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OBBLM: Conferences

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 1:27 pm
by Kikurasis
Ok, on I've got the Conference and LeagueTables enabled. Three questions:

1) When someone is not logged in, it shows the "Conference Admin" menu item. Is there a way to hide that for non-admins? It's throwing an exception when someone goes to it without proper permissions.

2) We input some test games (in the "Queen" conference), but the LeagueTables page for the conference isn't updated. Is there something we're missing?

3) Is there a way to get the LeagueTable on the front page, so we can show the division standings instead of the conference?


Re: OBBLM: Conferences

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 3:16 pm
by Aronne320
Kikurasis wrote:Ok, on I've got the Conference and LeagueTables enabled. Three questions:

1) When someone is not logged in, it shows the "Conference Admin" menu item. Is there a way to hide that for non-admins? It's throwing an exception when someone goes to it without proper permissions.

2) We input some test games (in the "Queen" conference), but the LeagueTables page for the conference isn't updated. Is there something we're missing?

3) Is there a way to get the LeagueTable on the front page, so we can show the division standings instead of the conference?


2) The conference plugin seems to not being updated for a long time. It gives many errors with the recent obblm releases. I suppose it just need updates to work again without problem. I've tried to fix it but i'm not such good at scripting.

3) Not that I know of.

Plz if you can find a way to use the conference plugin with recent obblm withou problems share what you fixed :)

Re: OBBLM: Conferences

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 5:47 pm
by Kikurasis
2] Ok, for LeagueTables, I trudged through it -- PHP is not my language, so it took me longer than if it was in something I'd used before. ;)

in the lib/class_leaguetables.php file, you need to change the line:

Code: Select all

list($teams, ) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_TEAM, array(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT => $tour_id), 1000, $SR, false);

Code: Select all

list($teams, ) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_TEAM, array(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT => $tour_id), array(1, 1000), $SR, false);
It seems as if the lib/class_stats.php file (with the newly done getRaw method) was expecting an array (as '$N') instead of a value (as '$n'). This was causing the SQL to generate with an invalid 'LIMIT' in it, causing no records to be returned.

Still looking for an answer to #1 and #3. :)

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 7:25 pm
by Shteve0
1) Can you post up your class_htmlout file here? In the "code" wrap would be best ;)

3) go to your local settings. Within there should be a php file for your league, and towards the bottom there are the standings table settings; if you can code wrap that too I'll take a look.

Sadly I'm not familiar with the conferences plugin so need to see what's been affected in those two files to make a call on this. If you'd prefer to PM me that's fine too (though others on here will also be able to input if you post the code).

Re: OBBLM: Conferences

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 8:14 pm
by Kikurasis
I'd rather post it in here so that others might be able to use the info. :)

1) This file is pretty big -- but I don't remember ever editing it. I'm putting it in another reply, as the total can't be more than 60000 characters, but it's more. :P

3) I've modified these things in multiple OBBLM instances dozens of times. I know what you are looking for here... ;)

Code: Select all

 *   Front page: tournament standings boxes

$settings['fp_standings'] = array(
        'id'     => 33, # Node ID
        'box_ID' => 1,
        // Please note: 'type' may be either one of: 'league', 'division' or 'tournament'
        'type'   => 'tournament', # This sets the node to be a tournament. I.e. this will make a standings box for the tournament with ID = 1
        'infocus' => true, # If true a random team from the standings will be selected and its top players displayed.
            The house ranking system (HRS) NUMBER to sort the table against.
            Note, this is ignored for "type = tournament", since tours have an assigned HRS.
            Also note that using HRSs with fields such as points (pts) for leagues/divisions standings makes no sense as they are tournament specific fields (i.e. it makes no sense to sum the points for teams across different tours to get the teams' "league/division points", as the points definitions for tours may vary).
        'HRS'    => 1, # Note: this must be a existing and valid HRS number from the main settings.php file.
        'title'  => '<a href=""><font color="white">Season 5, King Conference</font></a>', # Table title
        'length' => 16, # Number of entries in table
        # Format: "Displayed table column name" => "OBBLM field name". For the OBBLM fields available see
        'fields' => array('Name' => 'name', 'GP' => 'played', 'W' => 'won', 'D' => 'draw', 'L' => 'lost', 'PTS' => 'pts', 'GF' => 'gf', 'GA' => 'ga', 'TV' => 'tv',),
        'id'     => 34, # Node ID
        'box_ID' => 2,
        // Please note: 'type' may be either one of: 'league', 'division' or 'tournament'
        'type'   => 'tournament', # This sets the node to be a tournament. I.e. this will make a standings box for the tournament with ID = 1
        'infocus' => true, # If true a random team from the standings will be selected and its top players displayed.
            The house ranking system (HRS) NUMBER to sort the table against.
            Note, this is ignored for "type = tournament", since tours have an assigned HRS.
            Also note that using HRSs with fields such as points (pts) for leagues/divisions standings makes no sense as they are tournament specific fields (i.e. it makes no sense to sum the points for teams across different tours to get the teams' "league/division points", as the points definitions for tours may vary).
        'HRS'    => 1, # Note: this must be a existing and valid HRS number from the main settings.php file.
        'title'  => '<a href=""><font color="white">Season 5, Queen Conference</font></a>', # Table title
        'length' => 16, # Number of entries in table
        # Format: "Displayed table column name" => "OBBLM field name". For the OBBLM fields available see
        'fields' => array('Name' => 'name', 'GP' => 'played', 'W' => 'won', 'D' => 'draw', 'L' => 'lost', 'PTS' => 'pts', 'GF' => 'gf', 'GA' => 'ga', 'TV' => 'tv',),

Right now, those point to the two tournaments (33 and 34) that hold our two divisions each ("conferences"). You can see the League Tables here for tour 33 and tour 34, just to be able to relate them back to the home standings box information. I'm thinking that if the 'type' were something other than 'tournament' (say, 'conference'), we could add code to the handlers (wherever they are -- like I said, I'm not a PHP guy ;)) to insert the League Tables HTML instead of the box it currently does.

Re: OBBLM: Conferences

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 8:15 pm
by Kikurasis
File class_htmlout.php (part 1)

Code: Select all


 *  Copyright (c) Nicholas Mossor Rathmann <> 2009-2012. All Rights Reserved.
 *  This file is part of OBBLM.
 *  OBBLM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  OBBLM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

 THIS FILE is used for HTML-helper routines.

// Special dropdown states for nodeSelector().
define('T_STATE_ALLTIME', 1);
define('T_STATE_ACTIVE', 2);
define('T_NODE_ALL', -1);  # All nodes.
define('T_RACE_ALL', -1);  # All races.


public static function recentGames($obj, $obj_id, $node, $node_id, $opp_obj, $opp_obj_id, array $opts)
        Make recent games table.

         $opts = array(
            'url' => The URL of the page on which this table is to be printed.
            'n' => (int) Fetch the n most recent games. If not specified all matches are displayed.
            'GET_SS' => GET Sorting suffix

    global $lng, $T_ROUNDS;

    $extra = array('doNr' => false, 'noHelp' => true);

    if (!array_key_exists('GET_SS', $opts)) {$opts['GET_SS'] = '';}
    else {$extra['GETsuffix'] = $opts['GET_SS'];} # GET Sorting Suffix
    if (!(array_key_exists('n', $opts) && $opts['n'])) {$opts['n'] = false;}
    if (!$opts['n']) {
        $N = array();
    else {
        $N = isset($_GET["page"]) 
            ? array((int) $_GET["page"],$opts['n'])
            : array(1,$opts['n']);

    $FOR_OBJ = $obj;
    if ($obj && $obj_id)
        list($matches, $pages) = Stats::getMatches($obj, $obj_id, $node, $node_id, $opp_obj, $opp_obj_id, $N, true, false);
        list($matches, $pages) = Match::getMatches($N, ($node) ? $node : false, ($node) ? $node_id : false, false);

    $extra['page'] = $N[0];
    $extra['pages'] = $pages;

    foreach ($matches as $m) {
        $m->date_played_disp = textdate($m->date_played, false, false);
        $m->score = "$m->team1_score&mdash;$m->team2_score";
        $m->mlink = "<a href='index.php?section=matches&type=report&mid=$m->match_id'>".$lng->getTrn('common/view')."</a>";
        $m->tour_name = Tour::getTourUrl($m->f_tour_id);
        $m->league_name = League::getLeagueUrl(get_parent_id(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, $m->f_tour_id, T_NODE_LEAGUE));
        if ($FOR_OBJ) {
            $m->result = matchresult_icon($m->result);
        if (in_array($m->round,array_keys($T_ROUNDS))) {
            $m->round = $lng->getTrn($T_ROUNDS[$m->round]);
        $m->team1_name = "<a href='".urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_TEAM,$m->team1_id,false,false)."'>$m->team1_name</a>&nbsp;<i>(<a href='".urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_COACH,$m->coach1_id,false,false)."'>$m->coach1_name</a>)</i>";
        $m->team2_name = "<a href='".urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_TEAM,$m->team2_id,false,false)."'>$m->team2_name</a>&nbsp;<i>(<a href='".urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_COACH,$m->coach2_id,false,false)."'>$m->coach2_name</a>)</i>";

