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Stunty Slam *11* 15.9.18 - Stockport

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 7:52 pm
by Leipziger
From the people that brought you the Stunty Cup it’s yet another edition of the World’s* longest running Stunty tournament, the eleventh Stunty Slam!


Previous Winners:
2008 Podfrey (Flings)
2009 Jimany (Skinks)
2010 Podfrey (Flings)
2011 Leipziger (Goblins)
2012 Podfrey (Flings)
2013 Shaniepoo (Flings)
2014 Leipziger (Goblins)
2015 Cam (Goblins)
2016 CJ Blackburn (Underworld)
2017 Kfoged (Flings)

As ever we will be hosted by Element Games in Stockport.

Entry will be £6 and it can be send via PayPal to (or paid in cash)

Underworld (No skaven)

Team build:
Only Stunty or ST5+ stars that are eligible for your team + the WB stars (see below)

WB Stars:

Hogstopper - Halfling - 5,2,3,6 - loner, stunty, dodge, right stuff, wrestle, fend, juggs (90k)

Stick E. Bunn - Halfling - 5,2,3,6 - loner, stunty, dodge, right stuff, custard pie*, nerves of steel. (90k)

*Custard pie: works as hypno gaze, but Stick E. Bunn is so deadly with his aim that he gets +1 to the ‘pie’ roll.

Squiggy Smalls - Squig (Goblin) - 5,3,2,7 - Wild animal, frenzy, wrestle, sprint, no hands, loner 100k

Gobby Stiles - Goblin - 6,2,3,7 - loner, stunty, dodge, right stuff, dirty player, sneaky git (90k)

Snotty 2 Hotty - Snotling - 5,1,3,6- loner, titchy, stunty, right stuff, juggs, sprint, leap (90k)

El Diablo - Snotling - 5,1,3,6 loner, titchy, dodge, stunty,dauntless, wrestle, jump up (80k)

Thing From The Pit - Underworld - 4,3,1,7 - loner, foul appearance, disturbing presence, stand firm, really stupid, regen. (90k)

Phlegm Rattlee - Underworld - 6, 2, 3, 7 - loner, dodge, stunty, right stuff, prehensile tail, tentacles, stand firm (90k)

Halflings may hire a chef for 100k. Other teams must pay full cost (300k)

Goblins *and* underworld teams may purchase bribes for 50k. Other teams will pay 100k for bribes.

Ogre teams can buy a magic sponge for 50k. This can be used once per game. The sponge can be used at the end of a drive or at halftime to bring d3 snotlings back from the ko box.

Teams may hire infamous coaching staff should they wish to e.g. Horatio X.Schottenheim. If two teams play and they both have the same inducements, they can still use them.

The new Weather Mage (30k), and the Sports Wizard (150k) can be hired.


42 points to spend on skills.

Stacking of up to 2 skills allowed on one player.
No skill may be taken more than twice on a team.

Normal skills: 6 pts
Double skills: 8 pts

The Stunty Slam uses the old interpretation of Piling On. So, no reroll required.

No stat increases allowed.

1 - Winter Weather
The icy conditions have made it treacherous underfoot, as it is extremely slippy! The ice means that players may go for it 3 times, rather than the normal 2. However, the ice makes it hard to keep control. GFIs are made using the throw in template to determine direction. If the player collides with another player, roll a d6 for both players. On a 4+ the player hits the ground (there is no armour/injury roll). If the moving player is not knocked over, they can continue going for it. If the active player is knocked down a Turnover is caused, as per the usual rules.

The direction of your GFI is decided after you make the roll. If you blitz someone and need to GFI to hit them, you still have to roll for direction, so you might miss them with a swing or two before you hit them (or you might miss them all together!)

