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Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 9:13 am
by Korhil
Tentacles requires Shadowing to work very well, its a reasonably weak skill compared to what else their is on dbls.
You player can just be blocked off away, and to get either Stand Firm or Side Step would require another dbl.
Pro increases the chances of either Tentacles or Shadowing working, but that would be 3 skills and still no Block.
Block really needs to be the first skill for all players in the Chaos teams, it might seams boring, but if you want to win you need alot of Block.


Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 3:39 pm
by BobbyDavro
My only problem with taking Block is that it is a waste of a trait if I get the choice. I feel obliged as a chaos team to take something fairly unpleasant looking :wink:

For a defender without block, there is the possibility that both players will go down, which is incovenient, but still means that the runner is on the floor and the ball bounces. BUT, I can see your point here because that causes a turn over and the runner can get up, pick up the ball and run in anyway.

As it stands, in a one-on-one situation with a runner, a beasty gets a 2 dice blitz due to horns, with a 2/6 chance of taking the runner out, (or more if they don't have dodge) which is improved with block. If he had tentacles, he still gets the 2/6 chance of taking the runner out, but also gets a 50% chance of stopping them from runnning any further if the block fails. I am not sure which is better.

What would you suggest for a trait then for a defensive player?

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 9:52 am
by Korhil
A Dbl for a Beastmen HAS to be Foul Appearance.

It doesnt work very well til you have 3 or more players with it. Since Dbl's come are rare as they do, you need to spend every Dbl you get taking Foul Appearance.

It help shutting down Passing teams more than Tentacles does, and it means even if they try to Blitz the Player off (like they can do to a Tentacles Player) they will not even be able to 1/6 of the time.


Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 9:04 am
by Pitch Dark
I think theres a huge diffrence between a rookie league and a mature one.

I wouldnt go for 11 beastmen when i know im about to face 2*200+tr orcs, 1*200+tr high elf, 1*200+tr skaven, 1*200+tr chaos. It might work very well if all where rookies, but with all these hard hitters, 11 beasties would be suicide.

In my humble opinion, youll need atleast a big guy, wholl draw some fire and hopefully still survive with high AV. In a mature league id suggest

Troll 100
2cw 200
8 bm 480
2 rr 140
1 ff 10

You will have to depend on your opponents fan factor, but you still should get a ****load of money to spend. :) The Troll is NOT supposed to to anything but just stand there and lay out some nice tacklezones and take a beating. He will be the center of attention for your opponent, while hopefully, you can sneak around and score with a cw or bm. Dont waste blitz on him, and always make sure to assist him if hes about to do anything.

A less muscle alternativ would be:
Troll 100
1*cw 100
9*bm 540
3*rr 210

This way is a little less extreme, and will get you that apoth and those cw's quicker. Dont forget to use the CW as a scorer if at all possible. Id go with this one.

Why a troll? Psychology. :) That big blue lump of lead in the middle of the board will make some of your other players invisible. Trust me :)O

And i think foul appearance as a strategy is a little overrated, and alot less fun than a more mixed up team. Just a personal view though.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 9:43 am
by Grumbledook
Until you have played with or against a foul appearence team you don't know how powerful it is.

Its shuts down passing games and makes the running game hard as well as they will roll 1s and lose their blocks, this is bad considering your a strong team.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 11:53 am
by Pitch Dark
With a fully developed FA team, that might be true. But consider all the other tratis that that team could have had instead. :) Im just saying that there is a very valid alternative, and a more fun one at that. :wink:

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 12:30 pm
by Korhil
Winning is Fun.
FA wins more than anything else.

Why bother with all the other stuff when its not as good?


Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 2:05 pm
by BadMrMojo
Korhil wrote:Winning is Fun.
FA wins more than anything else.

Why bother with all the other stuff when its not as good?

Heh. You do realize that this is why I avoid you (among others, naturally) in chat, right? Playing for fun is a valid option as well.

I personally think tentacles is just plain cool. It may not be as statistically effective as FA, but it's still cool and a good pick on a safety, if you ask me (you know, that guy with a lower coach rating than Korhil. How do I possibly sleep at night?)

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:11 pm
by bj0rn
you are all forgetting the power of the minotaur!!!

A minotaur seems to be a perferct addition to an all beastman team...the sheer muscle power, the chaotic tendencies of the wild animal coupled with the wonderful frenzy trait make minotaur the perfect chaos blood bowl player.

ps. i like this idea of a all beastman team 8)

bj0rn - ...

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 7:47 pm
by Pitch Dark
A minotaur seems to be a perferct addition to an all beastman team...the sheer muscle power, the chaotic tendencies of the wild animal coupled with the wonderful frenzy trait make minotaur the perfect chaos blood bowl player.
Minotaurs are fun, but since they have wild animal, they are hard to handle. But it sure adds flavour to your team.
Winning is Fun.
FA wins more than anything else.

Why bother with all the other stuff when its not as good?
It seems that we find diffrent aspects of the game fun. And that whats makes a great game. I think FA works best agains passing teams, if a FA team where to meet another chaos team with a more diverse mix, im betting the latter would win.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 10:49 pm
by Grumbledook
heh why not find someone and both make up the same rosters and skills rolls and play them off ;]

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 2:02 am
by Korhil
Minotaurs dont win, or even make the game fun.
They just make you get annoyed with turning over on your first action and allowing the other team free TD's.
It only has to happen once in the game for you to lose outright.
If your going to field a WA, you might as well just not play against anyone thats playing to win.


[Edit] Reguarding the Khaos vs Khaos match with an FA team vs something different. The skills that will make the most difference in the mirror will be Claw/RSC against the AV8 Beastmen, but the FA team can get Piling-On if they want it, which under the current rules is basically as powerful and Claw anyway, and FA works when your prone, so you dont lose that of your teams power.

Curious Chaos

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 9:35 am
by Smeborg
The Chaos team are (perhaps) unique in BB.

A rookie Chaos side needs to be played (very) conservatively.

An experienced Chaos side is (normally) played anything but conservatively (i.e. mash everythng in sight).

I have found that good Chaos coaches are a rare breed, because they have to combine these two temperaments. But I think the good Chaos coaches are among the best in BB.



Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 9:41 am
by Smeborg
I see an argument going as to what is the best skill to give Chaos players on doubles rolls.

I like Foul Appearance too, but I don't think you can be dogmatic.

A friend of mine, who did not have the time, patience or money to convert figurines all the time, gave Dodge followed by Stand Firm to his Chaos side. They were quite a handful.

I still dream of getting a balll-handler with Block, Dodge, Foul Appearance, Stand Firm, Sure Hands. Of course +2ST would be nice too. Come and get it...


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 1:21 pm
by Skummy
How about giving them all Razor Sharp Fangs, and Piling On as their second skill?