    $fields = array(
        'date_played_disp' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/dateplayed'), 'nosort' => true),
        'league_name' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/league'), 'nosort' => true),
        'tour_name'   => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/tournament'), 'nosort' => true),
        'round'       => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/round'), 'nosort' => true),
        'team1_name'    => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/home'), 'nosort' => true),
        'team2_name'    => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/away'), 'nosort' => true),
// Old solution
#        'team1_name'  => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/home'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_TEAM,false,false,false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'team1_id'), 'nosort' => true),
#        'team2_name'  => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/away'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_TEAM,false,false,false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'team2_id'), 'nosort' => true),
        'gate'        => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/gate'), 'kilo' => true, 'suffix' => 'k', 'href' => false, 'nosort' => true),
        'score'       => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/score'), 'nosort' => true),
    if ($FOR_OBJ) {$fields['result'] = array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/result'), 'nosort' => true);}
    $fields['mlink'] = array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/match'), 'nosort' => true); # Must be last!

        (isset($_GET["sort$opts[GET_SS]"])) ? array((($_GET["dir$opts[GET_SS]"] == 'a') ? '+' : '-') . $_GET["sort$opts[GET_SS]"]) : array(),

public static function upcomingGames($obj, $obj_id, $node, $node_id, $opp_obj, $opp_obj_id, array $opts)
        Make upcoming games table.

         $opts = array(
            'url' => The URL of the page on which this table is to be printed.
            'n' => (int) Fetch the n most recent games. If not specified all matches are displayed.
            'GET_SS' => GET Sorting suffix

    global $lng, $T_ROUNDS;

    $extra = array('doNr' => false, 'noHelp' => true);

    if (!array_key_exists('GET_SS', $opts)) {$opts['GET_SS'] = '';}
    else {$extra['GETsuffix'] = $opts['GET_SS'];} # GET Sorting Suffix
    if (!(array_key_exists('n', $opts) && $opts['n'])) {$opts['n'] = false;}
    if (!$opts['n']) {
        $N = array();
    else {
        $N = isset($_GET["page"]) 
            ? array((int) $_GET["page"],$opts['n'])
            : array(1,$opts['n']);

    if ($obj && $obj_id)
        list($matches, $pages) = Stats::getMatches($obj, $obj_id, $node, $node_id, $opp_obj, $opp_obj_id, $N, true, true);
        list($matches, $pages) = Match::getMatches($N, ($node) ? $node : false, ($node) ? $node_id : false, true);

    $extra['page'] = $N[0];
    $extra['pages'] = $pages;

    foreach ($matches as $m) {
        $m->date_created_disp = textdate($m->date_created, true);
        $m->mlink = "<a href='index.php?section=matches&type=report&mid=$m->match_id'>".$lng->getTrn('common/view')."</a>";
        $m->tour_name = Tour::getTourUrl($m->f_tour_id);
        $m->league_name = League::getLeagueUrl(get_parent_id(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, $m->f_tour_id, T_NODE_LEAGUE));
        if (in_array($m->round,array_keys($T_ROUNDS))) {
            $m->round = $lng->getTrn($T_ROUNDS[$m->round]);
        $m->team1_name = "<a href='".urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_TEAM,$m->team1_id,false,false)."'>$m->team1_name</a>&nbsp;<i>(<a href='".urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_COACH,$m->coach1_id,false,false)."'>$m->coach1_name</a>)</i>";
        $m->team2_name = "<a href='".urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_TEAM,$m->team2_id,false,false)."'>$m->team2_name</a>&nbsp;<i>(<a href='".urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_COACH,$m->coach2_id,false,false)."'>$m->coach2_name</a>)</i>";

    $fields = array(
        'date_created_disp'  => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/datecreated'), 'nosort' => true),
        'league_name'   => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/league'), 'nosort' => true),
        'tour_name'     => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/tournament'), 'nosort' => true),
        'round'         => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/round'), 'nosort' => true),
        'team1_name'    => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/home'), 'nosort' => true),
        'team2_name'    => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/away'), 'nosort' => true),
// Old solution
#        'team1_name'    => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/home'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_TEAM,false,false,false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'team1_id'), 'nosort' => true),
#        'team2_name'    => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/away'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_TEAM,false,false,false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'team2_id'), 'nosort' => true),
        'mlink'         => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/match'), 'nosort' => true),

        (isset($_GET["sort$opts[GET_SS]"])) ? array((($_GET["dir$opts[GET_SS]"] == 'a') ? '+' : '-') . $_GET["sort$opts[GET_SS]"]) : array(),

private static function _getDefFields($obj, $node, $node_id)
        Shared use by standings() and nodeSelector().
        These are the default fields (general/regular stats) in standings() and the "having" filters of nodeSelector().

        mv_ fields are accumulated stats from MV tables. rg_ (regular) are regular/static/all-time fields from non mv-tables (players, teams, coaches etc.)

    global $lng;

    $fields = array(
        'mv_won'     => array('desc' => 'W'),
        'mv_draw'    => array('desc' => 'D'),
        'mv_lost'    => array('desc' => 'L'),
        'mv_played'  => array('desc' => 'GP'),
        'rg_win_pct' => array('desc' => 'WIN%'),
        'rg_swon'    => array('desc' => 'SW'),
        'rg_sdraw'   => array('desc' => 'SD'),
        'rg_slost'   => array('desc' => 'SL'),
        'mv_gf'      => array('desc' => 'GF'),
        'mv_ga'      => array('desc' => 'GA'),
        'mv_td'      => array('desc' => 'Td'),
        'mv_cp'      => array('desc' => 'Cp'),
        'mv_intcpt'  => array('desc' => 'Int'),
        'mv_cas'     => array('desc' => 'Cas'),
        'mv_bh'      => array('desc' => 'BH'),
        'mv_si'      => array('desc' => 'Si'),
        'mv_ki'      => array('desc' => 'Ki'),

    // These fields are not summable!!!
    //ie. you dont get the division/league value of these fields by summing over the related/underlying tournaments field's values.
    global $objFields_notsum;
        # Look non-summable field and remove them.
    $ALL_TIME = self::_isNodeAllTime($obj, $node, $node_id);
    if (!$ALL_TIME) {
        if ($node == T_NODE_TOURNAMENT) {
            $new_fields = array();
            foreach ($fields as $fname => $fcont) {
                $f = preg_replace('/^\w\w\_/', '', $fname);
                $new_fields[in_array($f, $objFields_notsum) ? "mv_$f" : $fname] = $fcont;
            $fields = $new_fields;
        foreach ($objFields_notsum as $f) {

    $fields_before = $fields_after = array();
    switch ($obj)
        case STATS_PLAYER:
            $fields_after = array(
                'mv_mvp' => array('desc' => 'MVP'),
                'mv_spp' => array('desc' => 'SPP'),
                'value'  => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/value'), 'nosort' => !$ALL_TIME, 'kilo' => true, 'suffix' => 'k'),
            foreach (array('won', 'lost', 'draw') as $f) {


        case STATS_TEAM:
            $fields_before = array(
                'tv' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/value'), 'kilo' => true, 'suffix' => 'k'),
            $fields_after = array(
                'mv_tcasf' => array('desc' => 'tcasf'),
                'mv_tcasa' => array('desc' => 'tcasa'),
                'mv_tcdiff' => array('desc' => 'tcdiff'),
            	'mv_smp' => array('desc' => 'SMP'),
            if ($ALL_TIME) {
                $fields_after['wt_cnt'] = array('desc' => 'WT');
                $fields_after['rg_elo'] = array('desc' => 'ELO');
            else if ($node == T_NODE_TOURNAMENT) {
                $fields_after['mv_elo'] = array('desc' => 'ELO');
                $tr = new Tour($node_id);
                if ($tr->isRSWithPoints()) {
                    $fields_after['mv_pts'] = array('desc' => 'PTS');

        case STATS_RACE:
            if ($node == T_NODE_TOURNAMENT) {
                $fields_before['mv_team_cnt'] = array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/teams'));
            else if ($ALL_TIME) {
                $fields_before['rg_team_cnt'] = array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/teams'));
            foreach (array('won', 'lost', 'draw') as $f) {

