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Nuffle's Fault Redux. In San Diego! December 12, 2015

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 9:44 pm
by Dudegrip
Disclaimer: The format is pending NAF approval, but since it is the same as 2014, it's pretty likely.


SATURDAY December 12th

Pair a Dice Games
2020 Hacienda Dr, Vista, CA 92081
(760) 940-0139

4 games 10am-9pm. (if needed you can crash at some coach locally)
Cost $10
You must be a NAF member in good standing ($10 memberships available)
We need your NAF ID and NAF NUMBER PLEASE look it up beforehand and put it on the roster you turn in, the sooner the better, and preferably on the Excel sheet available.

This is a NAF open event, but it is totally INSANE! Come to have fun, and experience Blood
Bowl like you’ve never imagined it could be!

1 million TV
No purchasing skills. Instead use the following procedure (you may choose each skill only once).
You must give one player Dirty Player
You must give each additional player a skill from this list.
Strong Arm, AV, Hypnotic Gaze, Sneaky Git, Kickoff Return, Dauntless, Pro, Fend, Diving Tackle, Piling On, Stab (comes with Wild Animal), Tichy, Decay, Stand Firm, Bombardier (comes with Secret Weapon).
Star Players allowed, but you roster must have at least 11 non star players.
Buy any Inducements
Buy any Team Goods

You may take up to half your “0-16 linemen" from other races. (Limit 1 player per race and they gain loner).
450k random Cards (per coach) each game (plus inducements, buty ou may only take up to 5 cards)
Mutations: At the beginning of each game you will randomly draw a free mutation for a player you have pre-selected. (one draw per player). (A player may only get one)
NO Weather
NO Kickoff Table—instead before each drive, roll to see what Element NUFFLE has bestowed upon you. (It will last for the drive)
1>Rocky Crags scour the pitch treat all hits as using mighty blow for the armor roll.
2> Lava Flows “The ground breaks into chunks making it creative to move” You must roll 2+ to follow up (includes Frenzy)
3> Meadow “A perfect day on a Perfect Pitch”
4> Sand “Are we in the desert?” The beautiful Sugar Sand is so warm and soft +1 AV
5> Dense Fog and Mist “Where did Johnny go?” Quick and Short Passes only, may not Blitz someone over 6 squares away
6> Monsoon “The turf is soaking wet" push back one extra square. (may only follow up one square)
All 24 CRP/LRB 6+ Teams permitted (this includes the 3 additional teams (Slann, Chaos Pact, Underworld)
However, given the NAF’s new about-face, we will accept Khorne, Bretonnians, and Simians if both players are amenable to play a non-rated game.
There will be a special figure available for coaches to supplement their team at no penalty to TV. It will be Dudegrip Seaworld (bascally Lewdgrip Whiparm with the addition of Foul Appearance and Regen). The cost will be an additional $20. If the other coach elects not to field him, then he gains Dudegrip’s TV as inducements.

Bring a Smartphone with the BB Ref app. We will play 4 minute timed turns (with one extra action when time expires, and pausing for rules consultation or special play cards).
Everyone has some sort of dice paranoia, so agree beforehand on rolling dice on the pitch, or using a tray, a tower, or a cup. Avoid big sharp edged dice; they don’t roll. Always reroll any hint of a cocked die.
Bring your Boards/Dugouts/Templates etc. this is a first time venue and we’ll be short of stuff.
CLEARLY NUMBER the BASES front and back
Any figures, however, as long as they clearly represent the position. When there’s too much similarity, color the bases using the Copenhagen convention to be found on


Eric Kuniholm
Or look for Nuffle’s Fault on Facebook