The Blood Bowl: GW Tournament

Post your announcement for your tournament. You many only have ONE thread per a tournament in this area. The dates of your event with the year should be included in the subject header.

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Post by Zy-Nox »

Puggy BaconBreath wrote: Yeah, I remember playing a dark angels army, did we play in the first game, you had a lot of Land Raiders and Terminators?

It was one of tournaments they held at Leicester uni, it would have been 1996 or 97?

I hope you weren't offended by my use of non-GW minis :wink: , I remeber the judges weren't to happy :pissed:

That was my first Tourny, I must have only been about 16, stoped collecting a few years after that but have been sucked back in by Blood Bowl this year :D .
Nah I was the Other one with the drop pods and Gunships,But I remember that landraider army,we played third game I think,I actually liked those bombers. :D

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Post by Puggy BaconBreath »

Nah I was the Other one with the drop pods and Gunships,But I remember that landraider army,we played third game I think,I actually liked those bombers.
...I remeber now - I think you beat me didn't you - I've probably blanked the defeat from my memory. Nice to speak to you again.

I'm glad you weren't the guy with the landraider army, I thought that was a bit over the top. :roll:

I got the chance to play Gavin Thorpe with the studio imperial guard on the second day, as someone hadn't turned up - though he beat me as well :(
There was also an army nice Deathwing titan as well, If I remember.

P.s Glad you liked the bombers :wink:

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gav thorpe won?!?!

Post by cunningstunt »


you got beaten by gav thorpe? at the time want he mr perrenial loser?

i seem to remember him always taking dwarf armies in WD and then being horribly crushed by anything and everything...

sorry mate!

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Post by Puggy BaconBreath »

I know, I know...didn't live that down for a couple of weeks ;)

Although I have to say, he really was a nice guy.

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Post by Darkson »

Does anyone know who to contact about what counts as "acceptable mini's"? If it's answered in BBMag #4 sorry, but it's still not turned up :pissed: .

Nor my latest WD for that matter :pissed: :pissed: . "It'll be with you Saturday" :pissed: . "Definatley with you Tuesday AM" :pissed: .
They're all to happy to take my money normally :roll: .

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Post by Deathwing »

Judging by last year, as long as it's GW, and easily identifible to your opponents. So no Shadowforge etc.
Lost my copy of the Res. rulepack with my old HD. Galak or somebody might have the right quote.

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Post by DaFrenchCoach »

Found this in a word doc on my HD... (long). I will be there, and will start to save special cash for the event and extras ;) some weeks before lol

Blood Bowl Resurrection
Tournament rules

Hello, Andy Hall here! Before I start I want to thank you for participating in Blood Bowl Resurrection. Blood Bowl is a great game but is only successful with coaches like you, who support events and play games.

Firstly, before we get down to the nitty-gritty can I invite you to a night of fun and merriment in Bugman’s bar on the Saturday evening. As well as cheap beer and food Jervis and I have planned a cunning pub quiz and many other cool things throughout the night so if you’re in Nottingham the night before the tournament come and join us – it’ll be a riot!

Timetable for Sunday 17th of March
9-10am registration
10 am - first game (2 hours)
12 pm - lunch (1 hour)/ team painting judging
1 pm - second game (2 hours)
3 pm - break (1/2 hour)
3.30 pm - third game (2 hours)
5.30 pm - break (1/2 hour)
6 pm - fourth and final game (2 hours)
8-8.30 pm awards (1/2 hour)
8-30 pm - Q and A plus home time for those who do not wish to stay.

Please be on time for registration, you should be ready to begin by 10am, no later! As you can see the timetable is quite tight due to trying to get four games of Blood Bowl in one day. I would ask that you play at a brisk pace. If your opponent is taking a long time for his turn remind him that the four-minute rule is in play.

Blood Bowl Resurrection is actually a dry run for the Majors that start next year (the first being The Blood Bowl which will be held at Warhammer World and is provisionally scheduled for January 2003). To this end the format is experimental and so I would ask you to bear with us as we try this out. There will be a debrief with Jervis and me at the end of the day so your feedback is welcomed.

The rules from the Blood Bowl Death Zone and 2001 Blood Bowl rules set are to be used unless specially stated below.

All Teams must be rookie teams with a starting value of 1,000,000 and a TR of 100. All models in your team must be appropriate or converted Citadel miniatures. All models must be painted. This means more than an undercoat!

The tournament is a one-day event that will be played over four games. The structure will be a Swiss-style format, this means that for each round the rank of the team will determine the opponent. Teams will be ranked after each game using the following criteria in the order given: Tournament points, touchdowns scored, casualties caused.

Tournament Points
This is how we will rank you throughout the tournament and will be the largest deciding factor of who the winner will be. You will record your score on the results card after each game from the list below.

Win 3 points
Draw 2 points
Lost by one 2 points
Lost by two or more 1 point
Concede 0 points

At the end of the last game you will be asked to nominate the most sporting player. Each nomination a player receives will earn him 1 Tournament point.

Up to three Tournament points are awarded for team painting. You get one point for each of the below criteria achieved. (The judges decision is final).