        case STATS_COACH:
            $fields_after = array(
                'mv_tcasf' => array('desc' => 'tcasf'),
                'mv_tcasa' => array('desc' => 'tcasa'),
                'mv_tcdiff' => array('desc' => 'tcdiff'),
            	'mv_smp' => array('desc' => 'SMP'),
            if ($node == T_NODE_TOURNAMENT) {
                $fields_before['mv_team_cnt'] = array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/teams'));
                $fields_after['mv_elo'] = array('desc' => 'ELO');
            else if ($ALL_TIME) {
                $fields_before['rg_team_cnt'] = array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/teams'));
                $fields_after['rg_elo'] = array('desc' => 'ELO');

        case STATS_STAR:
            $fields_after = array(
                'mv_mvp' => array('desc' => 'MVP'),
                'mv_spp' => array('desc' => 'SPP'),
            foreach (array('won', 'lost', 'draw', 'ga', 'gf') as $f) {

    return array_merge($fields_before, $fields, $fields_after);

private static function _isNodeAllTime($obj, $node, $node_id)
    # Teams may not cross leagues, so a team's league stats is equal to its all-time stats.
    return (!$node || !$node_id || ($node == T_NODE_LEAGUE && $node_id == T_NODE_ALL) || ($obj == T_OBJ_TEAM && $node == T_NODE_LEAGUE));

public static function standings($obj, $node, $node_id, array $opts)
         Makes various kinds of standings tables.
         $obj and $node types are STATS_* types.

         $opts = array(
            'url' => page URL on which table is to be displayed (required!)
            'GET_SS' => GET Sorting suffix
            'return_objects' => bool
            'teams_from' => [T_OBJ_COACH|T_OBJ_RACE] when $obj = T_OBJ_TEAM and this is set, only teams related to this object type (teams_from), of ID = $opts[teams_from_id] are fetched.
            'teams_from_id' => ID (int) see "teams_from" for details.

    global $lng, $settings, $objFields_avg;

    $tblTitle = '';
    $objs = $fields = $extra = array();
    $fields_before = $fields_after = array(); // To be merged with $fields.

    if (!array_key_exists('GET_SS', $opts)) {$opts['GET_SS'] = '';}
    else {$extra['GETsuffix'] = $opts['GET_SS'];} # GET Sorting Suffix

    $PAGE = isset($_GET["page"]) 
            ? (int) $_GET["page"]
            : 1;
    $PAGELENGTH = 0; # Infinite, is overrided in below switch/case..

    $extra['noHelp'] = false;
    $W_TEAMS_FROM = array_key_exists('teams_from', $opts);

    $enableRaceSelector = ($obj == T_OBJ_PLAYER || $obj == T_OBJ_TEAM && (!isset($opts['teams_from']) || $opts['teams_from'] != T_OBJ_RACE));
    # NO filters for teams of a coach on the coach's teams list.
    $_COACH_TEAM_LIST = ($W_TEAMS_FROM && $opts['teams_from'] == T_OBJ_COACH);
    if ($_COACH_TEAM_LIST) {
        list(,,$T_STATE) = HTMLOUT::nodeSelector(array('nonodes' => true, 'state' => true)); # Produces a state selector.
        $_SELECTOR = array(false,false,$T_STATE,T_RACE_ALL,'GENERAL','mv_played',self::T_NS__ffilter_ineq_gt,0);
    else {
        $_SELECTOR = HTMLOUT::nodeSelector(array('force_node' => array($node,$node_id), 'race' => $enableRaceSelector, 'sgrp' => true, 'ffilter' => true, 'obj' => $obj));
    list($sel_node, $sel_node_id, $sel_state, $sel_race, $sel_sgrp, $sel_ff_field, $sel_ff_ineq, $sel_ff_limit) = $_SELECTOR;
    $filter_node = array($sel_node => $sel_node_id);
    $filter_race = ($sel_race != T_RACE_ALL) ? array(T_OBJ_RACE => $sel_race) : array();
    $filter_having = array('having' => array($sel_ff_field.(($sel_ff_ineq == self::T_NS__ffilter_ineq_gt) ? '>=' : '<=').$sel_ff_limit));
    if ($_COACH_TEAM_LIST && $sel_state != T_STATE_ALLTIME) {
        $filter_having['having'][] = 'rdy IS TRUE';
        $filter_having['having'][] = 'retired IS FALSE';
    $SGRP_GEN = ($sel_sgrp == 'GENERAL');

    $ALL_TIME = self::_isNodeAllTime($obj, $sel_node, $sel_node_id);

    $manualSort = isset($_GET["sort$opts[GET_SS]"]);
    $sortRule = array_merge(
        ($manualSort) ? array((($_GET["dir$opts[GET_SS]"] == 'a') ? '+' : '-') . $_GET["sort$opts[GET_SS]"]) : array(),
        ($obj == T_OBJ_TEAM && $sel_node == T_NODE_TOURNAMENT && is_object($tr = new Tour($sel_node_id)))
            ? array_map(create_function('$val', 'return $val[0]."mv_".substr($val,1);'), $tr->getRSSortRule())
            : sort_rule($obj)

    $set_avg = (isset($_GET['pms']) && $_GET['pms']); // Per match stats?
    echo '<br><a href="'.$opts['url'].'&pms='.(($set_avg) ? 0 : 1).'"><b>'.$lng->getTrn('common/'.(($set_avg) ? 'ats' : 'pms'))."</b></a><br><br>\n";

    // Common $obj type fields.
    $fields = self::_getDefFields($obj, $sel_node, $sel_node_id);

    // Was a different (non-general) stats group selected?
    if (!$SGRP_GEN) {
        $grps_short = getESGroups(true,true);
        $grps_long = getESGroups(true,false);
        $fields_short = $grps_short[$sel_sgrp];
        $fields_long = $grps_long[$sel_sgrp];

        $fields = array_combine(
            array_strpack('mv_%s', $fields_long),
            array_map(create_function('$f', 'return array("desc" => $f);'), $fields_short)
        $objFields_avg = array_merge($objFields_avg, array_map(create_function('$k', 'return substr($k, 3);'), array_keys($fields)));

    switch ($obj)
        case STATS_PLAYER:
            $tblTitle = $lng->getTrn('menu/statistics_menu/player_stn');
            $fields_before = array(
                'name'    => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/player'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_PLAYER,false,false,false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'player_id')),
                'f_tname' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/team'),   'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_TEAM,false,false,false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'owned_by_team_id')),
            $PAGELENGTH = $settings['standings']['length_players'];
            list($objs, $PAGES) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_PLAYER, $filter_node+$filter_having+$filter_race, array($PAGE, $PAGELENGTH), $sortRule, $set_avg);

        case STATS_TEAM:
            $tblTitle = $lng->getTrn('menu/statistics_menu/team_stn');
            $fields_before = array(
                'name' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/name'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_TEAM,false,false,false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'team_id')),

            // Show teams standings list only for teams owned by... ?
            switch ($W_TEAMS_FROM ? $opts['teams_from'] : false)
                case T_OBJ_COACH:
                    $fields_before['f_rname'] = array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/race'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_RACE,false,false,false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'f_race_id'));
                    list($objs, $PAGES) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_TEAM, $filter_node+$filter_having+$filter_race+array(T_OBJ_COACH => (int) $opts['teams_from_id']), false, $sortRule, $set_avg);

                case T_OBJ_RACE:
                    $fields_before['f_cname'] = array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/coach'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_COACH,false,false,false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'owned_by_coach_id'));
                    $PAGELENGTH = $settings['standings']['length_teams'];
                    list($objs, $PAGES) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_TEAM, $filter_node+$filter_having+array(T_OBJ_RACE => (int) $opts['teams_from_id']), array($PAGE, $PAGELENGTH), $sortRule, $set_avg);

