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Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 9:41 pm
by Grumbledook
Right just got home, public transport sucks. ;[

Thanks to the spiky lot , really good tournament.
I played rather well, 1-0 win 0-0 draw 2-1 win 2-1 win 2-1 win 1-1 draw
I think that means only me and Sputnik wew the only two not to lose a game all weekend, do my naf rting rather well i was nicely informed.

Was cool to put names to some of the faces in here.

Final note, the black block dice. What can i say, they aren't the all conquering POW results that i was hoping for, double skulls seemed popular. They seem to be just as fair as my white block dice, i feel cheated!! :wink:

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 10:54 pm
by longfang
Back at the Wodell training ranch........

Hi all, great weekend, congrats to all TBBers and the Spiky Club especially for such a good time. Well organised, well run and well supported.

Well played Sputnik, Champion for Lizard kind (move over V B)
respect again to Marcus (my dread opponent :wink: )
To me (cos I'm spawny :wink: )
Zy-nox (can't wait for our next encounter, damn the 6 turn riot! :D )
and to Grumbledook (undeafeated and missed the quarter final cut by 1pt 8) )
Longshot (probably got most touchdowns 8) )
Ace200k (appreciate all your work and effort in being the organiser :smoking: )
Great to meet McDeth, Geggster, V Breath, Cidervampire and everyone else..........

And a tourny wouldn't be complete without the presence of Spyke and Deathwing :roll:

More to come after I've finished looking at my prizes and read my signed by JJ copy of BBmag 4.

"Back to training you lot!" :smoking: :smoking: :smoking:

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 9:14 am
by Princelucianus
Congratulations to Sputnik.... Great job to win such a well attended tourney.....
Marcus and Longfang keep rocking. Who can stop those guys???

I see that Longshot's sundays was again very impressive.....

All picks look great. Hope to make it next year myself....


Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 9:18 am
by firebreather
Had a great weekend, many thanks to the guys at spiky club and well done to the other talk BB lads. Also thanks to zy-nox and marcus for the games, well palyed. Hopefully next year i can improve on 5th place (But probbably not)


Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 9:25 am
by McDeth
Thanks to Dave and the Spiky Club for organising a great event, it was fantastic to meet so many dedicated BloodBowl fans from all over. what a great day, next year i'll try and come without the cheerleaders :wink:

Ok here we go, first act of the day was to actually find my way around reading and finally get to the venue, so a quick registration saw me draw Deathwing in the first game.

1st Game vs Deathwing

DW Wins toss and receives with his High Elves, my intention is to break through and sack his ball carrier and hopefully if that fails to ensure DW doesn't burn up to much time scoring. The first tactic fails but DW scores in turn 2 or 3 ( cant remember ).

From then on its the Undead Crawl upfield, although i think DW designed it so i could score earlier thsan planned leaving him two turns to go 2-1 up. After some hasty end of First half turn die rolls he falls short and we sit level at half time.

2nd half this is where i expect to take control and put myself into a winning position. Then comes the bane of my weekend, RIOT.

5 Turns lost, Three turns to score, it becomes an impossible task and falls short. the game ends 1-1, and although slightly disappointed to not getting the chance to use the undead to roll to a 2-1 win, i'm satisfied in starting undefeated.

Good tense first half, against a great opponent.

2nd Game vs Dwarves.

Played Tom and his Ogre'd Dwarves. this one went exactly to plan.

Received, took up to turn 8 to score, with the predictable undead crawl.
2nd half Tom replied and after the ball was thrown back in from the SSSideline to my endzone his Runner was able to get to the ball first to equalize.

6 Turns to equalize and thats exactly what happened an a repaet of the first half saw the Undead Creep upfield with a Ghoul Breaking out of the pocket to score in Turn 8 for a 2-1 Victory and full casualty points.

3rd Game vs Undead

Only game against a non NAF Coach. lost toss and after turn 1 lost a Mummy and a zombie seriously injured. 2nd turn saw a third in the casualty box. After turn two the game is as good as over until my opponent continues to rely on making blocks rather than scoring while he has man advantage. Eventually he does score with me only 6 men on the pitch, but if he scored when he could have i feel i'd have been in serious trouble. All my players regenerate. at this point My Mummy has rolled three Double skulls. 2 Turns to equalize " BLITZ ". I feel like crying, as My three injuries have regenerated but my ohter Mummy is now KO'd and doesn't return for the rest of the game.

2nd half, still outnumbered i pull of a lucky equalizer in turn 5. and then manage to hold up play for the rest of the game to pull of a very lucky draw. this is one i'd rather forget. it was a particularly difficult game as i had continual problems identifying the opponents players. His Orc Blitzer and Chaos Beastman, doubled as Undead Wights and Zombies, his figures were all painted just Silver so the One skeleton Model looked very similar to the Mummy's. A frustrating game which i was very lucky to get a draw from. In fact even now I still can't believe i got a draw out of it

4th game vs Dwarves ( Again )
At this point my Mummies had both gained Block and a ghoul Sure hands, so i was confident of outbashing the dwarves, especially with my 4 wights in tow. except my opponent had 3 Dirty Players, and his previous game against Longfang he'd certainly not been afraid to use them.
Anyway, this one was a perfect result, his dirty player was sent of first time and the eye sat on him for the rest of the half, now a man up i managed to turnover his ball carrier and went into half time 1-0.

2nd half became easier when shortly in i picked up my third casualty, and eventually ran out 3-0 maximum point victory. :P

At this point i stood at 44 points, just two points from making the last 4. :cry:

5th game vs Grumbleduke's undead.
We'd both narrowly missed the play-offs, so all we were playing for was pride.