2 - Teleporters + Limpin’ Squig

At the start of each half, before the players are set up, each coach gets three Teleporter tokens to place on 3 squares within their own half. Once the teams are set up, but before the kick-off is resolved, each teleporter moves d3 squares in a random direction (use a d8 and the scatter template to work this out)

Teleporters cannot scatter off the pitch, but they can scatter into the opposing half. If a teleporter scatters onto another teleporter, both scatter again.

If the ball goes into the teleporter and then lands on the same one when teleporting, the ball is ejected to a random square adjacent to the teleporter.

If the ball goes into the teleporter from kick-off and ends up in the opposition’s half this will result in a touchback.

A player may enter onto a Teleporter square using 1 square of movement as normal. They then roll a d6 to see which Teleporter they are transported to. If they roll the same number as the Teleporter they entered into, they are immediately placed in the reserves box. This only causes a Turnover if they were the ball carrier.

Players leave the Teleporter via a random direction, determined by a d8 roll using the scatter template. If another player is blocking that square, they are pushed back. Leaving a teleporter cost 1 square of MA.

You may attempt to pass the ball onto a Teleporter square. If the ball lands on it, it will pass to another Teleporter in the same way a player would. If a member of your team catches it when it comes out of the second Teleporter, there is no Turnover and you may continue playing. If the ball Teleports back to the same Teleporter it started in, it simply scatters one square.

You may block a player into a Teleporter as if it were an empty square. They then roll a d6 and follow the same rules as if they had moved into the Transporter voluntarily.

In addition to the teleporters, coaches will also have to contend with the Limpin’ Squig!

At the start of each turn, roll a d6. If the result is a 1 then the Squig will try to escape.

If it’s being carried then the Squig will drop from the players hand and land in a random square beside them.

If the Squig is on the floor at the start of the turn, it will hop three times. Use the scatter template to work out the direction. If the squig ends up in an occupied square treat it as a bouncing ball.

3 - Play Your Cards Right (new card effects this year...)
Each coach will get to randomly choose 3 cards from the special Stunty play cards. The details of which will be revealed on the day.

4 - Spuds check
The teams are playing their last game in the most feared stadium in the Old World - the Neue Den. The crowd are baying for the blood of both sides, the atmosphere is not for the nervous and some players will buckle under the pressure! These guys are here to see blood, not touchdowns!

A player has to show that they have the 'spuds' to score. When a ball carrying player approaches the line, they have to make a 'spuds check'. This is not rerollable On a 2+, everything is fine and they can go that final square into the endzone and score. However, if a 1 is the outcome, then the player does not have the 'spuds' to proceed. Their turn ends with them one step from touchdown glory… and possibly ripe for a mauling!

Similarly, if a player is already in the endzone and is awaiting a pass/hand-off, they have to make the 'spuds check' to see if they have the bravery to catch the ball and provoke the ire of the baying hordes around them! On a 1, the player refuses to make the catch and the ball hits the deck, scattering 1 square. A failed spuds check is not an automatic turnover. This means that there is the chance for protection to arrive for the ball carrying runner. Similarly, if the catch is refused, then the turn can continue if the ball lands in someone elses hands...If the ball carrying player is thrown, there is no need for a spuds check if you scatter into the endzone. However, if you land and then have to move to get into the endzone, a spuds check applies. A spuds check is rolled before you make a GFI, if required, to make it into the endzone, or catch roll.

Post prize giving we will be heading for a curry nearby (Mr Ali’s). I’ll book a table beforehand for whoever wants in.

