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Re: Return to TT gaming, new to BB

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:31 pm
by ChenZhen
GalakStarscraper wrote:
ChenZhen wrote:Sounds good. :lol: When / where is that.
September 15 and 16, 2012 Downers Grove, IL (suburb of Chicago)

2nd largest Blood Bowl tournament in the USA. Lots of free stuff if you pre-register.
Looks awesome. Really wish I could do it, but that weekend is a no go :cry:

I will definitely try to make next year!

It also looks like I recruited a bunch of my friends into getting into (or back into) the game. Shooting for doing a league of friends in the new year!!! I'm very excited for this.

Re: Return to TT gaming, new to BB

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 2:38 pm
by Skurk78
Welcome to TFF. BB is a blast. People who aren't playing it just don't know what they're missing. I like the fast strategy play and chaotic humour. There's nothing like seeing a legendary player trip over his own feet on the goal line. Pure BB magic.

I've been playing the TT game since '94. From '97 to '09 I didn't play much BB at all, but when we got the computer game in the fall of '09 my kid got into it so I just had to introduce him to the TT game. We got a bunch of new teams, painted them up and kicked off a kitchen table league of our own.

Re: Return to TT gaming, new to BB

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:25 pm
by ChenZhen
Based on the recommendation of MattDakka and Hitonagashi I've been playing a decent amount of FUMBBL lately. I've gotten to try out a decent amount of teams, and feel like I've found a few that I would enjoy playing in a table top league that will (hopefully) be starting soon with some friends. Now the problem is deciding on a team!

One of my friends played quite a bit back in the day. Several of us have played the Cyanide version, and the rest are new.

The league so far... Wood Elf (the one experienced coach), Dark Elf, Orc, and Vampire or Dwarf... plus one undecided and me.

The Teams I'm debating.

Orc - I have always liked greenskins. I like how they play, and would enjoy painting them. I have some orc models laying around that I could convert. I may be able to find one of the basic orc teams to paint up on the cheap. Downside, we already have one person committed to playing them.

Chaos - Fun modeling and painting potential. I have all the models that I would need for a team still on sprues from WHFB days. Downside, I have heard it is one of the harder teams to run, especially starting out.

Norse - Fun modeling and converting - Have already made 2 Ulfwereners and I have a ton of marauders still on sprues. Would need to get the Yeti.

Dwarf - I have a dwarf team that I bought, but never got around to painting (or playing) back in the day.

Chaos Dwarf - I always regretted not getting an army of these when they were out. I'm a huge fan of the big hats and love the look of the GW team. I planned on getting a team of these just to paint up (even if I hated how they played) for pure enjoyment. I actually really like how they play, so I'm looking forward to painting and playing them. I also fell in love with the Greebo Volmarian dwarves (AMAZING models). (It's not weird to paint up 2 different teams of the same race, right?) Unfortunately, both of these will need to wait till I am less broke... :lol: Converting CD seems more work than it is worth, so I'm going to wait on these.

So major question is, starting out in this league, what would you suggest; Dwarf, Norse, Chaos, or other? I know that opinions will vary, but I'd appreciate thoughts and insights.

Re: Return to TT gaming, new to BB

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:57 pm
by koadah
If you are new and playing FUMBBL check out the 145 Club. Our Open League kicks off on Friday.

I'm enjoying Amazons. Very good early on. I haven't met any dwarves though. 3-1-0 vs chaos dwarves.
I've heard they run out of steam at higher TV. We've so far got to around 1700 and still looking good.

Re: Return to TT gaming, new to BB

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:07 pm
by Tritex
Welcome to the game, hope to play you some day :)

Re: Return to TT gaming, new to BB

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:34 am
by MattDakka
ChenZhen wrote:Based on the recommendation of MattDakka and Hitonagashi I've been playing a decent amount of FUMBBL lately. I've gotten to try out a decent amount of teams, and feel like I've found a few that I would enjoy playing in a table top league that will (hopefully) be starting soon with some friends. Now the problem is deciding on a team!

One of my friends played quite a bit back in the day. Several of us have played the Cyanide version, and the rest are new.

