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iPad apps?

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:18 pm
by mzukerman
Is anyone out there planning on making any iPad tools? I saw ffdice but I'm looking for team sheets, league managers, or other. Don't have any development background (or time) otherwise I'd do it myself.

Re: iPad apps?

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:31 am
by Gaixo
A coach that I've just introduced to the game develops iPad apps and has been talking about doing something for BB. I think he is looking for some direction, though, as he is so new to the game. Any specific ideas?

iPad apps?

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:22 pm
by mzukerman
Gaixo wrote:A coach that I've just introduced to the game develops iPad apps and has been talking about doing something for BB. I think he is looking for some direction, though, as he is so new to the game. Any specific ideas?
I think that starting with a team manager would be great. So coming up with a character sheet that can work with all the teams would be best. Keep track of games, multiple teams, maybe even sync with OBBLM.

Another app that would be useful would be a league manager. That would be great. Again, synching with OBBLM would be fantastic, but keeping league schedules and team rosters would be great.

Finally, in either app a rules search of the LRB would be great.

Let me know if he wants to talk.


Re: iPad apps?

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:11 pm
by Dain
Would love to see that happening guys ;)

Re: iPad apps?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:55 pm
by Gaixo
I just saw him Tuesday, but hadn't checked this thread beforehand. I'll pass those ideas along the next chance I get.

He said he was working on something, it sounded like a virtual dugout and diceroller.

Re: iPad apps?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:52 pm
by Frank
Gaixo wrote:I just saw him Tuesday, but hadn't checked this thread beforehand. I'll pass those ideas along the next chance I get.

He said he was working on something, it sounded like a virtual dugout and diceroller.
Would be great!

We started a league in Singapore and several singapore guys have no computer or dataplan on their iPhones. So it would be great to manage the teamroster on iPhone/iPad for several teams offline.

A simple league manager (Matrix of who played against who) would be nice.

LRB: I think this will be an IP issue...

Re: iPad apps?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:09 pm
by danton
I found a useful iPad app that was not developed for Blood Bowl, but which can be easily adapted for it. The app is called Coach Note and it's a generic sports diagram tool, which comes with pitches for lots of different sports. The key feature that makes it useful for Blood Bowl is that you can add your own custom pitch images instead of using the pitches that come with the app. So I took a Blood Bowl pitch image and put it in the app resulting in:


This app actually acts like a great replacement for Play Creator, as you can save team formations, animate play sequences and it has lots of other great features too. It even lets you record video natively within the app and you can then publish directly to YouTube from the iPad camera roll:

Re: iPad apps?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:56 pm
by mrbrownesquire
How does everyone get hold of my pitch images? They crop up everywhere :D

I put the pdf of the living rulebook into my ibooks and then bookmark the most-used pages. It is very useful, although I would love to see a more integrated BB app.

Re: iPad apps?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 4:09 pm
by danton
mrbrownesquire wrote:How does everyone get hold of my pitch images? They crop up everywhere :D

I put the pdf of the living rulebook into my ibooks and then bookmark the most-used pages. It is very useful, although I would love to see a more integrated BB app.
Your pitch looks great in the app! Will probably try it with another of your pitches too.

The PDf idea for the LRB is a good one.

Yeah, the iPad is a great device for BB related app and I could definitely see it being used for TT tournaments, either for team rosters or managing the entire tournament.

iPad apps?

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:16 pm
by mzukerman
Great video! Yes, I want to use my BloodPad for games/league management, but there's woefully little out there. Right now it's a PDF viewer, as described above.

Re: iPad apps?

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:03 pm
by danton
I'm sure many of you are already familiar with elyoukey's web application, which helps you to calculate the probability of making various BB dice roll sequences: Samba Action Calculator

A while ago I asked elyoukey if he was ok with me making a native version of it for iOS devices, as I wanted to learn Objective C and thought it would be a good project for learning a new language, while also producing a useful free tool for the BB community. A short while ago, Apple approved it and you can now find it in the App Store: ... ?ls=1&mt=8

It's a Universal App, which means that it runs on iPhones, iPods and iPads and the interface for the iPad takes advantage of the increased screen size

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

iPad apps?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:01 pm
by Oventa
Downloaded it, rated it, works fine on iPad
If you manage to play with the orientation so that it also works in landscape orientation it's a bonus point.

Re: iPad apps?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:03 pm
by danton
Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I thought it was more practical to just lock the orientation into portrait mode, as the app works better in a vertical view, because that means you have to scroll less. It's also a pet peeve of mine, when apps change the orientation of the view at the slightest tilt of the device! Some apps definitely need to be able to change orientation, but I didn't feel this was the case. I will bear it in mind for a future update, if more people request that though. Thanks for taking the time to rate it and reply!

iPad apps?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:07 pm
by Oventa
I Agree with the unwanted tilting
But I use my pad basically 100% in landscape mode and have it locked in that mode.
Only there the keyboard is big enough for an almost real keyboard experience and it nicely rests on my knees during my train ride to work

Re: iPad apps?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:21 pm
by Nod_Hero
Messed about with it, works fine on my iPad.

p.s. +1 request for landscape!