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How do I add all of my Tournament Standings to my Front Page

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 11:34 pm
by LutonBloodBowl
hi all,

i was wondering if anyone could help me?

My League is split like the following:
League = Luton Tabletop Gaming Club Blood Bowl League
Division = Season 2
Tournaments = League A, League B, League C

I can't seem to find the Tournament ID's in Import Team like is mentioned on the obblm website.

this is what i have visible:
League Division League ID Division ID League requires team-division ties?
Luton Tabletop Gaming Club Blood Bowl League Season 2 1 1 No

Am i missing something? this is my settings file:


* Local settings for League with ID = X, as per settings_X.php
preg_match('/settings_(.*?)\.php/', __FILE__, $match);
$get_lid = $match[1];
$settings['stylesheet'] = 4;
$settings['lang'] = 'en-GB';

* General

// Change the Title after the = sign. Do not change things before the = sign.
$settings['banner_subtitle'] = '';
// Button text for league URL.
$settings['league_url_name'] = 'League Forum';
// Stylesheet for text etc. Currently stylesheet 1 is the only existing stylesheet, so don't change it!
// Default language. Existing: en-GB, es-ES, de-DE, fr-FR, it-IT.
// Default is true. Generate coach, team and player links on the front page?
$settings['fp_links'] = true;
$settings['league_name'] = get_alt_col('league_prefs','f_lid',$get_lid,'league_name');
$settings['banner_title'] = get_alt_col('league_prefs','f_lid',$get_lid,'league_name');
// URL of league home page, if you have one. If not then leave this empty, that is = '' (two quotes only), which will disable the button.
$settings['league_url'] = get_alt_col('league_prefs','f_lid',$get_lid,'forum_url');
// The welcome text appears below the title.
$settings['welcome'] = 'Welcome to the Luton Tabletop Gaming Club Blood Bowl League Website! If your interested in joining our fun little league then please email:
Please visit Luton Tabletop Gaming Clubs Facebook Page:
<a href=" ... /">Link</a>
When and Where? <br>
We play at The Holy Ghost Church, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU4 8JD on Thursday Nights. We Open at 6:30pm and finish 11:00pm
The Rules Pack for Season 2 is here: <a href=" ... D">Link</a>';

// The next text appears when you click the rules button.
$settings['rules'] = get_alt_col('league_prefs','f_lid',$get_lid,'rules');
$get_prime = get_alt_col('league_prefs','f_lid',$get_lid,'prime_tid');
$get_second = get_alt_col('league_prefs','f_lid',$get_lid,'second_tid');

// Keep the following the same.
$settings['tourlist_foldup_fin_divs'] = false; // Default is false. If true the division nodes in the tournament lists section will automatically be folded up if all child tournaments in that division are marked as finished.
$settings['tourlist_hide_nodes'] = array('league', 'division', 'tournament'); // Default is array('league', 'division', 'tournament'). In the section tournament lists these nodes will be hidden if their contents (children) are finished. Example: If 'division' is chosen here, and all tours in a given division are finished, then the division entry will be hidden.

* Rules

// Please use the boolean values "true" and "false" wherever default values are boolean.

$rules['max_team_players'] = 16; // Default is 16.
$rules['static_rerolls_prices'] = false; // Default is "false". "true" forces re-roll prices to their un-doubled values.
$rules['player_refund'] = 0; // Player sell value percentage. Default is 0 = 0%, 0.5 = 50%, and so on.
$rules['journeymen_limit'] = 11; // Until a team can field this number of players, it may fill team positions with journeymen.
$rules['post_game_ff'] = false; // Default is false. Allows teams to buy and drop fan factor even though their first game has been played.

$rules['initial_treasury'] = 1100000; // Default is 1000000.
$rules['initial_rerolls'] = 0; // Default is 0.
$rules['initial_fan_factor'] = 0; // Default is 0.
$rules['initial_ass_coaches'] = 0; // Default is 0.
$rules['initial_cheerleaders'] = 0; // Default is 0.

// For the below limits, the following applies: -1 = unlimited. 0 = disabled.
$rules['max_rerolls'] = -1; // Default is -1.
$rules['max_fan_factor'] = 9; // Default is 9.
$rules['max_ass_coaches'] = -1; // Default is -1.
$rules['max_cheerleaders'] = -1; // Default is -1.

* Standings pages

$settings['standings']['length_players'] = 30; // Number of entries on the general players standings table.
$settings['standings']['length_teams'] = 30; // Number of entries on the general teams standings table.
$settings['standings']['length_coaches'] = 30; // Number of entries on the general coaches standings table.