The league so far... Wood Elf (the one experienced coach), Dark Elf, Orc, and Vampire or Dwarf... plus one undecided and me.

The Teams I'm debating.

Orc - I have always liked greenskins. I like how they play, and would enjoy painting them. I have some orc models laying around that I could convert. I may be able to find one of the basic orc teams to paint up on the cheap. Downside, we already have one person committed to playing them.

Chaos - Fun modeling and painting potential. I have all the models that I would need for a team still on sprues from WHFB days. Downside, I have heard it is one of the harder teams to run, especially starting out.

Norse - Fun modeling and converting - Have already made 2 Ulfwereners and I have a ton of marauders still on sprues. Would need to get the Yeti.

Dwarf - I have a dwarf team that I bought, but never got around to painting (or playing) back in the day.

Chaos Dwarf - I always regretted not getting an army of these when they were out. I'm a huge fan of the big hats and love the look of the GW team. I planned on getting a team of these just to paint up (even if I hated how they played) for pure enjoyment. I actually really like how they play, so I'm looking forward to painting and playing them. I also fell in love with the Greebo Volmarian dwarves (AMAZING models). (It's not weird to paint up 2 different teams of the same race, right?) Unfortunately, both of these will need to wait till I am less broke... :lol: Converting CD seems more work than it is worth, so I'm going to wait on these.

So major question is, starting out in this league, what would you suggest; Dwarf, Norse, Chaos, or other? I know that opinions will vary, but I'd appreciate thoughts and insights.
In a private short league (12-16 matches long) I would not play Chaos, it sucks at start. The other teams perform better in such environment, it's hard to suggest one team over the others, it's a matter of personal taste and gamestyle.
If your league is a private perpetual one, go Chaos: it's the best BB team on the long run.
If you play for fun and not to win, play the team you like most.
If you are still undecided, roll a dice and pick a random team.

Re: Return to TT gaming, new to BB

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:26 am
by ChenZhen
I decided to go with Dwarf. I've enjoyed playing them, and I already had the team sitting in my attic! I'm excited to print them up and get to playing!

I also found 1 plastic orc blitzer the rule book from the box set, and 2 block dice.

(I have no clue where the rest of my boxed set is!)

Re: Return to TT gaming, new to BB

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:10 pm
by dode74
If your league is a private perpetual one, go Chaos: it's the best BB team on the long run.
This is Matt's opinion only and remains unsupported by any statistical analysis. The analysis which has been done seems to show that the races are generally balanced, but elven races do very well.

Re: Return to TT gaming, new to BB

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:22 pm
by MattDakka
dode74 wrote:
If your league is a private perpetual one, go Chaos: it's the best BB team on the long run.
This is Matt's opinion only and remains unsupported by any statistical analysis. The analysis which has been done seems to show that the races are generally balanced, but elven races do very well.
Races generally balanced in BB?!
In a perpetual environment, neither races are absolutely balanced, nor they are in a private league (maybe less unbalanced, though).
In a private league, Chaos sucks due to the lack of starting skills, but gets better and better over the time, this is backed up by sheer evidence and statystics.
It's not a coincidence that RandomOracle, #1 FUMBBL coach, uses Chaos in a perpetual environment.

Re: Return to TT gaming, new to BB

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:29 pm
by dode74
Do I really need to bring out the stats again?
FUMBBL (perpetual open league): ... stats.html
OCC (long running scheduled league): ... lgames.png
Plasmoid (conglomeration of many shorter-term leagues):

RO is a single data point in a massive set of data. Data is not the plural of example.

Re: Return to TT gaming, new to BB

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:35 pm
by dsavillian
not every thread needs to be about how awesome chaos are or the differences between perpetual online and short TT environments.

Dwarves are a good choice. Let us know how you do with them!

I recently picked up a Dwarf team, so I'm looking forward to hearing how well they work for you

Re: Return to TT gaming, new to BB

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:54 pm
by Darkson
Matt, you've got a PM, but publically I'm asking both of you (Matt and Dode) to give it a rest, especially in threads of new to the game players.