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Cyanide and the undead, plus other questions.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:14 pm
by inkpwn
So I have been playing undead on the cyanide game for about a fortnight in prep for the GT and its been really bugging me that the game won't let you pick zombies after killing a player and are offered only a skeleton. Or can you and I'm just being blind? I have killled about 25 players so far and as such I should be rolling in zombies.

As well as that, I can't seem to crowd surf an opponent when my player has grab, is this true for the CRP as well?
Last one, has anyone else got the message in the fake smack talk feed about the game gaining sentience and uprising against humanity? Or was that just me.....

Re: Cyanide and the undead, plus other questions.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:08 pm
by Urb
Been experiencing the skelly thing.. exactly as you stated. No idea about the grab thing. Haven't used grab yet on cyanide :oops:

Re: Cyanide and the undead, plus other questions.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:16 pm
by Insane_Prophet
inkpwn wrote:As well as that, I can't seem to crowd surf an opponent when my player has grab, is this true for the CRP as well?
Does it not give you the option to unselect / not use Grab when you throw a block? I thought it did - now I need to double check...

Re: Cyanide and the undead, plus other questions.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:12 pm
by Barney the Lurker
Yeah, you need to set grab to 'always ask before using' in the options screen.

Re: Cyanide and the undead, plus other questions.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:34 pm
by Dzerards
I hope you are playing in Multi-player as the AI will probably make you a worse player!

Yup, you need to set Grab to always ask so you can opt not to use it for surfs.

Re: Cyanide and the undead, plus other questions.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:14 am
by spubbbba
Gerard wrote:I hope you are playing in Multi-player as the AI will probably make you a worse player!

Yup, you need to set Grab to always ask so you can opt not to use it for surfs.
MM is only marginally better, at least the AI doesn't conceed as soon as you KO a player. :wink:

Re: Cyanide and the undead, plus other questions.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:33 am
by betterZthenDeaD
Gerard wrote:I hope you are playing in Multi-player as the AI will probably make you a worse player!
I'm a little worried about this happening. I'm a new coach who bought the game looking to get a little practice in before joining a local league with my Nurgle team. I'm currently winning most games against the AI 1-0, 2-0 or 2-1 which sounds about right for Nurgle. I do though get the feeling that the computer does a lot of things for you. I'm sure I'm going to struggle to remember things on the table top that the computer does automatically (Foul Appearance, Disturbing presence, dodging out of tackle zones... that sort of thing!).

Re: Cyanide and the undead, plus other questions.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:14 am
by Dzerards
Don't worry, your opponent will remind you about dodging out of tackle zones! :D Though not so much with the foul appearance. I find myself just repeating "foul appearance, foul appearance", over and over again to my opponent every turn! Also don't forget your players have regen, as a guy in our league did!

As for the AI, while it has got a lot better than the standard/DE edition with regard to skill picks, it doesn't punish you the same way a real person would. Mainly in regards to your positioning. It never takes advantage of quick snaps or blitzes, so your offensive and defensive set-ups will be slack. It doesn't prioritise crowd surfs. Plus it isn't insanely devious when it comes to chain pushing. All in all you can pick up bad habits or become complacent. I've noticed in TT a big reduction in my ability to form airtight offensive screens and cages. Case in point, my TT game yesterday I formed a diagonal screen, which against the AI would of been fine as it would have blitzed one of the screen to put a TZ on the ball carrier, but against a person, it's total rubbish as he only needs one 3+ dodge to bypass it and blitz the gobbo! D'oh!