* Front page messageboard

$settings['fp_messageboard']['length'] = 10; // Number of entries on the front page message board.
$settings['fp_messageboard']['show_team_news'] = true; // Default is true. Show team news on the front page message board.
$settings['fp_messageboard']['show_match_summaries'] = true; // Default is true. Show match summaries on the front page message board.

* Front page boxes

The below settings define which boxes to show on the right side of the front page.

Note, every box MUST have a UNIQUE 'box_ID' number.
The box IDs are used to determine the order in which the boxes are shown on the front page.
The box with 'box_ID' = 1 is shown at the top of the page, the box with 'box_ID' = 2 is displayed underneath it and so forth.

* Front page: tournament standings boxes
$settings['fp_standings'] = array(
# This will display a standings box of the top 6 teams in node (league, division or tournament) with ID = 1
'id' => 1, # Node ID
'box_ID' => 1,
// Please note: 'type' may be either one of: 'league', 'division' or 'tournament'
'type' => 'tournament', # This sets the node to be a tournament. I.e. this will make a standings box for the tournament with ID = 1
'infocus' => true, # If true a random team from the standings will be selected and its top players displayed.
The house ranking system (HRS) NUMBER to sort the table against.
Note, this is ignored for "type = tournament", since tours have an assigned HRS.
Also note that using HRSs with fields such as points (pts) for leagues/divisions standings makes no sense as they are tournament specific fields (i.e. it makes no sense to sum the points for teams across different tours to get the teams' "league/division points", as the points definitions for tours may vary).
'HRS' => get_alt_col('tours','tour_id',$get_prime,'rs'), # Note: this must be a existing and valid HRS number from the main settings.php file.
'title' => get_alt_col('tours','tour_id',$get_prime,'name'), # Table title
'length' => 8, # Number of entries in table
# Format: "Displayed table column name" => "OBBLM field name". For the OBBLM fields available see ... tomization
'fields' => array('Name' => 'name', 'PTS' => 'pts', 'TV' => 'tv', 'CAS' => 'cas', 'W' => 'won', 'L' => 'lost', 'D' => 'draw', 'GF' => 'gf', 'GA' => 'ga',),

'id' => 2, # Node ID
'box_ID' => 2,
// Please note: 'type' may be either one of: 'league', 'division' or 'tournament'
'type' => 'tournament', # This sets the node to be a tournament. I.e. this will make a standings box for the tournament with ID = 1
'infocus' => true, # If true a random team from the standings will be selected and its top players displayed.
The house ranking system (HRS) NUMBER to sort the table against.
Note, this is ignored for "type = tournament", since tours have an assigned HRS.
Also note that using HRSs with fields such as points (pts) for leagues/divisions standings makes no sense as they are tournament specific fields (i.e. it makes no sense to sum the points for teams across different tours to get the teams' "league/division points", as the points definitions for tours may vary).
'HRS' => get_alt_col('tours','tour_id',$get_prime,'rs'), # Note: this must be a existing and valid HRS number from the main settings.php file.
'title' => get_alt_col('tours','tour_id',$get_prime,'name'), # Table title
'length' => 8, # Number of entries in table
# Format: "Displayed table column name" => "OBBLM field name". For the OBBLM fields available see ... tomization
'fields' => array('Name' => 'name', 'PTS' => 'pts', 'TV' => 'tv', 'CAS' => 'cas', 'W' => 'won', 'L' => 'lost', 'D' => 'draw', 'GF' => 'gf', 'GA' => 'ga',),
'id' => 3, # Node ID
'box_ID' => 3,
// Please note: 'type' may be either one of: 'league', 'division' or 'tournament'
'type' => 'tournament', # This sets the node to be a tournament. I.e. this will make a standings box for the tournament with ID = 1
'infocus' => true, # If true a random team from the standings will be selected and its top players displayed.
The house ranking system (HRS) NUMBER to sort the table against.
Note, this is ignored for "type = tournament", since tours have an assigned HRS.
Also note that using HRSs with fields such as points (pts) for leagues/divisions standings makes no sense as they are tournament specific fields (i.e. it makes no sense to sum the points for teams across different tours to get the teams' "league/division points", as the points definitions for tours may vary).
'HRS' => get_alt_col('tours','tour_id',$get_prime,'rs'), # Note: this must be a existing and valid HRS number from the main settings.php file.
'title' => get_alt_col('tours','tour_id',$get_prime,'name'), # Table title
'length' => 8, # Number of entries in table
# Format: "Displayed table column name" => "OBBLM field name". For the OBBLM fields available see ... tomization
'fields' => array('Name' => 'name', 'PTS' => 'pts', 'TV' => 'tv', 'CAS' => 'cas', 'W' => 'won', 'L' => 'lost', 'D' => 'draw', 'GF' => 'gf', 'GA' => 'ga',),


