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HQ Summer Jam 2018 (July 21st - Belgium)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:40 am
by Da_Great_MC

When? Saturday July 21st

Where? HQ Gaming Club.
Lamstraat 38. 9100 Sint-Niklaas. Belgium.

What? a three round NAF sanctioned Blood Bowl resurrection tournament

TV: 110
Blood Bowl Competition Rules
Swiss Pairings
New teams Bretonnia and Khorne are allowed

This tournament counts towards the Belgian Structured Tournament Series.

Registration Fee?
€7 (early registration) / €10 (on site registration)
--> Lunch (probably sandwiches) will be included.

Early Registration? Possible until July 19th.

- Deposit on IBAN BE52 7310 3561 2109, BIC: KREDBEBB (Mats Clays). Please mention who you are paying for.
- Use Pay Pal (friends & family, so I don’t have to pay fees). Please mention who you are paying for. My Pay Pal address is Mats_Clays at Yahoo dot com
- Pay me cash when you see me.


10u00 Doors + Registration
10u30 - 12u45 Round 1
13u00 - 15u15 Round 2
15u30 - 17u45 Round 3

Prize Ceremony

As always, you can expect us to keep a tight schedule.


- Winner gets a NAF trophy.
- A randomly determined coach will win a new GW team. Draw will be during Round 1.
- If we have 10+ players, another randomly determined coach will win a new GW team. Draw will be during Round 2.
- If we have 14+ players, a third randomly determined coach will win a new GW team. Draw will be during Round 3.

- I'll dig out some small prizes for most Touchdowns, most Casualties and last place.


Halflings can buy a Master Chef, Goblins can buy 0-3 Bribes.
Tier 4 teams can buy 0-1 Star Player. You need 11 players before hiring a Star Player.
No other inducements are allowed.

For balancing reasons, teams have been divided in five tiers.
Teams will receive extra skills at the start of the tournament, based on their tier.
Extra skills can be assigned to any player on your team.
Extra skills are not floating skills, you can use them in every game.

TIER 0: Dark Elf, Undead, Wood Elf
 Tier 0 teams receive no extra skills.

TIER 1: Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Norse, Orc, Skaven
 Tier 1 teams receive no extra skills.

TIER 2: Bretonnia, (Pro) Elf, High Elf, Human, Necromantic
 Tier 2 teams can assign a free Block OR a free Leader skill to one of their players.

TIER 3: Chaos, Chaos Pact, Khemri, Khorne, Nurgle, Ogre, Slann
 Tier 3 teams can assign a free Block AND a free Leader skill to one of their players.

TIER 4: Goblin, Halfling, Underworld, Vampire
 Tier 4 teams can assign a free Leader, a free Block and a free Dirty Player skill to one of their players.

All teams assign nine (9) FLOATING SKILLS before the tournament, tier 4 teams assign twelve (12) floating skills. Two (2) of these floating skills may be ‘double’ skills.
For Tier 0 teams only one (1) skill can be a ‘double’ skill.

A single player can never have more than one extra skill.
 Tier 4 teams need fifteen regular players to assign their three starting skills + twelve floating skills.

At the start of each round, when pairings have been made, each coach chooses three (3) floating skills they will use for that game. Both players decide their floating skills at the same time, you can write them on a paper in secret and show them simultaneously.

The three floating skills you have used during Round 1 will not be available for the remainder of the tournament. Remove them from your team roster. At the start of Round 2, you will have six (6) floating skills to choose from. You play Round 3 with the three (3) remaining skills.

Tier 4 teams choose four (4) floating skills at the start of each round.


MAJOR WIN (2+TD) - 5 points
MINOR WIN (1TD) - 4 points
DRAW - 2 points
MINOR LOSS (1TD) - 1 point
MAJOR LOSS (2+TD) - 0 points


Coaches will be ranked by the points they have earned. Should two or more coaches have the same amount of points, the following tiebreakers will be used.

TIEBREAKER 1 - Number of victories
TIEBREAKER 2 - Number of draws
TIEBREAKER 3 - Opponent score (the sum of all points from all your opponents)
TIEBREAKER 4 - Net TD’s + Net Casualties

Re: HQ Summer Jam 2018 (July 21st - Belgium)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:41 am
by Da_Great_MC
0. Da_Great_MC (reserve player)