How do you pick your MVP ?

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How does your league select the MVP ?

as in the CRP - random, each player can be MVP (MVP points on journeymen and star players are lost)
optional league rules 1 - coach decides which player will be MVP
optional league rules 2 - random, all but dead players can be MVP
other, please detail
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How do you pick your MVP ?

Post by Hegel »

How do you pick your MVP ? And why did your league decide to do it that way ? We are currently planning to start a new league but are undecided about the MVP award.

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Re: How do you pick your MVP ?

Post by dines »

Optional 2, decided to kinda go with the random, but removing the chance for dead players to get it. It's a small something to look forward to in a crappy game without TDs and cas, so it would be really tough also to miss the MVP due to a dead player. On the other hand, it might be a too big bonus on certain teams to pick your own MVP target.

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Re: How do you pick your MVP ?

Post by howlinggriffon »

Option 1 - in fact, I bought a stack of D12's and D16's for my league to make it really easy to work out MVP. Puggy won MVP three times for me last season - hogging all the glory as usual...

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Re: How do you pick your MVP ?

Post by Darkson »

#1 - if you take Stars, mercs and journeymen the occansional lost MVP is the price you pay.

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Re: How do you pick your MVP ?

Post by Glowworm »

Voted "Other"

in the Cakebowl (Swindon) league we select 6 players from our own team and the opponent rolls a D6 for the MVP. Yes it does mean that positionals get to thier first skill quicker, however more often than not a Lineman will be thrown into the mix especially if he/she has managed a Cas or interception.

This is the 2nd or maybe 3rd season we've allocated MVP's this way .

The league has been won by 3 different coaches (Glowworm/Sanns0638/Spiky) using 3 different races so far (Undead /Nurgle/Necro), its not a massive league, 6-8 players on average a season so its not exactly a reliable stat but it doesnt seem to be to unbalanced, altho Bash teams seem to do better, in saying that this is the first season where i think we have more AG teams (Elves/H Elves/D Elves/ Skaven and 'Zons) than bash.

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Re: How do you pick your MVP ?

Post by Smeborg »

We are running 2 leagues currently:

- A "semi-scheduled" league which is expected to be relatively short (in number of games). For this we use chosen MVP.

- A "perpetual" league which is expected to be longer. For this we use random MVP (if player is dead, re-roll).

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Re: How do you pick your MVP ?

Post by Genghis »


Random selection from players that actually took the field for at least one drive. Journeymen and dead players are eligible, but mercenaries are not. Stars cannot win the MVP, since Stars aren't allowed in our league matches to begin with.

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Re: How do you pick your MVP ?

Post by neverworking »

#1. Some teams in particular will become out of balance or over skilled quickly if you allow much control to the mvp. While some teams want all of their players to advance in lock step, others just want a few key players to hit level after level. If you tinker with it much, there will be additional impact in power balance down the line.

I think a big reason people want to tweak the system is the award is called most valuable player, when clearly it has nothing to do with value; the game mechanic has to do with balance. I think it would be a lot easier for people to accept the system in the rules if it had been called most improved player, since that is far more in line with the result. A player can learn a lot by screwing up, or even watching from the sidelines, but he's not too likely to be overly valuable that way. :D

If you are going to exclude some players from being eligible for the award, I would definitely not exclude the possibility a journeyman can win the award. Some coaches like to accept journeymen rather than shell out their own cash for a player they could otherwise afford (a reasonable strategic approach in many situations). They should at least take on some risk of loss for doing this.

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Re: How do you pick your MVP ?

Post by Big A »


Random MVP - Stars and dead players can't get the MVP but mercenaries and journeymen can.

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Re: How do you pick your MVP ?

Post by Hegel »

Thanks a lot for all your comments ! After a lot of discussion we will go with option 3 (optional league rule 2), random MVP except dead and induced players. Journeymen are eligible. Our league will be pretty short, it is the first test in our community and will only be about 15 matches for each coach, so massively overpowered players will not be the case, but that´s important to keep in mind. We are all Warhammer Fantasy players (active and retired) and we are kind of used to imba stuff. As far as I read on the web BB is one of the most balanced GW systems, and we don´t want to spoil that.

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Re: How do you pick your MVP ?

Post by RogueThirteen »

One note about allowing a coach to pick the MVP:
It can really skew development for some teams (namely those that have lot of mediocre or low agility players who can't score TDs or throw CMPs). Tomb Guardians, Black Orcs, Ogres, Big Guys, Centaurs, Chaos Dwarf Blocker, etc. all get a HUGE boost if they can be channeled auto-MVPs once they get that first CAS. For elves and AG3/4 teams, it's typically easy enough to score with someone you'd like to level, and this is one of the perks of playing a team like elves: your TV will skyrocket quickly because you can level so egalitarian-ly.

A note about allowing coaches to nominate a few choices (say three) and then opponent picks [one of our local leagues tried this out]:
Lessens the skewing of above, but puts a weird burden on coaches. What metric should you use in making your choice? Are you a jerk if you don't pick their Saurus who is 5 away from a level? Or are you being too nice if you do? Tough, awkward situation I'd prefer to not be in as a coach.

Just pass the D16, I say! Removing dead players seems to be a good house rule. No need to kick a coach who is already down! [Though Stars, Mercs, and JM can steal MVP - risk of taking them].

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Re: How do you pick your MVP ?

Post by gollumullog »

Other: Random, but no MVP for dead, Star Players or, Merc. Journeymen are possible though.

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Re: How do you pick your MVP ?

Post by Smurf »


Any player out performing their role gets a nomination.
Catchers with 3+ TDs
Blitzers with 3+ Cas
Funny things like cheeky plays or throwers having hissy fits (did not get the ball and stayed at the back of the pitch doing nothing).
Line saving the day,

Put up the nominees and the opponent chooses the best.

During a snot match I was awarding nominations to any orc who could not break snot armour... one got 2 marks so he got the MVP.

Just try and make it fun. Some coaches have tried to not nominate good players but Comissioner did argue that it was not in the spirit of the game.

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Re: How do you pick your MVP ?

Post by swilhelm73 »

This came up after a game I played today. We both had well developed teams with rookies - Necro FG/Norse WW that can't easily get skills.

It is actually pretty darn frustrating that you generally need luck with the MVP rolls, or cleaning the table with your opponent, to actually get these players skills.

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Re: How do you pick your MVP ?

Post by Rewslaun »

We roll the D16 and if we don't like the roll we have the option to reroll it once and accept whatever the second roll is. So if you didn't play with a star player/merc/journeyman and no one died then you might reroll it to put the mvp on someone else. Most of the time we just stick with the first roll.

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