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Score! - tiebreakers, sports scores and kill scores

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:22 am
by Olaf the Stout
I used the Score! software at my Blood Bowl tournament for the first time on the weekend. It worked really well and was certainly a lot better than the Excel spreadsheet I had used in previous years. There were a couple of things that I either couldn't figure out how to do, or wasn't sure if it was possible to do with Score!

Firstly, Score! allows you to select Opponent's Score as the first tie breaker. That is what we used as the first tie-breaker at my tournament. The problem with that was that the tournament was 6 games held over 2 days. There were a couple of people that only played 1 day, not both. This meant that those players that played against these players had a much lower Opponent's Score.

A better option would be to use Average Opponent's Score so that it didn't matter how many games your opponent played. Is that possible in the current version of Score!? If it isn't, is there any way to add it in myself?

Secondly, we award a Best Sports award at the tournament. This is the player that others most enjoyed playing. These scores are weighted scores based on the average scores that people give. For example, if someone gave all their opponents a score of 5, they will each receive a weighted score of 0. However, if the average of all results they gave was 5, and they gave 1 person a 7 that person would receive a score of +2. This way the Sports scores are not affected by the fact that some people always give high scores, while others always give low scores.

Is there any way to calculate sports scores using Score! in the way that I have described above?

Thirdly, my tournament tracks kills for and against in each round, in addition to casualties. Is there any way to record kills for and against on a round by round basis in Score!? I could see a way to record one or the other, but not both.

Thanks in advance,

Olaf the Stout

Re: Score! - tiebreakers, sports scores and kill scores

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 7:53 am
by sann0638
Hi Olaf,
from my experience the 2nd and 3rd things would be best recorded separately - just have an excel sheet open as well, as they don't affect tournament score. I also think the tiebreaker system is fairly inflexible, it just has a few options as you've seen and not formulas, so your scenario is a bit tricky.

But this is just from my experience, so others might say different.


Re: Score! - tiebreakers, sports scores and kill scores

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:33 pm
by Olaf the Stout
Hi Mike,

Yeah, I did just record Kills and Sports scores on a separate spreadsheet. It definitely made data entry a lot slower though. Tiebreakers being average opponent's score, rather than opponent's score can make a big difference too, so hopefully there is a way I can adjust it myself.

Olaf the Stout