunty, Side Step, +AG, Diving Tackle

any more questions let me know.

Re: Lizardman Playbook for plasmoids

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:17 pm
by nick_nameless
garion wrote:any more questions let me know.'s the work coming on the claw discussion? :)

Re: Lizardman Playbook for plasmoids

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:30 pm
by garion
@ RogueThirteen - I agree with most of your points posted above and these are covered in the playbook, your post at the top of this pages shows a more flexible roster because you said you are playing in a bash heavy league. The playbook does say a few times that you will need to tailor your saurii to its environemnt and if playing in a bash heavy league then the skills you show will be of more use than ones you would select in a high agility league.

The second post of yours covers two ways of playing with lizardmen both are covered in the playbook although as you say there is extra focus on the more bashy approach because I had to write the playbook as if people are playing in a league against a very diverse set of opponents.

The one point I have to disagree on is the one you make about not being able to compete on a bashing front, some of this is covered in my post above but anyway you have 7 players with St4 or above, with skinks assisting this makes you able to compete against any race on a bash front no mater how much guard they have it is all about positioning with Lizardmen and the better you become at freeing you players up the more often your opponent will try and man mark you giving you more blocks against them each turn than they will get against you. The dichotomy as you say is exactly what the playbook is all about hence the title and introduction saying so, it is about using the polar opposites to balance your team and as such making your team very very difficult to break down.

Also as said above just because i always try and win 2-1 does not mean that it is done by a grind, I always try and force my opponent to score early no matter which race I play with so i can score again in their turn and then in my half and if it so happens they make a mistake and their ball carrier becomes exposed or the ball is free then I will pounce stall till the end of the half and go for a 2-0 win, I never go for more because of the reasons given above and in the playbook and this is true of almost every race I play with even skaven and wood elves unless although there is a lot more scope for getting more with them but this is generally only a result of my opponent making mistakes and leaving them selves open which a good coach will never ever do.

Re: Lizardman Playbook for plasmoids

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:34 pm
by garion
nick_nameless wrote:
garion wrote:any more questions let me know.'s the work coming on the claw discussion? :)
I wrote about two pages on it but I felt the playbook had just became far too big and people wouldn't read it as a result so didnt include it. instead I cleared up some of the points I made about claw opponents througout the playbook and added a little bit more in places.

A supplement may become available in the future a 5 page playbook add on for lizards and how to deal with claw heavy teams in the future but this is not likely to come out for a long time because I have stupid amounts on at work at the moment, and I am also just starting a Skaven Playbook which should be out in a month or so, but I do understand the need for one because it can be a very difficult game to play for lizards more so than most races.

Re: Lizardman Playbook

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:19 pm
by Gremdel
Imagine this in the voice of a poorly acted infomercial:

"My Lizardman team was 0-1-1. Then I read the Lizardman Playbook and I won a game 4-0 against Zons with two Saurus touchdowns! Thanks garion!"

Seriously though, the Amazon coach made some pretty bad mistakes, but the playbook gave me some good ideas. First, on defense I set up "Strong side" against the Zons and kicked short (5 spaces from the corner). This is not something I would have done normally. The kicks went really well and I managed to knock the ball loose and score three defensive touchdowns. Second, up 3-0 (with one touchback Saurus TD) with two rerolls and two turns left, I tried the hand off to a Saurus and it worked! Again, something I probably wouldn't have thought to try.

Re: Lizardman Playbook

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:53 pm
by garion
Cool, glad it helped. You can now score the playbook out of 5 as well by sending plasmoid a score and the scores will appear on his site next to the playbooks so people know which ones to trust. :D

Re: Lizardman Playbook

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:28 pm
by plasmoid
Take 3 Fend.
AG1 players enjoy fend :D