This was as it tunred out to be an extremely tense affair, i took a 1-0 lead then Grumbleduke reponded to end the half level. second half began as an almost repeat of the first, with grumbleduke now receiving and scoring in his third turn. this left me 5 turns to get the equalizer, and in this tight game i'd have been happy to finish 2-2. Unfortunatle another RIOT ensued and i lost another 5 turns, game over and i'd been handed my first and only defeat of the tournament, :pissed: ( Damn kick off table, Grumble, Grumble )
Nevertheless another great game against another great TBB'er.
PS: Sorry Grumbleduke, i didn't know it was you until this morning.
I daresay at this point there were a l,ot more TBB'ers there than i realised, apologies to any i didn't get around to saying hello to.

Nearly forgot my Mummy made a desperate 6+ dodge, then GFi's twice successfully then failed a 6+ to pick up the ball, then Grumbleduke's Mummy Blitzed mine with two GFI's on a one die block to get him away from the ball, his ghoul then dodged, picked up the ball and dodged again for the deciding touchdown. ( Was a great two turns )

6th and last game vs an Ogre'd human Team.

This was another very tense game ( No riots, blitzes, or disastrous Kick off results this time :wink:

Possibly a boring game to watch but a very intense game to play, i held him up for the whole of the first half, to sit at 0-0. :zzz:

2nd half my turn except, with 1 mummy out i cant get enough of his players KO'sd hurt to gain advantage, finally after getting numerical advantage late in the 2nd half i roll out of the cage to the Right, and a turn 8, 2 Dice two blocks to free up my Block, dodge ghoul. A Blitz from the ghoul to free up a receiver, then a Wight Hand off's to the receiving ghoul who GFI's twice to score and win 1-0 in the last turn PHEW. :D

A Tough weekend where won 3 Drew 2 lost 1. I'll never know if i'd have done better with the two riot results but i guess it was the same for everybody.

Great to meet everyone from the board, cheers to you all. Roll on the next tourney :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 9:47 am
by cidervampire
Just want to say thanks to everyone for such a great two days and big no thanks to those rotten fans who rioted in my first 2 games and who beat up the wrong team when I played Longshot! Scoring system was fair and all the coaches I played were all very polite and friendly. Favourite game was my last one against Erik, a nail-biter in regards to scoring, though I gave him a good kicking in the fight.

Congratulations to the winners! (anyone know when we'll get any info off NAF and when the tournament results will be posted)

Look forward to seeing everyone again. Cheers, Geoff

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 9:54 am
by Grumbledook
Hey Mcdeth, I only realised tht was you after seeing the pictures that have been posted. Tight game enjoyed it loads, unlucky on that riot though, not that i minded much!

Thanks for the can of coke as well, much appreciated.

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 10:10 am
by McDeth
Grumbledook wrote:Hey Mcdeth, I only realised tht was you after seeing the pictures that have been posted. Tight game enjoyed it loads, unlucky on that riot though, not that i minded much!

Thanks for the can of coke as well, much appreciated.
Nice one enjoyed the game, Your round next time :wink:

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 11:22 am
by shaniepoo
Some 1 please tell me that you arnt on about 'The' Spiky torny :(
I thought that it was next wkend? :-?
Please tell me that its next wkend and not this wkend just gone....please.

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 11:25 am
by Grumbledook
Nope looks like you missed it, soz.

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 11:43 am
by McDeth
shaniepoo wrote:Some 1 please tell me that you arnt on about 'The' Spiky torny :(
I thought that it was next wkend? :-?
Please tell me that its next wkend and not this wkend just gone....please.

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 12:53 pm
by Zy-Nox
Well I'm finally back home now, and I'd just like too say that this was a fantastic weekend.
I have now re-named my war dancers Mr.Fumble(Buffy) and Mr.Stumble(Kendra.)anyone who saw those double one's will understand :wink:
I've got some Sesamee Street re runs so I can get this counting thing sorted out :roll: .
Managed to christen my New black block dice with a tripple skull in game 4 against Sputniks Lizards in a very tense game of Basket Bowl(finished 3-3).
Thanks to my opponents for making all the games enjoyable,
Well Done to Sputnik for winning the cup, and Marcus for making me realise how good 'kick' is( when his kicker managed to catch his own kick on a blitz result :o ).
Thanks to Longfang for a fun last game(and the mini) and I hope next time we dont have a riot or at least my wardancer doesnt fall over :smoking:
And I think I saw one of the highest scoring games ever.......Nice one Longshot(8-1).
Well I look forward too seeing you all at the next tourney.....until then I have some teams too paint :D

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 1:43 pm
by Evil Git
Well it seems that everyone had a great time over the weekend.

Wish i'd have gone now :cry: oh well there's always next time :wink:

It's been great catching up on what happened over the weekend too, and well done to Sputnik.

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 2:57 pm
by ace2k00
just wanna say cheers to all the coached who turned up for the weekend. it was you guys who made the weekend a success.

there was originaly gonna be a most sporting prize but as the sportsmanship scores were all high we decided that it would be unfair to single one person out.

well done to all the winners and all the players who finished in the top 10 as even that is an accomplishment.

once again cheers.

see you all next year 18th & 19th of october 2003 for The Spiky Club Open II(the red guard rats strike back).

+ keep your eyes peeled im thinking of running a campaign style weekend sometime next year too

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 3:00 pm
by DaFrenchCoach
ace2k00, i just have a question for you: did you play during this week-end, with the help odf a lot of referres/coorganizers, or have you only checked the tournament process was good, by replying to the quesitons of gamers, giving them the name of their next opponents... which is a lot of stuff to do, btw.