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Kick Placement for Dark Elf Team vs other fast teams

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 9:10 am
by Wynters_Dad
What is a good kick placement for a dark elf team vs another elf team (and skaven)?

If it is kicked deep against a. Slow team
It gives you time. But the quicker elves will just grab it quickly

If I try to get it closer to the line it’s less turns for them to get towards the end zone

I have a lineman with kick that could help get closer to where I need it.

Re: Kick Placement for Dark Elf Team vs other fast teams

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 12:30 pm
by lunchmoney
A deep kick might split up the defence a little and allow you a turn or two to control the middle of the pitch.

Re: Kick Placement for Dark Elf Team vs other fast teams

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 9:09 pm
by El_Jairo
Against a faster team in the hand of a good coach, you want to kick it shallow.

Of course, if you don't have kick on the team, there is no point in placing the ball any other place than the sweet spot.

Why? You don't want to make it easy for the opponent to play the withdrawn offense on you. This means that they pull back to avoid getting hit or being pinned in. Once you have come close enough to their sideline they will punch a hole through your line and 'reverse the field' on you. So now they can utilize all the space behind your team to run into.

Of course Dark Elves aren't too slow themselves so they will less be subject to it. Yet you must make sure that you can pressure the ball as quick as possible, that's why you want to kick it short. This means that they have to secure the ball before rolling any dice or face the consequences.

If some of the opponent players are standing near the LoS you can try to pin them in, in order to remove them from the field. I wouldn't mind my opponent to score fast, as it gives plenty of time to score back. The main goal is to restrict their movement options while pinning down players to get them removed.

That's my two cents.

Re: Kick Placement for Dark Elf Team vs other fast teams

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 5:26 pm
by Wyzard
If I have Kick then I will generally kick deep to one side to start a game or half. There are always situational exceptions so once you see the offensive setup there might be a chance for a shallow kick that lets you put pressure on the ball.

The plan (hope?) with a deep kick is that the other coach will drop a couple of players back to protect the ball in case early bad things happen with their dice. This should mean a slight player advantage for a turn or two so I can get in a couple more hits, position my defense as I want or punch a hole that can be used.