1 Leipziger *paid* roster received
2 Charles Lewis *paid* roster received
3 Shaniepoo *paid* roster received
4 Ashley Rogers *paid* roster received
5 Richard Powell *paid* roster received
6 Firebreather *paid* roster received
7 Vagabond *paid* roster received
8 Elperas *paid* roster received
9 Dafo *paid* roster received
10 Cunning *paid* roster received
11 Dfunkateer *paid* roster received
12 Jawa *paid* roster received
13 Andrew Mettam *paid* roster received
14 Gorgoroth *paid* roster received
15 Cam *paid* roster received
16 Ringbeard *paid* roster received
17 CJ Blackburn *paid* roster received
18 Matt Shaw *paid* roster received
19 Deeferdan *paid* roster received
20 Edenkeeper *paid* roster received
21 Ninjahamster *paid* roster received
22 Stephen Speight *paid* roster received
23 Barney *paid* roster received
24 Dan Sellen (aka Dangerine) *paid* roster received
25 Adam Playle *paid* roster received
26 Meena *paid* roster received
27 Muttley! *paid*

Re: Stunty Slam 10, 15.9.18 - Stockport

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 8:39 am
by dfunkateer
Excellent rules pack, as always :)

Re: Stunty Slam 10, 15.9.18 - Stockport

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 9:20 pm
by Leipziger
Thanks Dave :)

Re: Stunty Slam 10, 15.9.18 - Stockport

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 7:14 am
by shaniepoo
I should be fine along this. It will be my 1st tournie since last yrs Waterbowl!!!! This being a student AND having a baby at the same time has ruined my social life!!!!! If I put Eddie on a base will he count as S5?

Re: Stunty Slam 10, 15.9.18 - Stockport

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 7:27 am
by Leipziger
shaniepoo wrote:I should be fine along this. It will be my 1st tournie since last yrs Waterbowl!!!! This being a student AND having a baby at the same time has ruined my social life!!!!! If I put Eddie on a base will he count as S5?
Brilliant! And yes ofc. But Eddie will obvs take one of your star player slots :D

Re: Stunty Slam 10, 15.9.18 - Stockport

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 7:31 pm
by Leipziger
Thanks for the payment Carolus Magnus!

I’ll flesh out the rules over the bank holiday weekend.

Re: Stunty Slam 10, 15.9.18 - Stockport

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 8:08 pm
by shaniepoo
Leipziger wrote:Thanks for the payment Carolus Magnus!

I’ll flesh out the rules over the bank holiday weekend.
New skill, counts as double:

Throw opposing team mate
Exact same rules as TTM but a roll of 4+ (or an AG roll?) needed to perform the action.

Would make for some great game moments! :D

Re: Stunty Slam 10, 15.9.18 - Stockport

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 7:15 am
by Leipziger
shaniepoo wrote:
Leipziger wrote:Thanks for the payment Carolus Magnus!

I’ll flesh out the rules over the bank holiday weekend.
New skill, counts as double:

Throw opposing team mate
Exact same rules as TTM but a roll of 4+ (or an AG roll?) needed to perform the action.

Would make for some great game moments! :D
I have been trying to make this work as an idea for a while, Shane. Hmmm.

Re: Stunty Slam 10, 15.9.18 - Stockport

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 11:45 am
by Leipziger
Lots more interest coming in, please do send your payments :)

Full rulespack by the weekend.

Re: Stunty Slam 10, 15.9.18 - Stockport

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 10:14 pm
by Leipziger
Payment received. Thanks Rick!

Re: Stunty Slam 10, 15.9.18 - Stockport

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 9:04 pm
by Leipziger
Rules updated.

Re: Stunty Slam 10, 15.9.18 - Stockport

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 9:51 pm
by Leipziger
I realise that the doc says 2028, but the tournament is definitely *this* September.

Re: Stunty Slam 10, 15.9.18 - Stockport

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 3:23 pm
by Leipziger
A typo on the rules doc. The snotling stars are AV6 not AV7

Re: Stunty Slam 10, 15.9.18 - Stockport

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 6:55 am
by Leipziger
A few questions that have been asked:

1) Are skill costs included in the team value?
No. 1.1 million to build your team then add in the 42 points of skills.

2) Can any team hire the WB Stunty Stars?
No. You can only hire the ones that fit with your team.

Re: Stunty Slam 10, 15.9.18 - Stockport

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 8:29 am
by firebreather