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Re: LRB 6.0

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 12:02 am
by Darkson
Indigo wrote:A mass boycott of GW product from TBB readers is really nothing. We play BB ffs, we don't splash £300 on a new army every 6 months. We have never spent enough for the admittedly passionate words to *mean* anything.
Surprisingly, you might be amazed to hear that there are other GW games out there that people play, and shock horror some people actually play, and buy figures for, said other game systems as well as Blood Bowl.
Personally, I've spent a couple of hundred pound on WFB (a game I rarely played, and haven't played for 2+ years), and somewhere short of a couple of grand of 40K. And I play the "main" systems less than any of the other gamers in my club.

So, yeah, while there are some BB players that GW wouldn't notice if they stopped buying, I'd argue there are probably just as many that spend a lot more with GW than just BB that they would notice if they witheld their money.

Re: LRB 6.0

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:49 am
by Majyk
Darkson wrote: So, yeah, while there are some BB players that GW wouldn't notice if they stopped buying, I'd argue there are probably just as many that spend a lot more with GW than just BB that they would notice if they witheld their money.
Agreed with 100%, as I am an exact clone of this with Lizzies, Khemri, and Wood Elves from WHFB.

Even one better, I'm in a group of guys that play BB(7 of us = SO FAR, GW), and have one of our crew in the ThunderBowl League so it isn't a stretch to know what we all talk about regarding the latest Granny business idiocy to the community.
All the others have 1 to 3 WHB armies as well...

Guess who'll be sticking with WHFB version 6, nevermind 7(which STILL isn't completely released)/8, so we could hurt 'em as we grow.

Re: LRB 6.0

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 3:29 am
by GalakStarscraper
Indigo wrote:Anyway.... Tom, couple of questions I am hoping you can answer.

1) What's your future going to be now, with respect to BB if it's still going to farm part of it, or other things if not?
GW forcing me out the BBRC won't change me trying to be right at front of BB work. I was at the front of efforts before the BBRC ... I'll be there now. Helping Ian organize the edits for the BBCP is the type of work that I did before the BBRC existed so I'll keep doing it. If the rulebook is completely finally locked down soon ... I'll be here and the other 6 BB forums I visit to answer questions on how the rules work and see who is doing what where.
2) Given the last 5 years, the history of the game and your involvement in it, and where it is now, what would you personally have done differently?
No. Everything that I have done I feel have made this game better. I have no regrets nor would I change any of my actions including the ones that GW felt deserved for me to be removed from the BBRC. I have always done what I thought was best for the game and the community and my conscious sits clear even now that I did that properly.
3) What advice would you give to someone seeking to get involved with BB along the lines of what you have, e.g. submitting content, writing articles for GW etc., be it on a small scale or a BBRC scale?
Don't. This is not a sour grapes comments. At this point GW is not publishing any BB content in any of their magazines or online so submitting it to them would just be heartache that it was ignored. That's on the small scale. On the large scale ... BBRC sized scale. You'd have to have a mental defect to do it. GW doesn't think your time even worth noting in their documents and they have no issues sending legal letters to you for helping them the "wrong" way (wrong gets to be defined by them). While many in the community will appreciate your efforts (and will be awesome) ... you'll have some folks that will personalize your work and make it so some days you hate coming online to read about the newest abuse you are getting. (however please note above I said I would not change a thing ... that's because I have a mental defect I've decided ... but I would not wish the bad points of the last 5 years I've had on anyone)
4) Excluding the current situation, what has been the best and worst events in your experience of BB to date?
The worst first. Excluding the last 5 weeks (losing, forced off the BBRC by GW legal, and having my work hacked to pieces by GW) ... okay excluding those ... the worst was JJ telling us that the while the 3 new teams should be legal in his opinion (and the rest of the BBRC) that his bosses were not going to allow it to happen (that was a big downer for me). The best day was when I was told that the NAF after talking to me, the other BBRC members, Jervis and the members were going to add the 3 new teams to the list of allowed teams for NAF tournaments.

Those 3 new teams and the Norse team were labours of love that I undertook to bring back some of the 2nd edition elements that made me love the background of the game back to it. So my high and low points relate directly to these 3 teams.


Re: LRB 6.0

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:09 am
by Tkkultist
Well despite the hacknslash visual/history versionof the book - 6.0 (minus the easily remedied typos) seems to be the best rule set to date. It addresses the last few issues in the 5+ book that me league has been joyously using.

BB is no less fun than it was before
BB is potentially MORE fun than it was before

The situation with Galak is sad but he did his job, got us the rules we needed wanted and despite being thrown into the cold he can stay spiritually warm and fuzzy knowing that he and his crew succeeded overall.

I will be thanking him/them for years to come as I enjoy this version of the game (safely stored in various digital and hardcopy formats).

Is there really much more that needs saying?

Re: LRB 6.0

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:25 am
by Wee Gobbo
Well despite the hacknslash visual/history versionof the book - 6.0 (minus the easily remedied typos) seems to be the best rule set to date. It addresses the last few issues in the 5+ book that me league has been joyously using.

BB is no less fun than it was before
BB is potentially MORE fun than it was before

The situation with Galak is sad but he did his job, got us the rules we needed wanted and despite being thrown into the cold he can stay spiritually warm and fuzzy knowing that he and his crew succeeded overall.

