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Khorne, 1.1 + 10 normal skill 1 stack

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 2:19 pm
by Omalley69
Hoi m8s

I was looking for input for an upcomming turnament (and in general) for Khorne.
I have no experience with khorne what so ever...

just received the Greebo team, and as all men, i must hype to the khorneBowl! :pissed:
(im sure Bakunin is first to cry about the roster and lack of lore, but lets focus on the topic :lol: )

The comming turnament is 1.1tv plus 10 normal skills for khorne with 1 stack (meaning 1 guy can have 2 normal skills)

My thoughts; Khorn lacks some beef (why dosnt heralds have regen and s4 :cry: ) and lacks a lot of the basic skills like sure hands, dodge and mostly block n guard:

2 rerolls + leader

Thirster MB (has jugger already, so i assume he is fine)
Letter dodge surehands (stack)
Letter dodge
Letter Guard
Letter Block
Herald Guard
Khultist Leader
Khultist Block
Khultist Block

1090, 12 guys, no apoth, 10k in the bank

Im a bit worried about the letters with av 7 regen but no apoth and them being the ball handlers