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Post by Djengis_Khan »

I played with my skavens! :D

I lost both matches today... this means I became 27th !!
Dwarfcoach has got his revenge !

but I won the worst sunday preformance !

a great tournie again !!

thanks a lot for organising Dave and Draco !


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Post by Dave »

ok ..

my administration is a mess atm, as I had to leave before the award ceremony due to some nasty unfortunate events with a kid from my work ..

the sketch-piece-if-paper draco left at my house tels me this: (it may not be entirely correct)

Winner: Talkarde (Welf)
Runner Up: Frank (who was in the lead a long time) (Welf)
Third: Lucy (Undead)
Last place niels (Gobs)

Sunday Comeback Darknova (Orcs)
Sunday Drop: Djengiz (skaven)

Most TD: Yavatol (Welf, won 6-0 twice)
Most Cas: Redfang (Ogre)
Most Kills: Fondu Fondu (Dwarf, had 4 kills but scored more cas .. we used that as a tiebreaker)

Best Painted ..

there's where it goes awry on the paper .. I think it's me on first spot, but the place 2 and 3 were also given away, and I have no clue who got those (probabely one of Norse, Trav and Frank)

Draco editing:

It was a bit hectic in the end Dave, but you won with one vote more that Traveller, who was surprised like hell and Ramsay came in third, one vote behind Traveller. The rest looks correct to me!

I'll post match reports tomorow, now I'm just knackered ...

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Post by Talkarde »

A great tourney !
(not only because of what you know :roll: )

I had two great days, and I want to thank you again Dave !

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Post by dantitan76 »

Just Back.... Ufff too tired but happy

At the end I retired the Necros in Style:roll:... great coaches did play against me, and I realized that if you play a lot with the same team, you run out of everything (even luck.....) 2 wins and 3 losses (2 today... I thought that I was the biggest Drop on Sunday.... :D)

Thanks to the Organization!


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Post by Vinz D. »

Great tourney and really had fun with the race for "most casualties caused". If it wasn't for that winning streak of Darknova (not to mention his ability to keep rolling pow and dodge pow results over and over again, during the entire match!) I might have taken away that prize... But hey, you can't have it all and there's always next year.

Tournament report as I wrote it on another site...
Tourney report @ UnderEmpire.net wrote:Hi there,
After my first steps into the Dutch tour of bloodbowl tournaments, yesterday and today I've been on my second bloodbowl tournament of this year (and my total bloodbowl career). In February I played in the Dutch Open, where I ended as 70th of the 96. So, trying to beat my own score each time my goal was to end up in the top 36 of the fifty attending players. What happened, was simply brilliant...

Match 1: the Karaz-a-Karak Killers vs. Sackenheim Canaries (Halflings) - Planlos (Germany)
The first match is always a bit of a gamble, since with the Swiss system you're put against someone randomly (so do the calculation with experience and hard-to-beat teams). So, when looking on the draw, I was put at table 24 against an Hafling opponent. Considering my opponents in the previous tournament (3x wood elves, 1x goblin and 1x undead) this was something of a breather for me, cause I really hoped not to be put against a nasty opponent. Setting up against me were two treemen and a huge bunch of halflings... Off course the two treemen went in front and the whole motley crew of little chuffy fellows went around it.

Although I do have halflings, I never played against them. Though, my first experience isn't a bad one. Except for the treemens, since from my avg. of nine dauntless blocks I've thrown against them perhaps one actually made that roll. Treemen are simply very, VERY hard to take down (although I knocked them over once or twice) but their disadvantage is their slowness. During the first half I made the mistake of hanging around them too much (with the intention of taking one of the field), but did manage to score once before the first half ended.
Second half resulted in a match better go... Early in this half, both his treemen rooted and this time I simply evaded their tackle zones. This made it a dwarves versus halflings show, which -understandable- involved lots of blood, hits and casualties. I scored my second touchdown of the match and won it with the maximum amount of points (17).

Planlos was a very pleasant guy to play against and although I knocked his little men all over the field, he took it up very gentle and just kept on playing. Really sporting guy and someone whom I really like to face again in any upcoming tournament.