* Front page: leaders boxes

$settings['fp_leaders'] = array(
# Please note: You can NOT make expressions out of leader fields e.g.: 'field' => 'cas+td'
# This will display a 'most CAS' player leaders box for the node (league, division or tournament) with ID = 1
'id' => get_alt_col('tours','tour_id',$get_prime,'f_did'), # Node ID
'box_ID' => 4,
// Please note: 'type' may be either one of: 'league', 'division' or 'tournament'
'type' => 'division', # This sets the node to be a tournament. I.e. this will make a leaders box for the tournament with ID = 1
'title' => 'Most Individual Casualties (Division)', # Table title
'field' => 'cas', # For the OBBLM fields available see ... tomization
'length' => 5, # Number of entries in table
'show_team' => true, # Show player's team name?
# This will display a 'most TD' player leaders box for the node (league, division or tournament) with ID = 2
'id' => get_alt_col('tours','tour_id',$get_prime,'f_did'), # Node ID
'box_ID' => 4,
// Please note: 'type' may be either one of: 'league', 'division' or 'tournament'
'type' => 'division', # This sets the node to be a tournament. I.e. this will make a leaders box for the tournament with ID = 1
'title' => 'Most Individual Touchdowns (Division)', # Table title
'field' => 'td', # For the OBBLM fields available see ... tomization
'length' => 5, # Number of entries in table
'show_team' => true, # Show player's team name?

* Front page: event boxes

$settings['fp_events'] = array(
'id' => $get_lid, # Node ID
'box_ID' => 6,
'type' => 'league', # This sets the node to be a tournament.
'title' => 'Latest Dead Players (League)', # Table title
'content' => 'dead', # Event type
'length' => 5, # Number of entries in table
'id' => $get_lid, # Node ID
'box_ID' => 7,
'type' => 'league', # This sets the node to be a tournament.
'title' => 'Latest Skills (League)', # Table title
'content' => 'skills', # Event type
'length' => 5, # Number of entries in table

* Front page: latest games boxes

$settings['fp_latestgames'] = array(
# This will display a latest games box for the node (league, division or tournament) with ID = 1
'id' => $get_lid, # Node ID
'box_ID' => 8,
// Please note: 'type' may be either one of: 'league', 'division' or 'tournament'
'type' => 'league', # This sets the node to be a league. I.e. this will make a latest games box for the league with ID = 1
'title' => 'Recent Games (League)', # Table title
'length' => 5, # Number of entries in table

Re: How do I add all of my Tournament Standings to my Front

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 12:27 pm
by Vanguard
A link to your league site would help. So first up, the easiest way to get your tournament ID info is from This will list all the leagues and tournaments on your site.
This is the bit of code that displays a Tournament standings box:

Code: Select all

'id' => 1, # Tournament ID
'box_ID' => 1,
'type' => 'tournament',
'infocus' => true
'HRS' => get_alt_col('tours','tour_id',$get_prime,'rs'),
'title' => get_alt_col('tours','tour_id',$get_prime,'name'),
'length' => 8,
'fields' => array('Name' => 'name', 'PTS' => 'pts', 'TV' => 'tv', 'CAS' => 'cas', 'W' => 'won', 'L' => 'lost', 'D' => 'draw', 'GF' => 'gf', 'GA' => 'ga',),
I've removed all the comments for readability. You've got one of these by default in your settings.php. You need to add another two after it for your other two tournaments. Change the first line, ID, to reflect the three IDs of each of your tournaments. The Box_ID defines the order in which they are displayed on your home page, so if you want them at the top then you 'd set them to be 1,2 and 3. You'll need to adjust the Box_IDs of your other front page boxes accordingly. These do not have to be sequential, but avoid duplicates. I use 1-9 for my tournaments standings, 10-19 for my leader boxes, 20-29 for the event boxes and 30 for the latest games box. This means I can add or remove to each section without having to renumber the whole lot.

Re: How do I add all of my Tournament Standings to my Front

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 2:15 pm
by LutonBloodBowl
Hi Vanguard!

thank you very much for the help!

I managed to fumble through it all eventually last night... the website is