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OBBLM update for Spike #6

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 4:54 pm
by spugnoid
For my league, I've added all the information published up to Spike #6.

You will have to manually copy the files into the appropriate folders for it to work. I strongly suggest you rename your existing files so you can revert if necessary.

After adding the new files, you will have to run all 4 Database maintenance/sync routines as there are players added to the mix.

Because we want to use all the available star players, I've added the star players to each roster so they are rosterable. These players are prefixed by a '*' and use the Star icon. Because I've not delved into the php portion of the software, rostering a star does not prevent another team from also rostering or inducing them. We just assume that the greedy star players will play for anyone but can't face a doppleganger on the field, obviously. If you want to remove them from play when rostered, then contact your commish before hiring them so that it can be communicated to the coaches which stars are off the market.

The software will not subtract star player upkeep costs so you must manually subtract it from your winnings if you wish to retain them.

Also, you will have to make sure to name the rostered stars accordingly as the names listed in the software are actually their positions, not their names. I've asked my coaches to manually name them so that everyone can see which stars are on which team.

I've also added the new inducements and they should be restricted to the appropriate teams automatically in the inducement try-out screen.

Oh yah, use at your own risk.

Please let me know if you find any problems.



Re: OBBLM update for Spike #6

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 4:55 pm
by spugnoid
One more thing, this only works in English. Switching languages will break the files. If you want to update a language, please share.



Re: OBBLM update for Spike #6

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 7:32 pm
by LutonBloodBowl
IVe added this to my OBBLM.

working a treat!

Thanks mate!

Re: OBBLM update for Spike #6

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 2:00 am
by spugnoid
Glad to hear it. Once I pick up Spike 7 I’ll be adding that as well.

Re: OBBLM update for Spike #6

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 11:16 pm
by TheVoiceofJericho
Hello. Just followed your instructions which I think has worked however all the player avatars are now missing. Any ideas? I haven't got a clue about PHP. I'm just bumbling through.


Re: OBBLM update for Spike #6

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2019 4:34 pm
by TheVoiceofJericho
Just noting bits I've noticed here for you:

1. Frank N Stein incorrectly priced. Down as 210 should be 270.
2. Inducements. Halfling heady brew. Limited to 1. Should be 3.