Result: 2-0 win, with 6-1 in casualties
Ranked after this match: 8th of 50
Learning point of the match: treemen vs. dauntless = 1-0

Match 2: the Karaz-a-Karak Killers vs. Los Gomeros (Lizardmen) - Baekno (Germany)
So with the maximum amount of points out of my first match, I moved from table 24 towards table 8. My opponent was a German women with a handmade bloodbowl field that was simply breathtaking... I don't know how they do it, but the quality and sheer looks of it were REALLY gorgeous. I'll be trying to scout out pictures that are coming my way, cause there are quite some photo's made of this board and I think I can please some of you with the looks of those things *grins*...

This match was something of a new experience to me... I never played lizardmen before (although I have this team as well at home) and was quite blown away with the impact S4 creatures have on an all S3 team. In the first few turns I was knocked down back and forth and had much trouble with the AV9 of the kroxigor (finally someone that was an easy target for my dauntless troll slayer skill) and saurus players. A quick score from a skink enforced me to do what dwarves are good at: bashing my way through my opponent. And although I didn't really created any openings with it for my runners, I did manage to get a saurus off the field in a stretcher! Hurrah for me! Noteworthy points? Oh yes... On a pass my opponent really needed, my blitzer lied under the range ruler for passing. Taking my chances I screamed "interception!" over the gaming board and both me and my opponent started to look at the roll I had to need. We eventually looked at the several tackle zones I was in and agreed that a 6 was what was needed... The roll, the six and the inevitable cheer and whoop-whoops from my side of the table. A dwarf who intercepts a throw, even the referees who walked by couldn't believe it! ^_^

Though it was a very hard match, I enjoyed this one to the best. My opponent was a very nice lady to play against and whom also really knew the strength and weakness of a lizardmen team. Although I lost, I think that 2-0 in casualties made it up quite nice.

Result: 0-2 loss, with 2-0 in casualties
Ranked after this match: 25th of 50
Learning point of the match: S4 opposing players should not be taken one on one (so pile on!)

Match 3: the Karaz-a-Karak Killers vs. Happy Tree Friends (Chaos) - Vindicta Mickey (the Netherlands)
Well, that was from the top to the bottom once again. Ranked 25th I was sitting down at table number thirteen (lucky number for skaven, propably not for dwarves). Against me was a Chaos player whom had a troll, three/ four chaos warriors (don't know the exact number anymore) and a bunch of beastmen. Never played against them and so I had no clue what was coming my way. Though, knowing their stats, I wasn't going to enjoy this one.

And how can one be surprised... The first half was quite an overrun of my line, where I really had underestimated the use one has with horns on a beastmen. Their higher speed made it able to really move his players around mine and blitz them from behind (sooooo Chaos *laughs*...) and with that +1S I got knocked around quite a bit. Although I eventually was quite pleased with my amount of casualties -at this point I was already concentrating more on the making of casualties then actually thinking about winning- I think this was my worst match of the day... It wasn't really in the result, but some feeling I had told me that I could have gotten more out of this one. So, I guess it's a little training to require against Chaos before the next tournament starts!

Vindicta... Three thumbs up. Had a blast against you (tackle, tackle, block-block!) and really look forward to the next time we face one another on the bloodbowl field. Your Chaos team was really great to play against and I love to learn some new tactics against them, as I go along *grins*...

Result: 0-2 loss, with 3-3 in casualties
Ranked after this match: 30th of 50
Learning point of the match: do not let beastmen blitz you, horns is REALLY nasty!

So, that was my first three matches done. During the roundup of this day, I had a chat with Dave (organiser of the whole thing) and some other people I've met during the Dutch Open. Though, I was in a hurry for I had to go to a party in Arnhem, where some scouting people were partying on the end of the Airborne March (walking event for those who don't know it). It eventually became quite late/ early in the morning and after sleeping through my alarm clock and almost missing the train I arrived just in time at the café again.

Match 4: the Karaz-a-Karak Killers vs. the League of Extraordinary BB Women (Amazon) - Benji (the Netherlands)
So, walking in with a bit of a hangover I see my opponent already sitting at the correct table. Sitting down I started to setup and saw some linewomen standing against me, which was REALLY new to me since I didn't had a glimpse at those models before. They looked nicely painted and were kept apart through colour scheme, which is a bit easier then putting your head against the playing board to see what number is painted on the base (resulting in having your head sticked to the board, with the humid sweaty weather it was, LOL...).

