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"Testing" Area

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 12:58 am
by Darkson
Now there's an archive section, how about an area where the moderators could post the rule ideas brought up in the various thread, so rather than having to wade through 50+ posts the idea/ideas would be in one place. This could then be n area to post to once the idea has been playtested (not just "I think this'll never work" but actual gameplay data).

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 11:43 am
by Deathwing
Sloooow down mate. There a lot of work to do tidying up various forums now that there's an archive section.
And personally I don't want to have to collate the various house rules threads and decide what's relevent and what isn't, even on one topic. Examples: both Chet's new idea and the MVP/Exp topics would require some major took me quite a while cutting down one 4 page thread into just game reports..each post has to be deleted individually. And I really should update the rules FAQs post.
What you're suggesting really is a mammoth task.