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Graphic problem 1

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 5:23 pm
by MickeX
OK, I've tried putting together a simple graphic problem to start a discussion. We'll have to sort out how to construct good problems as we go along, son don't be too harsh if you find this one too easy, too messy, too hypotethical or whatever. But please leave your comments on what kind of problems you'd like to see.


It's Red Teams 8th turn in the second half, then Blue team takes their last turn. All players are unskilled linemen, except Blue 5 (B5) who has Sprint. No other players are on the pitch. Both teams have a RR left.

How should Red Team go about to save the day?


Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 7:18 pm
by wesleytj
unskilled HUMAN linemen? would make a big difference :)

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 8:08 pm
by Grumbledook
I would prolly try a 2d block with 3 on 2, but i did from there would hinge on getting him down.

Then maybe a 1d block with 4 on 3 and then i would prolly go to blitz the ball carrier, either with a 1 dice block with 2, or maybe trying to get a 2 dice with 1 dodging out and doing 2 gfi.

As i said depends how things pan out as you do them and when the reroll is used to exactly what i would do.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 8:10 pm
by Hox-ii
I think this sort of discussion is good for rookie coaches to look at to learn how others work their way through how to go about their turn. However, there are two big issues with this. One, no matter what my plan is that I describe here, in real life, it will almost certainly go wrong and will have to change in one way or another.

Two, there are many different ways of going about this type of situation, depending on how risky a coach you are. For example, I know exactly what a conservative coach in my league would do in this situation; he'd throw the red-3 block on blue-2, no follow-up on a knockdown, blitz with Red-2 into Blue-1, continue to move him to G-9 to finish him movement, move Red-1 to I-9, and leave the other Red player where he is. This does leave the option for Blue to do a variety of things (passes or handoffs) to Blue-4 to score, but at least throws an obstacle in his path.

However, a more risky coach could do things a little differently. Personally, this is the way I would go about it, but that's just because I like to see things happen in Blood Bowl and love to take the risks. Block Blue-2 with Red-3 again, hopefully knocking him down (follow-up). Then 1-on-1 block Blue-1 with Red-1 - a push will do in this situation. Blitz with Red-2 into Blue-5, moving through the opening just created. If things go well, with one reroll, you will have knocked Blue-5 down or at least pushed him out of sprint range. If you want to be really risky, you could try a one-on-one with Red-4 on Blue-4, but a push in this situation would put you in a pretty bad position defensively.

The best plan is one that is not set in stone. The best coaches that I've played are extremely flexible with their plans, and always start their turn with either "must-do" moves (non-impact stand-ups, moving free players into tackle zones, etc.) or moves that are least likely to fail in their larger overall plan.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 8:20 pm
by wesleytj
Well assuming they're human linemen, here's what I'd do:

3:2 (2db hit), pb or knock down to h6, no follow.
2 blitzes, moves to k4 and hits 1, 2db hit, pb or knockdown to I6, follow.
1 moves to h9, stands in front of ballcarrier.

use rr as necessary for above tasks.

on blue player's turn, he must either try a 1db blitz on #1 with his ballcarrier followed by at least 3gfi rolls, perhaps a dodge as well if he doesn't knock me down on the 1db.

OR he can try the more risky dodge/hit, move to end zone with one of his downfield guys and then dodge/pass with the ballcarrier. Either way low odds.

If they're elven linemen, it would be easier as you could save your blitz for a 2db on the ballcarrier with a dodge and gfi or two.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 10:31 pm
by Shadow_Dragon
I'd try and take everyone down and attempt a rather desperate attempt at smacking the ball carrier! So:

3 on 2 as everyone else says, no follow up, hopefully he goes down!
Then 4 on 3! ! dice but possibly worth the risk!
If all goes well i can sprint my 2 into their 5, PB Or knock down are good, follow up for tackle zone!

Then to end the turn i'd hit 1 with 1 because i always end my turns recklessly!

That'd be my plan, that's why i'd lose! heh heH!

Though my other plan ofcourse is to sprint the ogre on the other side of the Line of scrimmage into the ball carrier.................. Heh heh heh!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 10:32 pm
by Longshot
nothing cos i know i would do a double skull on my first block..


Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 10:46 pm
by Bevan
OK, I'll suggest a different option.

There is a tendency to start with the obvious R3 vs B2 since you get a 2D block, but if you don't knock the guy over you still need several 1D blocks or a dodge into a tackle zone. Since I never expect better than a pushback I'll assume pushbacks throughout. :-?

R2 blocks B2 (1D), pushes straight back, followup to put TZ on B3.
R4 blocks B4 (2D), pushes diagonally to E4, no followup.
IF B4 is down, R3 can blitz B5 (1D) using 1 GFI and no dodges,
or if B4 is standing, R3 can move to F5, then a normal dodge will allow the blitz without a GFI.
If not a turnover yet, R1 would only block B1 if there is a reroll left because a TZ there is more use than having him fall over and letting R1 move to the endzone for a pass.

During the above I would only use a reroll to avoid a turnover, but both down in the B5 blitz should not be rerolled.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 11:19 pm
by McDeth
3 Blocks 2 with a 2 die block, if neccesary i'll burn a re-roll here to knock him down. even if i have to settle for a pushback then it will free #2 to blitz no 1 with a two die block, which hopefully if successful knocks #1 on his arse and lets me continue to put a tz in g9, hopefully this has also freedup my #1 who can then put tz on I9. Of course double skulls just abput kills me but then i know he'll fail the dodge or the gfi even with a re-roll

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 11:23 pm
by Hox-ii
Bevan -

Although your option does work well, you are doing two D1 blocks, and then a D1 blitz, for a total of three D1 blocks. As you stated, the 2nd block must succeed, or a dodge has to occur.

In my 2nd option, I use one D2 block, one D1 block, and a D1 blitz. Only the first D2 block requires that the guy gets knocked down. Since the D2 has the higher probability of knocking the guy over, I would probably still stick with my version (or Grumbledook's variant).

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 11:49 am
by MickeX
Many good suggestions here. Hox-ii is certainly right that there are different solutions, and they're not very easy to compare. I haven't got any definitive answer on this one, several of the suggested tactics here seem to be efficient.

I added a poll just out of curiosity.


Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 6:56 pm
by kaboom
I'll choose like grumbledook!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 8:56 pm
by DoubleSkulls
R3 blocks B2 - push him back to H6. No follow.

R2 then blitzes B1 from I4. From that if either B2 or B1 has gone down you've opened up a route to move R2 into contact with B5. If B1 is down, R1 can also run forward and stand next to B5 too.

That play has a high chance of success - 2 blocks only needed to put one of them down and maybe a GFI or two.

If I've still got the RR then R4 would block B3, maybe even rolling a push.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 3:42 pm
by Tamper Magnitude
If your the kind of coach who really wants a 2D on the ball carrier :-

R3 blocks B2 (2D) Hope for knock down, no follow up
R1 Dodges to K2, moves to J8, GFI to I9 (TZ on B5)
R4 1D Block on B3, hope for Arrow, push to F7, follow up
R2 Blitzes B5

For 1D you could just follow the first 2 steps and GFI again, after moving R2 to cover B1.

It'll all go wrong though, just hope B5 rolls a 1 at some point!

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 11:31 pm
by wesleytj
Longshot wrote:nothing cos i know i would do a double skull on my first block..
well but you have 1 reroll...that by itself wouldn't screw you, just make the rest a little harder. :)