I will be thanking him/them for years to come as I enjoy this version of the game (safely stored in various digital and hardcopy formats).

Is there really much more that needs saying?
Well, after taking a good look at the new Blood Bowl rules and despite lacking the cute images of carnage in addition to the lack of wacky/zany background stories, yes I suppose you hit the nail on the head Thhkultist. Initially I would say that the majority present on these boards were quite shocked and greatly concerned about the future of Blood Bowl, but I would say by now after a breather, despite the horrific news of Galak's removal of the BBRC and the "edited" version of LRB 6, that yes Blood Bowl is still Blood Bowl no matter how you look at it.

While the blood Bowl community have felt the full impact of GW Legal I think that after a month or so, our favourite tabletop game will still be there, still with our favourite races, favourite rules, and of course our favourite Bowl :P. There is no way to justify or get your head around the actions of GW, that I want to re-state, but regardless I am still happy that Blood Bowl is still Blood Bowl, the most laid back and relaxed game that I have ever come accross with a nice feature of comical races mixed with a good ol brawl fest.

I for one, and my league, will be happy with the emergence of LRB 6, even in its current condition,and continue to enjoy Blood Bowl for years to come and particularly myself causing havoc with my Gobbos. I hope other people in the community will also take the current events in their stride and continue to enjoy Blood Bowl as it should be.

Re: LRB 6.0

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 9:58 am
by asperon
WildAnimal wrote:I discovered GW games almost 20 years ago, First Space Hulk and then Warhammer 40k. And actully saw Blood Bowl game at a classmates big brother.

I can that publishing and miniature quality has gotten way better over the years. What we the customers or more correct "fans" experince is that GW has gone from an idea to a concept, regards to business. Which means that the decisions in the company is done by business people not gamers, this is a good thing, Gamers are seldom very good to earn money. So the suits keep GW in buisiness, BUT they have forgotten that there customers are "FANS" not milk and butter customers in Kmart.

Which Means that we have more soul into there product, and that they don't understand. We take it personal!

What they should do is to make a "deluxe" version of Blood Bowl like they gave Space Hulk a liftup. I imagine with 4 teams to start with and a high quality (hardcover maybe) LRB6 book in the box, and all kinda deluxe stuff, like two dice sets annd such. I don't really care about the price tag,

£100 for the new version of Blood Bowl Box? FINE BY ME, i dont care, just the content is "space hulk alike".

I see a posibility of the suits doing something for us which also follows there plan of earning money.

Amen to this, i mean, the most of us are now "old timers", with jobs etc, give us the game, in a limited edition run if you want, and charge us for it (i mean, who cares what it costs, really?) and then be done with it. I would settle for two teams in the box, four would be great! (and if so, why not pick two of the new teams as well as the human/orc).

Re: LRB 6.0

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:10 am
by firebreather
Ever wondered into a thread and come away with the distinct feeling that youve missed something :?:

Re: LRB 6.0

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 5:53 pm
by JPS
firebreather wrote:Ever wondered into a thread and come away with the distinct feeling that youve missed something :?:

LOL :roll:

Re: LRB 6.0

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:23 am
by Relborn
Wow ... was just off for "some days" and see what has happened ... ;-)

Wish there would have been some more good news to read, but's still nice to see some familiar faces

Re: LRB 6.0

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:29 am
by Ombi
After being out of the BB loop for a few months, and reading what GW's been doing the last month or so, I'm still trying to take it all in without spontaniously combusting. :pissed:

Makes me wish I had never bought my 40K and Fantasy Armies that I now own. I was thinking of getting back into 40K recently, but this whole mess just makes me so depressed that I even supported this company for so long. Probably will sell some of the armies off now, I need extra space anyway.

At least LRB6 is here, and I have to thank Tom for all the crap he's gone through to make this happen for the BB community. Even if GW has tried to mess it up by butchering parts of it on their website, I can overcome it.

Tom, I've talked with you off and on, both online and in person since the days that MBBL and MBBL2 were just starting, and you have done so much for the game of BB in so many ways. From all the house rules you created for the MBBL2, answers to rules questions on forums, requesting input for the new ruleset, having us playtest them in the MBBL, and putting in all your time free of charge to get these rules out. Not sure what else to say except thank you for being the game's biggest supporter.

Need to stop now, it's late at night, and I'm starting to get too tired to type anything intelligible-ble-ble. :)

Oh, and expect another "small" purchase from me to Impact in the next couple of days. :wink: I'm always happy to buy good products from good people.

Re: LRB 6.0

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:47 pm
by Darkson
LRB5 (at least I think it's 5) is still up on the GW website, though there's no link to it. ... lebook.pdf

Found that link on the Cyanide forum, so if you need it, get it while it's still up.

Re: LRB 6.0

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:23 pm
by Ombi
Yeah, that looks like LRB5 to me as well. I have other LRB5 or similar versions already on my computer (multiple times maybe), but since I haven't been keeping up to date on all the rules updates lately, I'll save it just in case.

I could just add the changes from LRB6 on this file. I like to look at pretty pictures and fluff. :)

Re: LRB 6.0

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:49 pm
by Dave
ombi and relborn two posts apart .. that's quite some time ago guys ..

xcuse me, go on with the topic, nothing to see here