                // All teams
                    $PAGELENGTH = $settings['standings']['length_teams'];
                    list($objs, $PAGES) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_TEAM, $filter_node+$filter_having+$filter_race, array($PAGE, $PAGELENGTH), $sortRule, $set_avg);

        case STATS_RACE:
            $tblTitle = $lng->getTrn('menu/statistics_menu/race_stn');
            $fields_before = array(
                'name' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/race'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_RACE,false,false,false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'race_id')),
            $dash_empty = false;
            if ($sel_node == T_NODE_TOURNAMENT) {
                $dash_empty = 'mv_team_cnt';
            else if ($ALL_TIME) {
                $dash_empty = 'rg_team_cnt';
            if ($dash_empty) {
                $extra['dashed'] = array('condField' => $dash_empty, 'fieldVal' => 0, 'noDashFields' => array('name'));
            list($objs, $PAGES) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_RACE, $filter_node+$filter_having, false, $sortRule, $set_avg);


        case STATS_COACH:
            $tblTitle = $lng->getTrn('menu/statistics_menu/coach_stn');
            $fields_before = array(
                'name' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/coach'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_COACH,false,false,false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'coach_id')),
            $PAGELENGTH = $settings['standings']['length_coaches'];
            list($objs, $PAGES) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_COACH, $filter_node+$filter_having, array($PAGE, $PAGELENGTH), $sortRule, $set_avg);

        case STATS_STAR:
            $tblTitle = $lng->getTrn('menu/statistics_menu/star_stn');
            $fields_before = array(
                'name' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/star'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_STAR,false,false,false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'star_id')),
                // Statics
                'cost'   => array('desc' => 'Price', 'kilo' => true, 'suffix' => 'k'),
                'ma'     => array('desc' => 'Ma'),
                'st'     => array('desc' => 'St'),
                'ag'     => array('desc' => 'Ag'),
                'av'     => array('desc' => 'Av'),
            $extra['dashed'] = array('condField' => 'mv_played', 'fieldVal' => 0, 'noDashFields' => array('name'));
            list($objs, $PAGES) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_STAR, $filter_node+$filter_having, false, $sortRule, $set_avg);


    foreach ($objs as $idx => $obj) {$objs[$idx] = (object) $obj;}
    if (!$SGRP_GEN) {
        $tmp = $fields_before['name'];
        $fields_before = $fields_after = array();
        $fields_before['name'] = $tmp;
    $fields = array_merge($fields_before, $fields, $fields_after);
    // Add average marker on fields (*).
    if ($set_avg) {
        foreach (array_keys($fields) as $f) {
            $f_cut = preg_replace('/^\w\w\_/', '', $f);
            if (in_array($f_cut, $objFields_avg)) {
                $fields[$f]['desc'] .= '*';
    $extra['page'] = $PAGE;
    $extra['pages'] = $PAGES;
    $extra['pagelength'] = $PAGELENGTH;
       $opts['url'].(($set_avg) ? '&pms=1' : ''),

    return (array_key_exists('return_objects', $opts) && $opts['return_objects']) ? array($objs, $sortRule) : true;

// We need this so that a new league's settings gets loaded on next page reload when set in the node selector.
public static function updateNodeSelectorLeagueVars()
    global $leagues;

    /* Simple league selector (SLS) */
    $lids = array_keys($leagues);
    if (isset($_POST['SLS_lid']) && in_array($_POST['SLS_lid'], $lids)) {
        $_SESSION[self::T_NSStr__node]    = T_NODE_LEAGUE;
        $_SESSION[self::T_NSStr__node_id] = (int) $_POST['SLS_lid'];

    /* Advanced node selector (ANS) */
    if (isset($_POST['ANS'])) {
        $_SESSION[self::T_NSStr__node] = (int) $_POST['node'];
        $rel = array(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT => 'tour', T_NODE_DIVISION => 'division', T_NODE_LEAGUE => 'league');
        $_SESSION[self::T_NSStr__node_id] = (int) $_POST[$rel[$_SESSION[self::T_NSStr__node]].'_in'];

const T_NSStr__node    = 'NS_node';
const T_NSStr__node_id = 'NS_node_id';

public static function simpleLeagueSelector()
    global $lng, $leagues, $coach, $settings;

    $lids = array_keys($leagues); # Used multiple times below to determine selected FP league.
    # Default league.
    $sel_lid = (is_object($coach) && isset($coach->settings['home_lid']) && in_array($coach->settings['home_lid'], $lids)) ? $coach->settings['home_lid'] : $settings['default_visitor_league'];
    # Update league view?
    # NOTE: Form selections updates of $_SESSION node vars are done via self::updateNodeSelectorLeagueVars().
    if ($_lid = self::getSelectedNodeLid()) {
        $sel_lid = $_lid;
    # Save league view.
    $_SESSION[self::T_NSStr__node]    = T_NODE_LEAGUE;
    $_SESSION[self::T_NSStr__node_id] = (int) $sel_lid;

    $HTMLselector = $lng->getTrn('common/league').'&nbsp;';
    $HTMLselector .= "<form name='SLS' method='POST' style='display:inline; margin:0px;'>";
    $HTMLselector .= self::nodeList(T_NODE_LEAGUE, 'SLS_lid',array(),array(),array('sel_id' => $sel_lid, 'extra_tags' => array("onChange='document.SLS.submit();'")));
    $HTMLselector .= "</form>\n";

    return array($sel_lid, $HTMLselector);

public static function getSelectedNodeLid()
    global $leagues;

    $lids = array_keys($leagues);
    $_lid = false;

    if (isset($_SESSION[self::T_NSStr__node_id]) && (int) $_SESSION[self::T_NSStr__node_id] > 0) {
        $_lid = ((int) $_SESSION[self::T_NSStr__node] != T_NODE_LEAGUE)
            ? get_parent_id((int) $_SESSION[self::T_NSStr__node], (int) $_SESSION[self::T_NSStr__node_id], T_NODE_LEAGUE)
            : (int) $_SESSION[self::T_NSStr__node_id];

        if (!in_array($_lid, $lids)) {
            $_lid = false;

    return $_lid;

// Node Selector constants
const T_NS__ffilter_ineq_gt = 1; # Greater than.
const T_NS__ffilter_ineq_lt = 2; # Less than.

public static function nodeSelector(array $opts)
    global $lng, $settings, $raceididx, $coach;

    // Set defaults
    $s_node     = self::T_NSStr__node;
    $s_node_id  = self::T_NSStr__node_id;
    $s_state    = "NS_state";
    $s_race     = "NS_race";
    $s_sgrp     = "NS_sgrp";
        # Field filter
    $s_ffilter_field = "NS_ffilter__field"; # Field name, e.g. "mv_played".
    $s_ffilter_ineq  = "NS_ffilter__ineq"; # inequality direction (">=" or "<="), self::T_NS__ffilter_ineq_* values.
    $s_ffilter_limit = "NS_ffilter__limit"; # RHS of ineq, e.g. "20" in the expression mv_played > 20

    // Options
    $hideNodes = (array_key_exists('nonodes', $opts) && $opts['nonodes']); # This is not a "set" option because it was implemented later, and for backwards compabillity (not changing the caller's syntax) we therefore do it this way.
    $setState = (array_key_exists('state', $opts) && $opts['state']);
    $setRace = (array_key_exists('race', $opts) && $opts['race']);
    $setSGrp = (array_key_exists('sgrp', $opts) && $opts['sgrp']);
    $setFFilter = (array_key_exists('ffilter', $opts) && $opts['ffilter']);
    $obj = ($setFFilter) ? $opts['obj'] : null;

    // Defaults
    $def_node    = T_NODE_LEAGUE;
    $def_node_id = (is_object($coach) && isset($coach->settings['home_lid'])) ? $coach->settings['home_lid'] : $settings['default_visitor_league'];
    $def_state   = T_STATE_ACTIVE; # No longer T_STATE_ALLTIME;
    $def_race    = T_RACE_ALL;
    $def_sgrp    = 'GENERAL';
    $def_ffilter_field = 'mv_played';
    $def_ffilter_ineq  = self::T_NS__ffilter_ineq_gt;
    $def_ffilter_limit = '0';

    // Forcings
    $force_node = $force_node_id = false;
    if (isset($opts['force_node']) && is_numeric($opts['force_node'][0]) && is_numeric($opts['force_node'][1])) {
        list($force_node,$force_node_id) = $opts['force_node'];

    $NEW = isset($_POST['ANS']);
    $_SESSION[$s_state] = ($NEW && $setState) ? (int) $_POST['state_in'] : (isset($_SESSION[$s_state]) ? $_SESSION[$s_state] : $def_state);
    $_SESSION[$s_race]  = ($NEW && $setRace)  ? (int) $_POST['race_in']  : (isset($_SESSION[$s_race])  ? $_SESSION[$s_race]  : $def_race);
    $_SESSION[$s_sgrp]  = ($NEW && $setSGrp)  ? $_POST['sgrp_in']        : (isset($_SESSION[$s_sgrp])  ? $_SESSION[$s_sgrp]  : $def_sgrp);
    # NOTE: Form selections updates of $_SESSION node vars are done via self::updateNodeSelectorLeagueVars().
    $_SESSION[$s_node]    = $force_node    ? $force_node    : (isset($_SESSION[$s_node])     ? $_SESSION[$s_node]    : $def_node);
    $_SESSION[$s_node_id] = $force_node_id ? $force_node_id : (isset($_SESSION[$s_node_id])  ? $_SESSION[$s_node_id] : $def_node_id);