So... This is one of those matches (and opponents) where you truely enjoy the benefit of having tackle (no dodge for you my friend) and I used this to great extent. Though my opponent made an early score in the first half, I could block his advance for quite a while with my longbeards positioned in such a fashion that he had to gamble some dodges. Especially when his team re-rolls started to reach a very low point *evil grin*...
In the second turn it was my moment to snatch the ball and started my advance towards his line. A slow (duh, dude you play dwarves, what do you expect?) walk of my runner though suddenly changed into a big tidal wave, with some three casualties in no less but one turn! Was definitely good for my amount of casualties I made, including that first kill of the tourney for me *glees*...

Benji was a really sporting opponent, although he got messed around by his fellow league members in the final turns of our match. Since they didn't want to play his Amazons, they sided for me which seemed to bring me luck. That casualty making turn really did it for him, although (IMHO) a draw was the correct result for this match. He had the skills to score, I had to skills to delay/ stop him.

Result: 1-1 draw, with 4-0 in casualties
Ranked after this match: 33rd of 50 (first with most made casualties!!!)
Learning points: need more longbeards! :lol:

Match 5: the Karaz-a-Karak Killers vs. Wicked Eyes Berserkers (Orcs) - Darknova (the Netherlands)
You have matches where things go wrong, you have those where things go bad and you have matches where Nuffle apparantly has left your side... This match can be described as much, much worse. Never ever before have I done a match that put my on the wrong side of the blocking dice. Why? I don't know, but it almost drove me insane.

No less then four black orc blockers *cue the girly scream from my side upon seeing them*... four blitzers, two throwers and tow linemen were part of his team. With me being on the wrong side of the blocking advance, I simply got kicked around big time! (Almost) every model he hit went down or off the field, my dauntless rolls on his black orc blockers were simply horrible (1 and 2, over and over again) and I couldn't even make a dent in his armour value. He scored, knocked me down again and again and was the first opponent who got more casualties then me.
One bright point of the match? Yes, sure did... Second interception in the same conditions as the previous one, although this time it was a longbeard! This one will most definitely be going in my tactics, cause it sure is fun to have someone suddenly suffering a turnover with such a "impulsive" action!

This match eventually costed me the race towards the most casualties, so I got stuck on fifteen in five matches with the winner of most casualties sprinting over my lead towards seventeen casualties overall (Ogre team, who would have expected that?). Though, eventually nothing else but respect for Darknova... He deserved the "best sunday comeback" title. His dicerolls might have been above average (I mean, come on... First half was nothing else but pows and dodge pows), but he took it as it was and used the opportunities he got in the most efficient way. The win he took along with him, was one he deserved fair and square. Though, playing orcs that means another grudge is written in the book of grudges and I'd love to do a rematch one day ;)

Result: 0-2 loss, with 0-2 in casualties
Ranked after this match: 41st of 50
Learning points: do not go one on one with black orc blockers

Aftermath/ conclusions
The amount of casualties I made and could make really made up for the horrible lack in touchdowns (my current +/- with touchdowns is minus ten *grins*...). I think I'm going to experiment with an all blocking team, something along the lines of two troll slayers, one runner (for the occasional picking up of the ball) and no less then nine longbeards! Definitely going to try it out against some opponents and if it works I'll be going for the "most casualties caused" award in february when the Dutch Open is starting again...

All in all it was a truely fantastic weekend! I enjoyed my matches (okay, I'll admit the last match wasn't truely good for my mood, since I was kinda eager in getting those casualties, but hey... It's a game and we always have a next time) and learned some new points to incorporate in my play.


Thanks to the organizers and my opponents... The book of grudges is updated and till next time!


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Post by traveller »

Just arrived at home... nice quiet train ride !

Well, first thanks to Dave and Draco for organizing the whole thing... i like to come back next year for sure. Ok, maybe i have to stay elsewhere and not at Draco´s home anymore. I was a bit to open speaking about his " wer -rabbits" and other stuff he keeps at his home... dancing with pigeons... :roll: :wink:
Ok, in earnest... thx a lot, Draco ! Also to your wife letting 5 (!) TBBs staying in your home !!

