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1.1 mil Ogres

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 3:54 pm
by Zoglug
Afternoon all,

After the fun of the Waterbowl, I am off to Wibble Bowl next month. For my sins and thanks to twitter, I will be taking Ogres :o and I am trying to work out what roster to take.

I am thinking of 6 ogres (1 punter) 9 snots and 1 rr. From those that have taken ogres, would you rather take 5 or 6 of those? (i am under no illusions which ever roster I take I will be heading for 3 losses :lol: )

In terms of skills, I get 4 normal skills, and 2 double skills and was thinking

Block, Leader
2 x Break Tackle, 2 x Guard.

is there anything you would consider taking or anything I am missing?


Re: 1.1 mil Ogres

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 4:35 pm
by Barney the Lurker
Have you seen the new Spike for Ogres? You can only have 5 normal Ogres - the 6th must be a Runt Punter, which is 10k extra so still fits. He also can take Leader as a normal. Id be tempted to take Sure Hands as a double instead and drop a guard.

Overall I prefer to stick to 5 ogres, but others have had success with all 6.

Think I'd go, 5 Ogres (inc Punter), 10 snots, Apo, 2RR. Skills Block, SH, Leader, Guard, BT, then prob sure feet on a snot

Re: 1.1 mil Ogres

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:30 am
by Saebelsultan
I'd go 4 Ogres, 1 Punter, 9 Snots, 3 RRs.

2 x Block
1 x Juggernaut (as a Blitzer)
3 x Break Tackle

You need RRs with Ogres! You can reroll Bonehead in crucial moments, since they are no loners. Give two Block for the max in hitting power and one juggernaut as a poor mans block when blitzing. After that, you want your ogres mobile, therfore the break tackle. I never liked carrying the ball with an ogre much and used my snotlings for that. Just put loads of snotlings around the ball carrier and the ogres around that and punch your way through.
Remember to also fouls lots and use your snotlings as missiles (but always count the sqaures! throw at least 4 squares away, or your snotling will land on the head of the thrwoing ogre (I've had that happen to me before and Nuffle loves these twists)).

Re: 1.1 mil Ogres

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 1:18 pm
by DeathJester
Due to the cost you obviously wont have money to spend on a Star Player so my personal opinion would be 4 Ogres 1 Punter, Gnoblars and as many RR with the remaining cash.

Skills wise:
Leader on the punter and maybe another i.e Block if you can stack
Brawler on the Ogres
Guard is always useful but with your high ST possibly not that important.

something annoying on a Gnoblar