    $_SESSION[$s_ffilter_field] = ($NEW && $setFFilter) ? $_POST['ffilter_field_in'] : (isset($_SESSION[$s_ffilter_field]) ? $_SESSION[$s_ffilter_field] : $def_ffilter_field);
    $_SESSION[$s_ffilter_ineq]  = ($NEW && $setFFilter) ? $_POST['ffilter_ineq_in']  : (isset($_SESSION[$s_ffilter_ineq])  ? $_SESSION[$s_ffilter_ineq]  : $def_ffilter_ineq);
    $_SESSION[$s_ffilter_limit] = ($NEW && $setFFilter) ? $_POST['ffilter_limit_in'] : (isset($_SESSION[$s_ffilter_limit]) ? $_SESSION[$s_ffilter_limit] : $def_ffilter_limit);

    // Fetch contents of node selector
#    $leagues = Coach::allowedNodeAccess(Coach::NODE_STRUCT__TREE, is_object($coach) ? $coach->coach_id : false);

    <form method="POST">
    echo $lng->getTrn('common/displayfrom');

    <select <?php if ($hideNodes) {echo "style='display:none;'";}?> name="node" onChange="
        selConst = Number(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);
            case <?php echo T_NODE_TOURNAMENT;?>: document.getElementById('tour_in').style.display = 'inline'; break;
            case <?php echo T_NODE_DIVISION;?>:   document.getElementById('division_in').style.display = 'inline'; break;
            case <?php echo T_NODE_LEAGUE;?>:     document.getElementById('league_in').style.display = 'inline'; break;
        foreach (array(T_NODE_LEAGUE => $lng->getTrn('common/league'), T_NODE_DIVISION => $lng->getTrn('common/division'), T_NODE_TOURNAMENT => $lng->getTrn('common/tournament')) as $const => $name) {
            echo "<option value='$const' ".(($_SESSION[$s_node] == $const) ? 'SELECTED' : '').">$name</option>\n";
    if (!$hideNodes) {echo ":";}
    echo self::nodeList(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, 'tour_in',     array(), array(), array('all' => true, 'sel_id' => ($_SESSION[$s_node] == T_NODE_TOURNAMENT) ? $_SESSION[$s_node_id] : null, 'extra_tags' => array('style="display:none;"'),  'hide_empty' => array(T_NODE_DIVISION)));
    echo self::nodeList(T_NODE_DIVISION,   'division_in', array(), array(), array('all' => true, 'sel_id' => ($_SESSION[$s_node] == T_NODE_DIVISION)   ? $_SESSION[$s_node_id] : null, 'extra_tags' => array('style="display:none;"'),  'empty_str' => array(T_NODE_LEAGUE => '')));
    echo self::nodeList(T_NODE_LEAGUE,     'league_in',   array(), array(), array('all' => true, 'sel_id' => ($_SESSION[$s_node] == T_NODE_LEAGUE)     ? $_SESSION[$s_node_id] : null, 'extra_tags' => array('style="display:none;"'),  'empty_str' => array(T_NODE_LEAGUE => ''), 'allow_all' => true));

    if ($setState) {
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/type');
        <select name="state_in" id="state_in">
            echo "<option value='".T_STATE_ALLTIME."' ".(($_SESSION[$s_state] == T_STATE_ALLTIME) ? 'SELECTED' : '').">".$lng->getTrn('common/alltime')."</option>\n";
            echo "<option value='".T_STATE_ACTIVE."'  ".(($_SESSION[$s_state] == T_STATE_ACTIVE) ? 'SELECTED' : '').">".$lng->getTrn('common/active')."</option>\n";
    if ($setRace) {
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/race');
        <select name="race_in" id="race_in">
            echo "<option style='font-weight: bold;' value='".T_RACE_ALL."'>-".$lng->getTrn('common/all')."-</option>\n";
            foreach ($raceididx as $rid => $rname) {
                echo "<option value='$rid'".(($_SESSION[$s_race] == $rid) ? 'SELECTED' : '').">$rname</option>\n";
    if ($setSGrp) {
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/sgrp');
        <select name="sgrp_in" id="sgrp_in">
            echo "<option value='GENERAL'>".$lng->getTrn('common/general')."</option>\n";
            foreach (($settings['hide_ES_extensions']) ? array() : getESGroups(false) as $f) {
                echo "<option value='$f'".(($_SESSION[$s_sgrp] == $f) ? 'SELECTED' : '').">$f</option>\n";
    if ($setFFilter) {
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/having');
        $FFilterFields = self::_getDefFields($obj, $_SESSION[$s_node], $_SESSION[$s_node_id]);
        if (!in_array($_SESSION[$s_ffilter_field], array_keys($FFilterFields))) {
            $_SESSION[$s_ffilter_field] = $def_ffilter_field;
            $_SESSION[$s_ffilter_ineq]  = $def_ffilter_ineq;
            $_SESSION[$s_ffilter_limit] = $def_ffilter_limit;
        <select name="ffilter_field_in" id="ffilter_field_in">
            foreach ($FFilterFields as $f => $desc) {
                echo "<option value='$f'".(($_SESSION[$s_ffilter_field] == $f) ? 'SELECTED' : '').">$desc[desc]</option>\n";
        <select name="ffilter_ineq_in" id="ffilter_ineq_in">
            <option value="<?php echo self::T_NS__ffilter_ineq_gt;?>" <?php echo ($_SESSION[$s_ffilter_ineq] == self::T_NS__ffilter_ineq_gt) ? 'SELECTED' : '';?>>>=</option>
            <option value="<?php echo self::T_NS__ffilter_ineq_lt;?>" <?php echo ($_SESSION[$s_ffilter_ineq] == self::T_NS__ffilter_ineq_lt) ? 'SELECTED' : '';?>><=</option>
        <input type='text' name="ffilter_limit_in" id="ffilter_limit_in" size='2' value="<?php echo $_SESSION[$s_ffilter_limit];?>">
    <input type="hidden" name="ANS" value="1">
    <input type="submit" name="select" value="<?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/select');?>">
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
        var open;
        echo '
                case '.T_NODE_TOURNAMENT.': open = "tour"; break;
                case '.T_NODE_DIVISION.':   open = "division"; break;
                case '.T_NODE_LEAGUE.':     open = "league"; break;
        if (!$hideNodes) echo "document.getElementById(open+'_in').style.display = 'inline'\n";
        function disableall()
            document.getElementById('tour_in').style.display = 'none';
            document.getElementById('division_in').style.display = 'none';
            document.getElementById('league_in').style.display = 'none';
            return true;

    $allNodes = ($_SESSION[$s_node] == T_NODE_LEAGUE && $_SESSION[$s_node_id] == T_NODE_ALL);
    return array(
        ($allNodes) ? false : $_SESSION[$s_node],
        ($allNodes) ? false : $_SESSION[$s_node_id],
        ($setState) ? $_SESSION[$s_state] : false,
        ($setRace) ? $_SESSION[$s_race] : false,
        ($setSGrp) ? $_SESSION[$s_sgrp] : false,
        ($setFFilter) ? $_SESSION[$s_ffilter_field] : false,
        ($setFFilter) ? $_SESSION[$s_ffilter_ineq]  : false,
        ($setFFilter) ? $_SESSION[$s_ffilter_limit] : false,

Re: OBBLM: Conferences

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 8:16 pm
by Kikurasis
File class_htmlout.php (part 2)

Code: Select all

public static function quoteEsc($str) {
    return str_replace("'",''',$str);

private static function _nodeList_filter($filters, $desc)
    foreach ($filters as $key => $val) {
        $not = false;
#        if ($key[0] == '!') {
#            $not = true;
#            $key = substr($key, 1);
#        }
        if (!isset($desc[$key]) || ($not) ? ($desc[$key] == $val) : ($desc[$key] != $val)) {
            return false;
    return true;

#public static function nodeList($node, $nameid, $selected_id, $style = '', $no_all = false, $filter = array(), $disCond = array())
public static function nodeList($node, $nameid, $filter = array(), $disCond = array(), $opts = array())
    global $coach, $lng;

    // Inputs
    $selected_id = isset($opts['sel_id']) ? $opts['sel_id'] : null;
    $extra_tags = isset($opts['extra_tags']) ? $opts['extra_tags'] : array();
    $allow_all = (isset($opts['allow_all']) && $opts['allow_all']);
    $hide_empty = isset($opts['hide_empty']) ? $opts['hide_empty'] : array();
    $empty_str = isset($opts['empty_str']) ? $opts['empty_str'] : array(); # e.g. "%name (EMPTY)" where %name will be substituted like $DISSTR
    $init_option = isset($opts['init_option']) ? $opts['init_option'] : false;
    # Default empty strings
    foreach ($empty_str as $idx => $str) {
        if (empty($str)) { # If $emprty_str = array(T_NODE_* => ''); then we convert it to the below.
            $empty_str[$idx] = strtoupper($lng->getTrn('common/empty')).' &mdash; %name';

