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Eucalyptus Bowl 2012 - 7th/8th July, Sydney Australia

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:36 pm
by Virral
I thought it was about time I put up an official thread about Euc Bowl. Plans have been in the works for this event pretty much since the dust settled on the last one, I've been working with artists and manufacturers on plenty of things, stuff already revealed like the new Logo and Platypus designs and the Euc Bowl Merch, plus stuff that's still in the works and yet to be fully revealed.

Some of the links here go to the Euc Bowl forums on Ausbowl, which you need to sign in to view. I'll re-post the content in this thread.

What is it?

Eucalyptus Bowl has been running since 2005 and is the largest tournament in the country with 76 players in 2011. It's a Resurrection style tournament, meaning that your roster resets to it's starting value before each game (i.e. any casualties and SPP earned are not carried over).

6 Games over two days, 1.15mil team, maximum of one normal skill per player, inducements except Special Play cards can be bought. Note that the website currently says 1.25mil teams but this will be fixed shortly.

When and where is it?

The tournament is on the 7th and 8th of July at Burwood RSL in Sydney. It's a large venue with lots of free parking and is convenient for public transport, particularly coming in by train to Burwood Station. There are several cheap and cheerful B&B's around for people coming from interstate

What does it cost and how do I register?

Tickets are $40 until the 31st of May, $50 after that. As you can probably imagine upfront costs for running an event of this size are substantial, so where possible it really helps if people can register and pay in advance. To encourage that, the first thirty people who register and pay for the event will receive a Eucalyptus Bowl dice cup for free in their player gift pack (normally $15).

You can register right here on the website, and I'll contact you with payment details.

Are there any player gifts this year?

Oh man, last year I set out to create a bit of buzz for the event by going beyond a custom mini and offering players a range of extra gifts like dogtags and FAME tokens. I was simply not prepared for the overwhelmingly positive response from players, and everyone asks me now what I'm going to do this year!!!

I'll put up a separate thread about this with images as stuff comes in, but players this year will receive:

A limited edition multi-part Platypus Figure, produced in partnership with Impact Miniatures
A custom dugout and scatter template designed by FF Fields
A metal tournament coin, designed to match the existing Ausbowl coins
A set of two D6 with the Platypus Head on the 6
Reroll tokens produced by Micro Art Studio
Stickers - WOO!!!!
Exclusive discount vouchers from several of our sponsors

Plus as mentioned the first 30 paid registrations will come with a Eucalyptus Bowl Dice Cup on top of their other gifts.

As if that wasn't enough already, if we hit 50 paid registrations by the 31st of May I've got a super sekrit plan to expand this with another gift :D

Who's that handsome chap in a Platypus Shirt? - Euc Bowl Merch!

I'm exceedingly proud to say that for the first time in 2012 players will be able to order Merch for collection at the tournament. We've got shirts, hats and a rubber backed custom board which needs to be seen to fully appreciate it's beauty. Check out the thread right here with lots of pictures and other details.

As a bonus, for each $10 spent on Merch players will receive one ticket to the Euc Bowl Raffle.

Wait, a Euc Bowl Raffle?

I know what you're thinking... "Virral, everyone does raffles, stop being such a copy cat!" And you're right of course, it's an awesome way for clubs and events to raise awareness and a bit of cash while giving players the chance at winning a beautifully painted team.

I don't like doing things in half measures though, and the raffle will be no exception. Details are still being finalised but prizes will include at least two fully painted teams and one custom board made by yours truly. Winning players will get to chose the prize they want, meaning this raffle will have at least three winners (maybe more!) People who can't make it to the event will be welcome to take part, and can nominate their prize preferences ahead of time as they won't be there to decide on the day.

The Unlucky Door Prize and the Boggy Hunt

After the hugely positive feedback last year, these mini games will be returning in 2012. They're just fun little extras that go alongside the main event and allow players to pick up little prizes as they go. Keep an eye out for separate threads about these events, we'll be introducing some twists to the rules, new prizes and sponsors to keep things interesting.

Team Competition and Grudge Matches

Is there anything worse than traveling to a huge tournament and having to play the guys from your league? Imagine poor Carnage Crew members when they have to play Gnome, or anyone on the planet when they get drawn against Grumpsh! At Eucalyptus Bowl you can register as part of a team and you'll be guaranteed not to play any of your team mates on Day 1. Plus there is a Team Prize for the best team performance (as an average), to win bragging rights for your club or league.

And for the final game of the tournament, players who aren't in the running for a major prize can request a grudge match and duke it out for personal glory.

Re: Eucalyptus Bowl 2012 - 7th/8th July, Sydney Australia

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:37 pm
by Virral
Reposted from Ausbowl:

Ok the second big announcement of the week... as has been hinted at for a while, in 2012 one of the player gifts will be a custom Platypus figure designed and sculpted by the same creative team who made the very popular Koala figure in 2008.


The figure is being produced in partnership with Impact and we're experimenting with a different business model. There will be two versions, a limited version available only to players (only 100 are being made total) and a non limited version that will become available shortly after in the Impact store. Some of the proceeds of the non-limited version will come back to Eucalyptus Bowl over time and will help fund future figures.

My goal was to create something versatile and usable on the pitch and like the Koala I gravitated to the idea of multiple arms and secret weapons. But we took it a step further this time and designed a figure with over a dozen options that can be used to create a wide variety of figures in the game. The figure itself is intended to be around the same size as the Koala (i.e. Goblin-esque), and thanks to the options could be used as various diminutive Star players or even turned into a full team of Goblins/Halflings thanks to all the configurations available.