+1 Painted: The team is painted, all models have at least 3 colours on them.
+1 Detailed: All models have had the details of the model painted in a variety of colours or with noticeable effects. This discriminates between the merely painted team and the team that has had attention paid to it.
+1 Striking: The Team makes the judges literally go “Wow!”

During lunch the judges will round up what they deem to be the three best painted teams in the tournament. Through out lunch you will be able to vote on what you believe is the best-painted team. The winner will receive a special prize at the end of the day.

Team Building
Four games is not really enough for the league rules to take effect but we still want to give players the feeling of team building and management so we’ve come up with this simple but hopefully effective system. After every game you may pick a skill and give it to one of your players. You may not stack additional skills on players so only one new skill per player. Players may only take skills from the relevant skill categories, so no Chaos Dwarfs with Pass etc. Note: you can only gain skills not traits. This system replaces the League and Star Player points system in the Blood Bowl handbook.

Ref’s will be on hand throughout the day. Try and sort any queries or misdemeanours between yourselves. However if you really need to you can call over the ref. His decision is always right; if he says a Dwarf can fly, you say “how high?” In the case of any unpleasantness the refs have two cards a yellow and a red. If you are shown a yellow card then you will lose 5 points, if you are shown a red then you will lose a whooping 10 points. The moral here is to remember that at the end of the day we are playing with little toy men so lets have fun and make sure the refs keep their cards in their pockets.

The Glittering Prizes
At the end of the day the overall winner will receive the Blood Bowl Resurrection Cup. Other prizes will be awarded for Best Sportsman, Best Painted Team and Most Touchdowns (plus any other awards we think of in the meantime).

The Teams
Only the official teams as of the 2001 rules review maybe entered into Resurrection. To clarify so there is no doubt they are: Human, Orc, Dwarf, High Elf, Skaven, Dark Elf, Chaos, Chaos Dwarf, Undead, Goblin, Halfling, Wood Elf, Norse, Lizardman and Amazon teams.

No other teams are allowed. Teams must be written out on the official Death Zone team pad. You must bring two copies, give one to the officials at registration, and keep the other one for your own reference. Make sure your team is correct, as team rosters will be checked and any mistakes (even if not deliberate) will result in that player getting a yellow card.

Star Players
You may use a Star Player if you wish they cost the full price on the card and may not be given any skills during the tournament. You may only use the officially sanctioned Star Players from the 2001 Blood Bowl rules review. See for the official list of Star Players if you are unsure.

Other Stuff
Even as I type this I’m feverishly working away at the Blood Bowl annual which Nuffle-permitting will be released at Blood Bowl Resurrection, this will include all the best articles from the past year in Blood Bowl magazine and the 2001 rules review in a one nicely formatted tome. We will no doubt have other cool Blood Bowl related stuff available to buy from Mail Order and the Warhammer World shop.

Things You Will Need To Bring with You
You will need your ticket, two team rosters, your painted team, blocking dice, D6 and D8 dice, Throw-in and pass templates, a card dug-out (basically everything but the pitch!).

Questions and Answers
Can I use Daemons or Daemonic teams?
No, Daemons are not official, until we produce models for them, which will sometime on 2003.

Do I need models to represent my cheerleaders and other coaching staff?
Yes, all coaching staff needs to be represented by a suitable Citadel model. So don’t forget your apothecaries!
Can I play with Khemri or Vampire Count teams?
No, the Khemri team has not been released yet so only the Undead Team in Death Zone (with amendments in the 2001 rules review) maybe used.

Will the BBCS be there?
Yes, a couple of guys as well as me and Jervis will be about to let you know how the BBCS is coming on and what it’s all about.

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Post by Darkson »

DaFrenchCoach wrote:

All Teams must be rookie teams with a starting value of 1,000,000 and a TR of 100. All models in your team must be appropriate or converted Citadel miniatures. All models must be painted. This means more than an undercoat!
Well, if this in in effect then "YaHoo", the Underdark Daggers will be there. Cheers DFC.

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Post by shaniepoo »

I hope that the foods gona be a bit better this time round. Saying that, the pizza was a great idea and il be pre ordering mine befor any of you gready gits get there and eat them all again :wink:

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Post by Grumbledook »

Just looked on the official blood bowl site and there is some info about the blood bowl cup in march, tickets go on sale 30th decemeber, go read the rest of the details at

I shall see you people there I hope and I plan to have my name engraved on that cup!

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Post by Geggster »

I think that's a typo. It should say Saturday 30th November...

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Post by Grumbledook »

I was under the impression it was going to be 30th november. Who knows for sure though (well i guess the organisers, I hope), more of a mistake than a typo though, not even I could manage to spell november, december, through typing errors alone ;]

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Post by Andy Hall »

It's defiantly the 30th of November. The website will be corrected later today.

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Post by Grumbledook »

There we go then ta Andy.

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Post by cidervampire »

Hopefully I'll play as well as last time. Had some tight games against Antony Watts and Richard Laking.

Any chance I can be in the top 20 if I win all my games again this year?!

Hopefully the probs from last year will be cleared up. It would be an idea if each game had a single result sheet to stop anyone getting Porrited. Correct me if I'm wrong but I won all 4 games, so did Chet and we both played Antony Watts who according to the results won 3 out of 4 games. God knows how many other discrepencies there were

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