    // Preprocessing
    $additionalFields = array();
    # Init filters to empty if not set
        if (!isset($filter[$n])) $filter[$n] = array();
    # "OTHER" filters may contain non-node field (ie. membership fields): ring
    $OTHER_FILTER = isset($filter['OTHER']) ? $filter['OTHER'] : array();
    unset($filter['OTHER']); # Don't pass to allowedNodeAccess() - add to $filter again later...
    foreach ($filter as $n => $filters) {
        $_filter_keys = array_keys($filters);
        # Recombine for allowedNodeAccess() => the returned fields from allowedNodeAccess() the same names as the keys from $filters.
        $additionalFields[$n] = empty($_filter_keys) ? array() : array_combine($_filter_keys,$_filter_keys); # Don't rereference the field names, make them the same.
    $DISSTR = isset($disCond['DISSTR']) ? $disCond['DISSTR'] : '';
    $_filter_keys = array_keys($disCond);
    $disCond2 = empty($_filter_keys) ? array() : array_combine($_filter_keys,$_filter_keys); # Don't rereference the field names, make them the same.
    $additionalFields[$node] = array_merge($additionalFields[$node], $disCond2);
    $leagues = Coach::allowedNodeAccess(Coach::NODE_STRUCT__TREE, is_object($coach) ? $coach->coach_id : false, $additionalFields);
    # This needs only to be added to the league node filter, since it's always evaluated independant of the $node value.
    $filter[T_NODE_LEAGUE] = array_merge($filter[T_NODE_LEAGUE], $OTHER_FILTER);
#    print_r($leagues);'
    # Mark nodse to hide in their desc element
    foreach ($leagues as $lid => $divs) {
        # I.e. only the 'desc' element exists => no divs in league
        $leagues[$lid]['desc']['_empty'] = $empty = (count($divs) == 1);
        $leagues[$lid]['desc']['_hide'] = ($empty && in_array(T_NODE_LEAGUE, $hide_empty));
        foreach ($divs as $did => $tours) {
            if ($did == 'desc') continue;
            # I.e. only the 'desc' element exists => no tours in division
            $leagues[$lid][$did]['desc']['_empty'] = $empty = (count($tours) == 1);
            $leagues[$lid][$did]['desc']['_hide'] = ($empty && in_array(T_NODE_DIVISION, $hide_empty));
    // Done preprocessing...
    $NL = '';
    $NL .= "<select name='$nameid' id='$nameid' ".implode(' ', $extra_tags).">\n";
    if ($init_option) {
        $NL .= $init_option;
    switch ($node) {
        case T_NODE_TOURNAMENT:
            foreach ($leagues as $lid => $divs) {
                if (!self::_nodeList_filter($filter[T_NODE_LEAGUE], $divs['desc']) || $divs['desc']['_hide']) continue;
                $optname = self::quoteEsc($divs['desc']['lname']);
                if ($divs['desc']['_empty'] && isset($empty_str[T_NODE_LEAGUE])) {
                    $optname = str_replace('%name', $optname, $empty_str[T_NODE_LEAGUE]);
                $NL .= "<optgroup class='leagues' label='$optname'>\n";
                foreach ($divs as $did => $tours) {
                    if (!is_numeric($did)) continue; # skip "desc" entry for division
                    if (!self::_nodeList_filter($filter[T_NODE_DIVISION], $tours['desc']) || $tours['desc']['_hide']) continue;
                    $optname = self::quoteEsc($tours['desc']['dname']);
                    if ($tours['desc']['_empty'] && isset($empty_str[T_NODE_DIVISION])) {
                        $optname = str_replace('%name', $optname, $empty_str[T_NODE_DIVISION]);
                    $NL .= "<optgroup class='divisions' style='padding-left: 1em;' label='$optname'>\n";
                    foreach ($tours as $trid => $desc) {
                        if (!is_numeric($trid)) continue; # skip "desc" entry for division
                        if (!self::_nodeList_filter($filter[T_NODE_TOURNAMENT], $desc['desc'])) continue;
                        $dis = false;
                        foreach ($disCond as $key => $val) {
                            if ($desc['desc'][$key] == $val) {$dis = true; break;};
                        $name = self::quoteEsc($desc['desc']['tname']);
                        $NL .= "<option ".(($dis) ? 'DISABLED' : '')." style='background-color: white; margin-left: -1em;' value='$trid' ".(($selected_id == $trid) ? 'SELECTED' : '').">".(($dis) ? str_replace('%name', $name, $DISSTR) : $name)."</option>\n";
                    $NL .= "</optgroup>\n";
                $NL .= "</optgroup>\n";

        case T_NODE_DIVISION:
            foreach ($leagues as $lid => $divs) {
                if (!self::_nodeList_filter($filter[T_NODE_LEAGUE], $divs['desc']) || $divs['desc']['_hide']) continue;
                $optname = self::quoteEsc($divs['desc']['lname']);
                if ($divs['desc']['_empty'] && isset($empty_str[T_NODE_LEAGUE])) {
                    $optname = str_replace('%name', $optname, $empty_str[T_NODE_LEAGUE]);
                $NL .= "<optgroup class='leagues' label='$optname'>\n";
                foreach ($divs as $did => $tours) {
                    if (!is_numeric($did)) continue; # skip "desc" entry for division
                    if (!self::_nodeList_filter($filter[T_NODE_DIVISION], $tours['desc'])) continue;
                    $dis = false;
                    foreach ($disCond as $key => $val) {
                        if ($tours['desc'][$key] == $val) {$dis = true; break;};
                    $name = self::quoteEsc($tours['desc']['dname']);
                    if ($dis) {
                        $name = str_replace('%name', $name, $DISSTR);
                    if ($tours['desc']['_empty'] && isset($empty_str[T_NODE_DIVISION])) {
                        $name = str_replace('%name', $name, $empty_str[T_NODE_DIVISION]);
                    $NL .= "<option ".(($dis) ? 'DISABLED' : '')." style='background-color: white;' value='$did' ".(($selected_id == $did) ? 'SELECTED' : '').">$name</option>\n";
                $NL .= "</optgroup>\n";

        case T_NODE_LEAGUE:
            if ($allow_all) {
                $NL .= "<option style='font-weight: bold;' value='".T_NODE_ALL."'>-".$lng->getTrn('common/all')."-</option>\n";
            foreach ($leagues as $lid => $divs) {
                if (!self::_nodeList_filter($filter[T_NODE_LEAGUE], $divs['desc'])) continue;
                $dis = false;
                foreach ($disCond as $key => $val) {
                    if ($divs['desc'][$key] == $val) {$dis = true; break;};
                $name = self::quoteEsc($divs['desc']['lname']);
                if ($dis) {
                    $name = str_replace('%name', $name, $DISSTR);
                if ($divs['desc']['_empty'] && isset($empty_str[T_NODE_LEAGUE])) {
                    $name = str_replace('%name', $name, $empty_str[T_NODE_LEAGUE]);
                $NL .= "<option ".(($dis) ? 'DISABLED' : '')." value='$lid' ".(($selected_id == $lid) ? 'SELECTED' : '').">$name</option>\n";

    $NL .= "</select>\n";
    return $NL;

public static function frame_begin($stylesheet = false, $menu = true)
    global $settings;
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
        <title><?php echo $settings['site_name']; ?></title>
        <link type="text/css" href="css/stylesheet<?php echo ($stylesheet) ? $stylesheet : $settings['stylesheet']; ?>.css" rel="stylesheet">
        <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS Feed"href="rss.xml">
        <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/misc_functions.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery.autocomplete-min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery.expander.js"></script>
        <link type="text/css" href="css/autocomplete.css" rel="stylesheet">

        <!-- CSS MENU (./cssmenu extension) -->
        <link href="cssmenu/css/dropdown/dropdown.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
        <link href="cssmenu/css/dropdown/themes/default/default.ultimate.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
	<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="cssmenu/js/jquery/jquery.js"></script> -->
        <script type="text/javascript" src="cssmenu/js/jquery/jquery.dropdown.js"></script>
        <!--[if lt IE 7]>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="cssmenu/js/jquery/jquery.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="cssmenu/js/jquery/jquery.dropdown.js"></script>
        <div class="everything">
            <div class="banner"></div>
            <div class="menu">
                <?php if ($menu) {HTMLOUT::make_menu();} ?>
            </div> <!-- Menu div end -->
            <div class="section"> <!-- This container holds the section specific content -->

public static function frame_end()
                <!-- Pseudo container to force parent container to have the correct height for (potential) floating children -->
                <div style="clear: both;"></div>
            </div> <!-- End of section div -->
        </div> <!-- End of everything div -->
    return true;

private static function make_menu()

    global $lng, $coach, $settings, $rules, $admin_menu;

