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What teams should take star players?

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:14 pm
by birdbath
Hi, we are starting a league in a few weeks with 8 people in it and I love the idea of star players.

I want to buy a team which I can use all the time with star players and I know this means keeping my TV low enough to afford them.

I know halflings can work well with 2 stars and goblins but do any other teams benefit from them quite as much as those 2?

I was thinking of a skink team with krox and 2 stars but not sure.

Anyone else know any cool combinations with star players?


Re: What teams should take star players?

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:38 pm
by spubbbba
If you want to be competitive :puke: then both Dwarfs and Undead are good at low TV and have cheap, decent stars you can take.

In fact you could try to make Dwarfs less dull by making them a Warhammers themed team. Have the deathroller as part of the team and hire barak, flint and boomer as often as you can buying bribes with any spare inducement money.

Re: What teams should take star players?

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:54 pm
by mattgslater
* Bombardiers are good fun. Boomer is better than Bomber. But both are fun/funny.
* Deeproot ROXX!
* Fezglitch is a total game-changer for just 100k, but not always for the better.
* Sinnedbad (undeady-types) is a pretty good player. I'd put Zzharg on that level too. Barik is better than a Babe on a Dwarf team, where Babes are 56% weaker than normal.
* Underworld get great mileage from Glart and Skitter. Especially Skitter: trade a Goblin for a Gutter Runner. True Skaven don't get the same value from Skitter, but Glart is still pretty good.
* All elf types like Eldril. Moranion is situationally pretty good, especially if you need the Tackle. Dolfar is good for rookies, but as your team develops he loses his coolness.
* Slibli, Setekh, and Mighty Zug are all hardcore badass and stuff, but not so good you'd game around getting them. Moranion is in this realm if you squint. Ditto Ripper on an Orc team. Varag is okay too, but Ripper is better.
* Amazons like Roxana, but like Slibli and Zug it's not worth it to go out of your way to get her. But if you got 400k, Roxana plus Wizard is a game-breaking combo on a team that can load up on Blodge and POMB.
* At low TV, Griff is quite excellent. At medium-vs-high TV, not so much.
* Zara is good against Khemri and Vampires.

Re: What teams should take star players?

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:59 pm
by Chris
I refer to zara as the ghoul slayer - truly her favourite target.

Re: What teams should take star players?

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:07 pm
by Aliboon
Edril is the best value star player, but is fragile and can get taken out the game easily so needs protecting.

Zzharg is also good value, but is a SW, so to get your gold's worth you want him on a long grinding drive. I like Bertha, although she still is still a bonehead, which counts against her a fair bit.

The Count is cool, but not as awsome as he used to be (ST5 Blodge anyone!?).

The saws can be great, taking out several times their worth, or rubbish, kickbacking first turn and BHing themselves. Their fear factor is often disproportionate to the amount of damage they actually cause so they have a large target on their heads, which does draw attention away from your players, but with a -3 to their AV when knocked over and a general lack of protection (Nobbla's blodge, Flint's block and Max's ST4 aside) they are easy to remove from the game. They are much better against low AV teams obviously.

Wilhelm is good, although he doesn't have block, he is ST4 and has wrestle so his frenzy isn't a liability.

Puggy is great too, but being stunty and low AV often doesn't last the game.

Re: What teams should take star players?

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:00 pm
by Aliboon
So if you want a competative team with a "standing" star player or two, I reckon either of the dwarf teams would be good, or Norse.

CDs - 6 blockers, 420k
5 Hobbos 200k
2 rerolls 140k
Total 740k

Which gives you 260k to spend on Zzharg/a bull/another reroll/an APO etc as you see fit.

Dwarves- 9 blockers 630k
2 runners 160k
2 rerolls 100k
Total 890k

You can then get Barik or Boomer 1st game and then hope to be 120k below other teams so you can get both.

Norse - 11 linemen 550k
2 rerolls 120k
Total 670k

330k to spend on Wilhelm and Boomer. You could also upgrade a lino to a thrower to make him a leader caddy.

Re: What teams should take star players?

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:06 pm
by babass
The halflings have to take star players.
Puggy, deeproot, etc. There are all good for them.

Re: What teams should take star players?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:14 am
by innerdemon
Ramtut is great when I play Khemri.