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New League anyone interested?

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 12:22 pm
by vorner23
Right yawl,

Having downloaded the java client and promptly falling in love with it, I have decided to try and start my own league. It seems there are few java based leagues to choose from.... and I intend to offer something a little different.

This is just a quick post to gauge interest and explain what I am proposing.


Basically I intend to start a league (already done a website just need to upload it) which is more rich in history/fluff whatever you want to call it! The league will be made up of no more than 16 teams maybe less.

The reasoning is that teams can forge names for themselves more easily, and become known in the league. Rivalries will develop and coaches will feel more a part of the whole league not just a name in a huge list of faceless teams.

Each team has to submit its own history along with its starting lineup. There will be regular updates to the site with stories/reports etc (I always thought one of the best things about BB were the funny and tongue in cheek sports commentators n other stuff.) There will be cup events etc etc. Plus a guide to actually setting up an online account and playing java bowl. (Maybe I'm stupid but it took me about 2 hours to sort it out and play a game. What with directory mistakes, firewalls and other problems.)

Plus a forum is there. Not to cover TBB topics but to arrange fixtures for the players which will played 1 round at a time.

So thats about it. The site is ready to upload with a few alterations to be made. Send me a mail if you're interested in playing. Label it as BLOODBOWL (then your team name) Include a team roster and your history for your team. I'll upload the website as soon as i get the chance and you can see what has already been done.

My email:

cheers all,

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 12:27 pm
by Grumbledook
Is this going to be a proper league format, as in every team plays each other twice 3 for win 1 for draw td and cas difference?

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 12:35 pm
by vorner23
You're not allowed you kill halflings! :P

ok maybe you are.

I was thinking of a rounds format but this is still to be decided. Whatever the general consensus is I think..... Rounds may be a little hard to implement.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 12:37 pm
by Grumbledook
There are also things like handicaps and stuff which the client can't deal with atm. How do we do our skill rolls and who updates the teams and things.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 12:43 pm
by vorner23
Probably the easiest way to update the teams is if each coach has their team page in html format and attaches this with the result of his game. Sends it by email.

The skill rolls are something that will have to be done by the coach. Either on trust or there is a possibility the league commssioner could do it. Although this seems unecessary.

Probaly the best method would be to screen shot the results page and each coach sends that. All the spp increases and results will be on it.

The site is then updated with the results and team changes.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 12:46 pm
by Grumbledook
You also get a .res file which leaguemanager can read, so you can use league manager to keep track of things, this is what christer uses for the fumbbl, i also believe he wrote league manager

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 1:02 pm
by Planatgenet
I recon the only way any league is going to work is in an open format style. People have limited interest levels some people will give up before others and likewise will be to busy to play on certain days etc etc.

The whole point of playing Blood Bowl is to have fun! Therefore any league will have to take this into consideration. The whole construction of the league has to be done in such a way as to make this possible.

I would make the following proposals

1. No limit to the number of players in the League. The more people involved the eaiser it will be to find an opponent.

2. The player should be allowed to play with the team outside of the computer based league. In other words this league should be used to help push blood bowl everywhere. The computer based version of the game should not be an alternative it should be complementary.

3. The League should have several leagues in it. What I mean by this is we have a table that shows the team in order of team ratings. And another table that shows the teams in terms of success versus there first 25 games and another that shows the most number of touchdowns scored. Maybe even a starplayer league table showing who has the best starplayer in terms of points etc. If planned right this would give coaches who have been playing for a long time as much to aim at as new players.

But otherwise count me in.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 1:09 pm
by Grumbledook
The fumbble league opperates in an open league format allready.

Letting people play with their teams offline as well does leave things open for cheating, though there isn't much point I am sure some rolls might be changed a little.

If the tables are done using php and mysql then you can simple reorder the teams by points, team name, rating, number of tds, or any statistic you choose. Does envolve more work though.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 1:13 pm
by Planatgenet
Yep definetly involes more work. But I think it would give a more worthwhile league enviroment.

I thought of cheating....... there is nothing you really do to counter it, if people want to cheat they will. I guess one way of counteracting it in terms of team development is have your opponent roll your skill rolls. The games in real life will obvious have the opposing coach there to watch

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 1:17 pm
by Grumbledook
It is kinda hard to cheat with the software, other than recoding your own client. All the rolls are put into a log, so you can go back and look at them, both players should have the same log. Also a .res file is prduced with the score the ff change amount of winnings and who got what spp, this again should be the same for both coaches. If these are emailed into the commish then he can check them both for the same details and then use them to update the tables. The only way you can reroll the dice is by using a rr like in the rules. You do also have to be more careful when clicking on the squares when moving, been a number of times i have moved a mummy to the wrong square clikced again and the clent does the dodge roll, which then fails and the mummy goes over. Nothing you can do about this, but on the board version you aren't committed with mistakes like that.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 1:19 pm
by Planatgenet
Happy Birthday Grumbledook ............ apparently its in the next 7 days

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 1:21 pm
by Grumbledook
Yes it is, the section at the bottom has a part saying "birthdays today" when someone has a birthday this appears with their name next to it, Christers is before mine anyway.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 1:21 pm
by Planatgenet
Yep with the emailed results then it should act as a good deterent to cheating. Still think people should be able to use there teams in real life as well although that would be harder to monitor.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 1:59 pm
by Dinaturz
I am interested!!! :D

Which format for teams file? LeagueManager (*.tmd)? HTML? Real people signing with their blood :lol: ?

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 2:03 pm
by Grumbledook
I am interested in a proper league format, trouble with this is, will people carry on their team if they get a bad start, cause if they don't it will mess the schedule up. Already have an open format in the fumbbl and that just doens't have that competetive feel that a league produces.

Yes you will need to make your team in the league manager format if thats what will be used for the updating.