    <ul id="nav" class="dropdown dropdown-horizontal">
        if (isset($_SESSION['logged_in'])) { ?><li><a href="index.php?logout=1">     <?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/logout');?></a></li><?php }
        else                               { ?><li><a href="index.php?section=login"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/login');?></a></li><?php }

        if (isset($_SESSION['logged_in']) && is_object($coach)) {
            echo '<li><a href="'.urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE,T_OBJ_COACH,$coach->coach_id,false,false).'">'.$lng->getTrn('menu/cc').'</a></li>';
            if (!empty($admin_menu)) {
                <li><span class="dir"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/admin_menu/name');?></span>
                    foreach ($admin_menu as $lnk => $desc) {
                        if (!is_array($desc)) {
                            echo "<li><a href='index.php?section=admin&subsec=$lnk'>$desc</a></li>\n";
                        else {
                            <li><span class="dir"><?php echo $desc['title'];?></span>
                            foreach ($desc['sub'] as $sub) {
                                echo "<li><a href='index.php?section=admin&subsec=$lnk&$sub[href]'>$sub[title]</a></li>\n";
        <li><a href="index.php?section=main"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/home');?></a></li>
        <li><a href="index.php?section=teamlist"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/teams');?></a></li>
        <li><a href="index.php?section=coachlist"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/coaches');?></a></li>
        <li><span class="dir"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/matches_menu/name');?></span>
                <li><a href="index.php?section=matches&type=tours"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/matches_menu/tours');?></a></li>
                <li><a href="index.php?section=matches&type=recent"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/matches_menu/recent');?></a></li>
                <li><a href="index.php?section=matches&type=upcoming"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/matches_menu/upcoming');?></a></li>
                <li><a href="index.php?section=matches&type=usersched"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/matches_menu/usersched');?></a></li>
        <li><span class="dir"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/statistics_menu/name');?></span>
                <li><a href="<?php echo urlcompile(T_URL_STANDINGS,T_OBJ_TEAM,false,false,false);?>"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/statistics_menu/team_stn');?></a></li>
                <li><a href="<?php echo urlcompile(T_URL_STANDINGS,T_OBJ_PLAYER,false,false,false);?>"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/statistics_menu/player_stn');?></a></li>
                <li><a href="<?php echo urlcompile(T_URL_STANDINGS,T_OBJ_COACH,false,false,false);?>"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/statistics_menu/coach_stn');?></a></li>
                <li><a href="<?php echo urlcompile(T_URL_STANDINGS,T_OBJ_RACE,false,false,false);?>"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/statistics_menu/race_stn');?></a></li>
                <li><a href="<?php echo urlcompile(T_URL_STANDINGS,T_OBJ_STAR,false,false,false);?>"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/statistics_menu/star_stn');?></a></li>
        <li><span class="dir"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/plugins');?></span>
                <?php if (Module::isRegistered('Search'))            { ?><li><a href="handler.php?type=search"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('name', 'Search');?></a></li><?php } ?>
                <?php if (Module::isRegistered('TeamCompare'))       { ?><li><a href="handler.php?type=teamcompare"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('name', 'TeamCompare');?></a></li><?php } ?>
                <?php if (Module::isRegistered('HOF'))               { ?><li><a href="handler.php?type=hof"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('name', 'HOF');?></a></li><?php } ?>
                <?php if (Module::isRegistered('FamousTeams'))       { ?><li><a href="handler.php?type=famousteams"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('name', 'FamousTeams');?></a></li><?php } ?>
                <?php if (Module::isRegistered('Wanted'))            { ?><li><a href="handler.php?type=wanted"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('name', 'Wanted');?></a></li><?php } ?>
                <?php if (Module::isRegistered('Prize'))             { ?><li><a href="handler.php?type=prize"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('name', 'Prize');?></a></li><?php } ?>
                <?php if (Module::isRegistered('Cemetery'))          { ?><li><a href="handler.php?type=cemetery&tid=0"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('name', 'Cemetery');?></a></li><?php } ?>
                <?php if (Module::isRegistered('Memmatches'))        { ?><li><a href="handler.php?type=memmatches"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('name', 'Memmatches');?></a></li><?php } ?>
                <?php if (Module::isRegistered('SGraph'))            { ?><li><a href="handler.php?type=graph&gtype=<?php echo SG_T_LEAGUE;?>&id=none"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('name', 'SGraph');?></a></li><?php } ?>
                <?php if (Module::isRegistered('Gallery'))           { ?><li><a href="handler.php?type=gallery"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('name', 'Gallery');?></a></li><?php } ?>
				<?php if (Module::isRegistered('LeagueTables'))      { ?><li><a href="handler.php?type=leaguetables"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu-label', 'LeagueTables');?></a></li><?php } ?>
                <?php if (Module::isRegistered('Conference'))        { ?><li><a href="handler.php?type=conference"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu-conf', 'Conference');?></a></li><?php } ?>
				<?php if (isset($_SESSION['logged_in']) && is_object($coach) && ($coach->ring == Coach::T_RING_GLOBAL_ADMIN || $coach->ring == Coach::T_RING_LOCAL_ADMIN)) { ?>
				<?php if (Module::isRegistered('Scheduler'))     { ?><li><a href="handler.php?type=scheduler"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('name', 'Scheduler');?></a></li><?php } ?>
                <?php if (Module::isRegistered('UPLOAD_BOTOCS') && $settings['leegmgr_enabled']) { ?><li><a href="handler.php?type=leegmgr">Client Match Report Upload</a></li><?php } ?>
                <?php if (Module::isRegistered('PDFMatchReport'))    { ?><li><a href="handler.php?type=pdfmatchreport"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('name', 'PDFMatchReport');?></a></li><?php } ?>
				<?php } ?>

        <li><a href="index.php?section=rules"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/rules');?></a></li>
        <li><a href="index.php?section=about">OBBLM</a></li>
        if (!empty($settings['league_url'])) {
            ?><li><a href="<?php echo $settings['league_url'];?>"><?php echo $settings['league_url_name'];?></a></li><?php

// Prints an advanced sort table.
public static function sort_table($title, $lnk, array $objs, array $fields, array $std_sort, $sort = array(), $extra = array())

        extra fields:
            tableWidth  => CSS style width value

            dashed => array(
                'condField' => field name,                    // When an object has this field's (condField) = fieldVal, then a "-" is put in the place of all values.
                'fieldVal'  => field value,
                'noDashFields' => array('field 1', 'field 2') // ...unless the field name is one of those specified in the array 'noDashFields'.
            remove => array(
                'condField' => field name,  // When an object has this field's (condField) = fieldVal, then the entry/row is not printed in the html table.
                'fieldVal'  => field value,
            GETsuffix => suffix to paste into "dir" and "sort" GET strings.

            color => true/false. Boolean telling wheter or not we should look into each object for the field "HTMLfcolor" and "HTMLbcolor", and use these color codes to color the obj's row. Note: the object must contain the two previously stated fields, or else black-on-white is used as default.

            doNr => true/false. Boolean telling wheter or not to print the "Nr." column.
            limit => int. Stop printing rows when this row number is reached.
            anchor => string. Will create table sorting links, that include this identifier as an anchor.
            noHelp => true/false. Will enable/disable help link [?].
            noSRdisp => true/false. Will force not to show the table sort rule used/parsed.
            page => current page being viewed
            pages => total number of pages
    global $settings, $lng;

    if (array_key_exists('remove', $extra)) {
        $objs = array_filter($objs, create_function('$obj', 'return ($obj->'.$extra['remove']['condField'].' != '.$extra['remove']['fieldVal'].');'));
    $MASTER_SORT = array_merge($sort, $std_sort);
    if (!empty($MASTER_SORT)) {
        objsort($objs, $MASTER_SORT);
    $no_print_fields = array();
    $DONR = (!array_key_exists('doNr', $extra) || $extra['doNr']) ? true : false;
    $LIMIT = (array_key_exists('limit', $extra)) ? $extra['limit'] : -1;
    $ANCHOR = (array_key_exists('anchor', $extra)) ? $extra['anchor'] : false;
    $NOSRDISP = (array_key_exists('noSRdisp', $extra)) ? $extra['noSRdisp'] : false;
    $GETSUFX = (array_key_exists('GETsuffix', $extra)) ? $extra['GETsuffix'] : '';
    $PAGES = (array_key_exists('pages', $extra)) ? $extra['pages'] : false;
    $PAGE  = (array_key_exists('page', $extra))  ? $extra['page']  : 1;
    $PAGELENGTH = (array_key_exists('pagelength', $extra))  ? $extra['pagelength'] : 0;

    if ($DONR) {
        $fields = array_merge(array('nr' => array('desc' => '#')), $fields);
        array_push($no_print_fields, 'nr');

