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Re: Best Team Races For A Noob

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 3:17 pm
by Shushnik
adhansa wrote:I wouldn't recommend WE and skaven. There is a substansial risk that they end up i a negative player death/SI/journeyman spiral that takes a boringly lot of time to get out off. Not so fun for a newbie.
Neither Humans, they seem like a jackoffalltrades-rteam but really they are a bland team that isn't even any special to begin with. Wouldn't use them with newbees for anything else than demonstration purpuses.
I would rather see Norse and Necro take their place. Norse is newbee friendly since general Block allows for alot off 1d-blocks, that newbees often end up doing and allow for start with a big bench if you start with a team that is effective rather than maximising potionals from the start. Necro has a diversified team with a great meatwall. The only player that could be considered complicated is the werewolf but he is so great that i don't see newbees being able to use him to a good enough degree.

The other 5 choices are solid to me.
I wouldn't say that the spiral is fun or encouraging, but you need to guide them into the headspace where replacing non-positional roster spots with lino purchases rather than fielding a constant stream of journeymen is a huge mistake. We know they will lose linos, and they shouldn't buy more before setting up their rerolls/positionals. So make sure they know that and the depression of the spiral is probably averted.

Re: Best Team Races For A Noob

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 5:31 pm
by Regash
I somehow miss one thing in this discussion...

All you people are trying to sort the different teams into categories.
All things you say are from the viewpoint of a "pro", playing BB for quite a while now.

But for a newcomer, a noob, someone who barely knows how to play, there is only one important thing to make him stick to our beloved game:


Rather than discussing which team has which benefits, you should think about what makes this game fun.
For some it will be winning. For others it will be dishing out injuries like if they were for free. For some it even might be the strategy.

So I'd say, the best team for a noob varies with the noob.
More important is which team his rather experienced opponent should play!
Having your butt kicked by some fragile elves who still make touchdowns even half of their team is injured will not be fun to any noob, I guess.

So choose a team you're not to familiar with and do not play to your full strength.
It's not about winning a tournament, it's about winning a new players interest in the game!

Just my couple of cents for that topic...

Re: Best Team Races For A Noob

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 6:46 pm
by Digger Goreman
For me, noobs need teams that are very forgiving and/or can run on automatic …. Humans, because of the many personal rerolls .... Play against them with teams that are different and weaker so they have more fun AND see other mechanics ….. Underworld, gobbos, half-wits, Khemri sans guardians …. Graduate them to Orcs for durability …. Upgrade yourself to Vampires to give another look…. After awhile, take off the gloves ….

Re: Best Team Races For A Noob

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:48 am
by babass
dode74 wrote:Best to do what with?
For learning, I'd say Orcs or Humans.

For learning the game, when playing his first league with more or less experimented coachs, i would say Undead.
clear positionals with dedicated skills (block, dodge, MB, ..) with clear assigments (linemen to mark or foul, runner to carry the ball, blitzer for the blitz, and 2 blockers)
and very competitve roster (more than orcs...)

Re: Best Team Races For A Noob

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:22 pm
by PercyTheTroll
How about High Elves as a starter elf team? They've got mostly Av 8 so they're a bit more durable than Woodies or Pros and don't have the complicated positionals of Dark Elves.

Re: Best Team Races For A Noob

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:30 pm
by mattgslater
High Elves "look" like they want to throw the ball, is the only problem: they have the best passing Thrower in the game, and excellent players called "Catchers": this might give a noob the wrong idea, but maybe not if he has good coaching. They're not a bad squad to start with, distinctly better than some of the other squads in their category. I don't mind moving them up ahead of Pro Elves, I think it was a mistake to put them below PE, but I'm also gonna split the "some skill required" category into two, because some of the teams at the bottom of that grouping (ahem, Nurgle) are distinctly harder to play at low TV. Also moving Necro up a tad, at the expense of Chaos and Pro Elves. The latter move I'm not sure about. Necro are a team really driven by their positioning more than most.

Re: Best Team Races For A Noob

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 12:25 pm
by PercyTheTroll
I always fear for new players with Undead and Necro that the teams are so vulnerable to getting split up with the fast players separated from the slow ones. A good coach (hell, probably even an OK one) will be aware of this but a newbie will find it tricky.

Re: Best Team Races For A Noob

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 11:07 pm
by mattgslater
I've noticed a dearth of either love or hate for Amazons on this list. What do y'all think? Do you agree that they're one of the better squads for newbies?

Re: Best Team Races For A Noob

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 12:21 am
by fidius
The best team for a noob is the team he has painted awesome figs for.
If the noob needs a good chance of winning in order to keep playing, then Orcs/Wood/Undead. Humans are terrible for this noob because of their lack of ST.
If the noob gets bored easily then talk them out of Zons!

But really none of this matters too much. In my experience the biggest factor that drives noobs away from the game is expert coaches dominating the game and removing all hope for a win (and/or future wins). Killer builds, pitch-clearing attempts, relentless aggression, guard-locks, frenzy-traps, surfing. In other words sportsmanship.

Re: Best Team Races For A Noob

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 4:14 am
by frogboy

Re: Best Team Races For A Noob

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:28 am
by spubbbba
mattgslater wrote:I've noticed a dearth of either love or hate for Amazons on this list. What do y'all think? Do you agree that they're one of the better squads for newbies?
Again it depends on the type of league they are joining.

If the other coaches are all experienced and it is an established league then I'd be wary of amazons as they are still AV7 and can lose a lot of players during the game and permanently.

The same is true for skaven and wood elves, if newbies make bad choices then they can easily have their entire team take a smashing every turn. Games where they just have a handful of players on the pitch or lying prone end up pretty dull. Then if it is a proper league with injuries carrying over this can spiral out of control after a bad game or 2.

I'd agree with others that both orcs and undead are good choices. Their starting players are all decent and can take hits with high AV and/or regen. They have a reasonably simple strategy as well, hit stuff and cage forward. But they do still have the ability to pull off a passing play in emergencies. Goblins can be added to Orcs for TTM and both teams have access to secret weapons for fun too.

I'd recommend humans for newbies who want to improve quickly and to test out which playstyle best works for them as they are one of the most versatile teams. High elves are good for those who want a bit of flair but can still retain mostly AV8 and a little bit of hitting power. Dark elves are good choice too if they go easy on the AV7 players.

Re: Best Team Races For A Noob

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:26 pm
by SunDevil
I just got a local Magic player at my shop to join our BB league. He's a smart guy and experienced gamer so we playtested some teams to get his grasp of the basic rules down. When it came time to pick a team, he chose Goblins. Because they were the most fun for him.

Yes, he is losing games. But having a great time and has already signed up for next season.

So yes, I agree with the above poster who said it is best to match a team to the new player.

Re: Best Team Races For A Noob

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 2:10 pm
by Bakunin
Skaven. If your noob likes to win