Nice saturday night at the "pannekuchen restaurant, too. Next time i have to check out Utrecht (and the famous house wifes :wink: ) more closely. After the tournament i did a small 1 hour walk through the citycenter. Lots of bars and cafe around...

About my games... hm, i lost 4 times and won 1 time...
- Fondu and his " homemade " dwarfs was fun. Now i just have to paint one of his dwarfs for his team ! :o
- Norse and his nice painted "Shadowforge Elf Amazone team" ... damm taff ladies ( or are my orcs to soft ?) I just got one cas against them...
- The only win .... against the Niel´s Gobbos ! Maybe he should feed his troll before the game next time ... :D
- Duke Jan got his revenge for the defeat of his dwarves at the Dutch Open :wink: A fun game, thanks ! :D
-KeksCommander... sorry, that i lost my patience with my orcs in this last game... 4 times not to pick up the ball ( with a "sure handed" thrower or with rerolls!) and than a interseption with a saurus made me a bit... ehm, upset ! I will try to behave myself next time... :roll:

Ok, i not expected to be under the final best painted team at all ... and i didnt expected to get as much votes for my team at the end. Still Dave won with one more vote with his very nice painted GD Lizzy Team... ( mental note...hm, next time i have to vote for my own team ! :wink: ) No, next year i have to bring something new ! :wink:

Anyway... great tournament !


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Post by narkotic »

I'm posting from El Condors's PC now, my flight home is tomorrow morning.

Great tourney, great coaches, meet a lot of TBBers in person now.

My Dark Elf experiment didn't went as good as the last time, ended up rank 27 or so with 1 win, 1 loss and 3 ties (!!).

I had the opportunity to take many pics of painted minis for bb.org, there were more but my memory card and the bateries couldn't take any more.

Match pictures and more when I'm back home.

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Post by Dave »

nark .. tell us about the loss .. please ;-)

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Post by Duke Jan »

Had a great tourney. 2 wins (MadMike & Traveller) 2 losses (Sqar and Bluedevil) 1 draw (Santa), gained many beers (Sqar), lost many cigarettes (Sqar again) and had too little sleep (King Arthur) won a heart killing a fling 1st dice roll in a match (there's a song in this). After filling up with coffee at mepmuff's home I managed to drive home without falling asleep.

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Post by Cloggy »

Well school was in! My chaos dwarves were pretty ineffective, or in other words their coach was.

Started off losing 5-0 and getting ZERO CAS vs some ratz.
Won 2-1 against gobbos.
Lost 2-1 against Dave's lizziez ( note to self: drink less on the saturday next tournament :oops: )
Lost 1-0 against necroes through a snake eyed GFI for the tie, after failing to score 1st half because of a big mistake I made. ( anything to do with the previous comment?)
Won 2-0 against flings.

So the final tally: 1 loss to the dice, 1 loss where I just got owned, 1 loss where I screwed up myself, 2 wins vs stunties with cd's. Less than stellar debut :-?

Really must try to play tabletop more often, since I made quite a few mistakes in the positioning of my players I would not normally make online.

More importantly: I had FUN playing the tournament, I really enjoyed meeting some guys I have met before online and here in TBB.

Thanks to everyone and especially Dave & Draco for a totally cool weekend.

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My Bulls have the "Thin Skull" trait. After every block they make, roll a D6. On a 1+ they get ko-ed and stay in the ko-box for the rest of the game.
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Post by Fondu77 »

Thanks everyone for this great week end....

Special thanks :
Redfang and his lady, Djengis, dave a Draco, Gnarf, NARKOOO, Dan titan, Niels (your goblins ), Grotemuis (for the t-shirt he 'll send me), Mimo, and and the champion of this year.... and all the other I forgot....


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Post by l_dauguet »

Gratz Fondu !!! :D

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Post by Redfang »

Well, here's me, rested and all.