    $CP = count($fields);

    <table class="common" <?php echo (array_key_exists('tableWidth', $extra)) ? "style='width: $extra[tableWidth];'" : '';?>>
        <tr class="commonhead">
            <td colspan="<?php echo $CP;?>"><b>
            <?php echo $title;?>&nbsp;
            if (!array_key_exists('noHelp', $extra) || !$extra['noHelp']) {
                ?><a TARGET="_blank" href="html/table_desc.html">[?]</a><?php
            foreach ($fields as $f => $attr)
                echo "<td><i>$attr[desc]</i></td>";
        foreach ($fields as $f => $attr) {
            if (in_array($f, $no_print_fields) || (array_key_exists('nosort', $attr) && $attr['nosort'])) {
                echo "<td></td>";
            $sort = 'sort'.$GETSUFX;
            $dir = 'dir'.$GETSUFX;
            $anc = '';
            if ($ANCHOR) {
                $anc = "#$ANCHOR";

            echo "<td><b><a href='$lnk&page=1&$sort=$f&$dir=a$anc' title='Sort ascending'>+</a>/<a href='$lnk&page=1&$sort=$f&$dir=d$anc' title='Sort descending'>-</a></b></td>";
        <tr><td colspan="<?php echo $CP;?>"><hr></td></tr>
        $i = 1 + (($PAGE && $PAGELENGTH) ? ($PAGE-1)*$PAGELENGTH : 0);
        foreach ($objs as $o) {
            $DASH = (array_key_exists('dashed', $extra) && $o->{$extra['dashed']['condField']} == $extra['dashed']['fieldVal']) ? true : false;
            if (array_key_exists('color', $extra)) {
                $td = "<td style='background-color: ".(isset($o->HTMLbcolor) ? $o->HTMLbcolor : 'white')."; color: ".(isset($o->HTMLfcolor) ? $o->HTMLfcolor : 'black').";'>";
            else {
                $td = '<td>';
            echo "<tr>";
            if ($DONR) {
                echo $td.$i."</td>";
            foreach ($fields as $f => $a) { // Field => attributes
                if (!in_array($f, $no_print_fields)) {
                    if ($DASH && !in_array($f, $extra['dashed']['noDashFields'])) {
                        echo $td."-</td>";
                    $cpy = $o->$f; // Don't change the objects themselves! Make copies!
                    if (array_key_exists('kilo', $a) && $a['kilo'])
                        $cpy /= 1000;
                        $cpy = (string) $cpy;
                    if (is_numeric($cpy) && !ctype_digit(($cpy[0] == '-') ? substr($cpy,1) : $cpy))
                        $cpy = sprintf("%1.2f", $cpy);
                    if (array_key_exists('suffix', $a) && $a['suffix'])
                        $cpy .= $a['suffix'];
                    if (array_key_exists('color', $a) && $a['color'])
                        $cpy = "<font color='$a[color]'>".$cpy."</font>";
                    if (array_key_exists('href', $a) && $a['href']) {
                        $href = (isset($o->href)) ? $o->href : $a['href'];
                        $cpy  = "<a href='$href[link]".((isset($href['field'])) ? "&$href[field]=".$o->{$href['value']} : '')."'>".$cpy."</a>";

                    if (isset($o->{"${f}_color"})) {
                        echo "<td style='background-color: ".$o->{"${f}_color"}."; color: black;'>".$cpy."</td>";
                    else {
                        echo $td.$cpy."</td>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
            if ($i++ == $LIMIT) {
        if (!$NOSRDISP) {
            <td colspan="<?php echo $CP;?>">
            <td align="right" colspan="<?php echo $CP;?>">
            if ($PAGES) {
            <div style='float:left;'><?php 
                echo $lng->getTrn('common/page')."&nbsp;";
                $primary_sort = isset($_GET["sort$GETSUFX"])
                    ? "&sort$GETSUFX=".$_GET["sort$GETSUFX"]."&dir$GETSUFX=".$_GET["dir$GETSUFX"]
                    : '';
                $pageslist = array_strpack('<a href=\"'.$lnk.'&page=%s'.$primary_sort.'\">%s</a>', range(1,$PAGES));
                $pageslist[$PAGE-1] = "<b>$PAGE</b>";
                echo implode(', ', $pageslist);
            <div style='float:right;'><i><?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/sortedagainst');?>: <?php echo implode(', ', rule_dict($MASTER_SORT));?></i></div>
    echo "</table>\n";


public static function generateEStable($obj)
    global $ES_fields, $lng;
    echo "<table>\n";
    echo "<tr><td><i>".$lng->getTrn('common/stat')."</i></td>
            echo "<tr><td colspan='4'><hr></td></tr>\n";
    $grp = null;
    $objAVG = clone $obj;
    # Require that fields are already sorted against group type!!!
    foreach ($ES_fields as $ESf => $def) {
        if ($grp != $def['group']) {
            echo "<tr><td colspan='4'><br><b>$def[group]</b></td></tr>\n";
            $grp = $def['group'];
        echo "<tr valign='top'><td>$ESf</td><td align='right'>".$obj->{"mv_$ESf"}."</td><td align='right'>".sprintf("%1.2f",$objAVG->{"mv_$ESf"})."</td><td style='padding-left:10px;'>".$def['desc']."</td></tr>\n";
    echo "</table>";

private static $helpBoxIdx = 0;
public static function helpBox($body, $link = '', $style = '')
    $ID = 'helpBox'.(++self::$helpBoxIdx);
    if (!empty($link)) {
        echo "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onClick='slideToggle(\"$ID\");'>$link</a><br><br>";
    echo "<div id='$ID' class='helpBox' style='".(empty($link) ? '' : 'display:none').";$style'>".$body.'</div>';
    return $ID;

# DELETE THIS, IT'S NO LONGER USED (was used on schedule page)!
private static $assistantBoxIdx = 0;
public static function assistantBox($title, $body, $style = '')
    $ID = 'assistantBox'.(++self::$assistantBoxIdx);
    echo "<div class='boxCommon' style='$style' id='$ID'>\n";
    echo "<h3 class='boxTitle".T_HTMLBOX_ADMIN."'>".$title."</h3>";
    echo "<div class='boxBody'>\n$body</div>\n</div>\n";
#    echo "<div id='$ID' class='assistantBox' style='$style'>".$body.'</div>';
    return $ID;

public static function dnt()
    If you enjoy this software please support the further development of it by donating.<br>
    <form action="" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
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    <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">



Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 10:06 pm
by Shteve0
Okay, I can help you with 1), just not on my phone. In the second section of your htmlout file is the code for your menu; at a glance it reads as tgough the conference button has only an if(installed) clause, we'll need to give you clauses for && logged in && is admin.

For 3), have you tried changing type to division and making sure you have the division ID? Is that what you're after? You can customise the displayed fields in there easily enough.

Re: OBBLM: Conferences

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 11:58 pm
by Kikurasis
1) Thanks! I edited the lib/class_htmlout.php file to work correctly. I changed this:

Code: Select all

<?php if (Module::isRegistered('Conference'))        { ?><li><a href="handler.php?type=conference">.........

Code: Select all

<?php if (Module::isRegistered('Conference') && (!empty($admin_menu)))        { ?><li><a href="handler.php?type=conference">.........
which seems to work fine by not showing the conference menu item to everyone.

3) No, because that would be going the wrong way. It's League -> Division -> Tournament -> Conference, and we *want* to show the Tournament, but with the Conferences within the box (like the LeagueTables page itself). Another way of doing it would be to have each Conference in a box, but 'conference' isn't recognized as a 'type'. So, there's really two ways about this:
a] Change the 'tournament' type to recognize that the LeagueTables is enabled and that if that 'tournament' is in the 'conferences' table (i.e.: has conferences), then output the LeagueTables HTML instead of the Tournament HTML
b] Add a new type (e.g.: 'conference') to the code so that a box could be output like the current boxes, except with a narrower focus (i.e.: only the teams in the conference).

I'm not sure either of these is already implemented. For sure isn't, but maybe [a] is? I would think that when LeagueTables was created that the home page boxes would've been created, too. That's why I'm asking. ;)

Re: OBBLM: Conferences

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:51 pm
by ChenZhen
This is just what I was looking for! Thanks for answering the question, before I asked it!

Re: OBBLM: Conferences

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 3:49 pm
by Dark Duke
I'm trying to use Conferences in our league. We have an OBBLM page ourside the NAF:

So far I haven't even been able to make the "Conference Administrator" menu appear on the "Admin menu". Apart from setting the Conference module as "true" at line 28 of the file "public_html/settings_modules.php" and run all Database maintenance and Database synchronisation (which is what I've done so far), what else needs to be done?

Thanks in advance for your help.