Each player will receive one platypus pack that includes:

One Body & Right Arm
Four Heads - Bare, Helmet, Akubra, Hockey Mask (limited)
Four Left Arms - Empty, Knife, Chainsaw, Mad Max Boomerang (limited)
Three Tails - Empty, Holding Dynamite, Holding Ball (limited)
Two Belt Accessories - Dynamite, Knife

The options tagged in red are only going to be available to Eucalyptus Bowl players. Versions of the Platypus using the other options will be available for sale from Impact shortly after the event. I currently have no plans to sell any remaining limited packs, so the only way to obtain those options will be to attend the event (or find someone who goes and is willing to swap)

As you can imagine this will lead to an extremely versatile figure...

Need a Platy-Puggy? Use the Helmet Head and Ball Carrying Tail.
Need a Chainsaw Looney? Hockey Mask and Chainsaw arm!
Need a Skritter Stab-Stab? Go Aussie with the Akubra and either the Bowie knife or razor sharp Boomerang (fans of Mad Max 2 will appreciate why he has a gauntlet on ;D )
Need a Bomber Dribblesnot? He can have dynamite to spare with one wrapped in his tail ready to toss and a couple more clipped to his belt.

As you can probably tell I've been thinking about this for quite a while ::) And why am I choosing today for this announcement? Well it just so happens that we've had some updates from the sculptor :P


Re: Eucalyptus Bowl 2012 - 7th/8th July, Sydney Australia

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:38 pm
by Virral
Reposted from Ausbowl:

Along with the Dice Cups I got another package in the mail today, it gives me great pleasure to reveal the Eucalyptus Bowl Tournament Coin. They've been purposefully designed to match the existing Ausbowl coins and used one of the same sides, these are intended to compliment the Ausbowl sets. Every player at Eucalyptus Bowl in 2012 will receive one of these with their player gift packs.


I decided to mix things up a bit with an Antique Gold finish, I also did my best to correct the colour problems that exist in the original Ausbowl Shield. The Eucalyptus Bowl side of the coin is a beautiful mixture of 2D enamel paints and 3D imagery built directly into the coin face.


They're 1.5 inches and have a nice weight and heft to them. They'd make a perfect turn or reroll counter alongside the Ausbowl coins or on their own, and I'm sure they're going to make a great addition to the collections of a lot of players out there.


I hope everyone likes them, personally I'm in love!

Re: Eucalyptus Bowl 2012 - 7th/8th July, Sydney Australia

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:39 pm
by Virral
Reposted from Ausbowl:

Hey guys,

I am really excited to announce a new venture for Eucalyptus Bowl, one that players at CanCon got a first look at a few weeks ago. Players and non-players alike will be able to order Eucalyptus Bowl merch via the website for delivery on the day.

We'll have three items available for order, t-shirts, hats and a roll up custom board. We're currently working on adding all options to the Euc Bowl registration page, I'll advise on this thread when they're available for order. This will include full sizing info along with the various colour options.

Hats - $15 each

The hats are embroidered with the Eucalyptus Bowl logo and come in both Baseball Cap and Bucket Hat. Both styles come in three colour options, Black w/ Red Trim, Navy w/ White Trim, White w/ Navy Trim.


T-Shirts - $25 each

The T-Shirts come in a wide range of colours and sizes, anything from small to 5XL (some colours only available in 2XL or 3XL). Each shirt includes a large colour Platypus on the chest and the Eucalyptus Bowl logo on the left sleeve. There is no writing, as I've tried to design this shirt to be wearble anytime not just at tournaments.

Full colour and sizing options will be available via the website but here are a few examples of the colours and style, sorry about the hideous model :-[

Update: Here are the full range of sizes and colours available (click link to see colour):

White – S to 5XL
Royal Blue – S to 5XL
Navy – S to 5XL
Black – S to 5XL
Dark Chocolate – S to 3XL
Charcoal – S to 3XL
Maroon – S to 2XL
Forest Green – S to 2XL
Ash Grey – S to 2XL

Update 2: Here is the Sizing Chart in CM.

Code: Select all

Sizing   S    M    L    XL   2XL  3XL  4XL  5XL
Width    46   51   56   61   66   71   76   81
Length   71   74   76   79   81   84   86   89

Roll up Custom Boards - $70 each

These are the real prize, a beautiful custom board designed by Vain and printed on a sturdy but soft fabric backed with tough rubber. These roll up tight but lie flat when unrolled and have a velvet-like feel, perfect for protecting paint jobs on miniatures. Thanks to the rubber these will not slip or move on the table once laid flat and will not require the protection of a cardboard tube when not in use... just roll it up, secure with a few rubber bands and stow it in your bag.

I quite seriously cannot express in words how gorgeous these are or how perfect the material is for a custom board, it needs to be seen to be believed. I'll be trying to get these prototypes along to as many tournaments as possible so that people can see them up close before the big day.

Update: One of the gifts that players will be receiving is a custom dugout designed by FF-Fields. If players order a board I will throw in a second dugout so that you've got a full set.

If you would like to order a board and cannot make it to the event I'll see if I can add an option for extra dugouts at cost price.

Update 2: The dimensions of these boards are approx 79cm x 57cm