I had a great tournament, though my dicerolls were often appalling. :evil:

I was playing ogres:

First match against Candlejacks Undead: Scored 4 casualties (4-1 or 4-0) of which three regenerated and 1 was a Ghoul. Still lost 4-0. Could have been 4-1 but My thrown goblin missed his one GFI for the TD (One player could otherwise just reach him and prevent the TD).
Second Match against Benjis girls. Lost 3-1 and 2-1 in casualties (I think). Missed another 2 (two!) GFI for a TD with thrown goblins in exacltly the same way, but the last one in T15 left the ball there and in T16 another gobbo was thrown and picked up the ball for my one TD.
Draco's Halflings 2-1 loss and 4-something casualties for me.
Nice fun match. Could have been 1-1 as in the last turn Draco said: "That's it I can't score anymore." and I had to reply: "Yes you can, look..." and showed him how, which lead to him making the TD (stupidstupidstupid) :evil:
4th match against Ray-Me's vamps. Got me 5 cas and one against. Things like tripping gobbos as first actions, 4 boneheads in one turn etc and he only failing 2 Bloodlust (but ReRolling one so actually failing 1!! all game) Did not make for a good score. I lost 4-0.
5th Match against DrDave's Norse. He was having a bad tournament just like me, with really bad dicerolls so it was just a case of waiting whose luck would change and whose luck would stay. Mine changed. His didn't.
3-0 victory for me with (I think) 3-1 in casualties. Almost all his one-die blocks skulled, he lost his leader to a foul in the last turn of the second half and block did not help him at all. I had lots and lots of KOs and though after the first half it was still 1-0 and theoretically the game could have gone either way, he never stood a chance.

In the end I had 17 casualties (no kills!!) and only 5 against (most of the cas against me were not blocking so didn't count). Straeten (Necro) also had 17 cas, but more against him, so I won the most cas award. I never expected to win anything this tournament. I especially never expected to ever win a most Cas award. But still I did. I was very very happy with that.

Ogre! Ogre! Ogre!

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Ik wou dat ik twee blondjes was,
Dan kon ik samen spelen.


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Post by Candlejack »

hrhrhrh.. hey redfang.. that game must have screwed up your memory.. was 4:0 cas for you.. but i did 5!!!!! td... MUHAHAHHA.. *rubbing it in REAL good*.. well.. was real ugly dicer*pe for ya.. hope i can give you a more even rematch some day...

but of course a BIG FAT "THANK YOU!!!!!" to everyone who helped making that tourney possible, so in the first place Dave and his "chief excecutive ;-)" Draco and all the other helpers.. the weekend was a blast.. and even got my first trophy EVER!!! weeeeeee!!! Weeeeee!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! *huggs Mr. BUBBLE* .. had 5 great games and a nailbiter in the last round vs Lucifer.. i really need to come again next year.. hope to see you all again soon.. maybe at spiky or the dutch open.. /me dances of in joy...

P.S: got my pics up.. warning.. not resized or cencored :-p


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Post by Totti »

It was a great tournament. I was playing dark elves for the first time. Didn't expect much but found myself in second place after the first day. (3 wins against benji's amazons, khelars' Wood elves and fondu's Dwarfs)

On sunday tuern and me decided to play with a suit and a tie just to add a little bit of belgian style to the tournament. (yeah right)

game 4 on table 1 against frank's wood elves was the best game I played this tournament but it didn't pay off. I scored first and he tied 2 turns later then I stalled untill turn 8 to score but he gets a riot and he tied again 2-2. Second half he scores 3-2 and I'm stalling again to score in turn 7 leaving him only 1 turn. Then disaster struck, touchback, 2 chain pushes, 3 dodges an 2 GFI later it's 4-3. Damn Suit.

game 5 on table 3 against lucy's Undead. The first half ended 1-1. Then he started to do some serious damage to my team. Time for some crazy actions. 3 dodges , 2 gfi and a long pass later it starts to look good but he can block my ball carier with a ghoul and an assist. He pushed me and next turn I did 2 gfi to make sure that only the ghoul could reach me. And he did but he couldn't break my armour and he couldn't get a tackle zone on the ball either. So I need just a dodge and a pick-up. I Failed the pick-up to score. Lucy took advantage and scored 2-1. Damn tie.

I still had a great time. Thanks to all my opponents and the organisors.

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The Return of the Rafmeister!
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