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Brainstorming: Rookie Tryout 7s Tournament

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 10:22 am
by Glorian Underhill
At the last 1 day Tournament a lot of players were there with newcomers from their league who didn't had the rule fitness to join a fully fledged tournament, or some kids who showed up who knew Blitz!Bowl or like me who had his 8year old son with the tournament. All of the mentioned are potential Blood bowl Players who are not really fit yet to play Blood Bowl for two days vs some competitive players.

So I was thinking about making something like a Rookie Tryout Tournament.

Rules BB 7s. 7-11 players on the pitch. Less time. Faster Action.
1 Day Tournament.
+1 RR for the Team Roster if you are new to the NAF.
+1 RR for the Team Roster if you are under 18years old.

Miniatures DON'T need to be painted if they are one of the latest GW plastic teams. It should be then clear which position is which player.

Assistant Coach:
Each player can have an Assistant Coach. At the usual BB Tournament you play alone, but at the Rookie Tryout you can have another person (Assistant Coach) giving you tips and rules while you play. The Assistant Coach can NOT be a Player himself at the same time. Also the Rookie need to roll dice, move the minis, and play on his own. The plan is not to have the Daddy run a game while his son rolls the dice, but to help him through his first Tournament.

So if you are an 12 year old, you can go to the tournament and play BB7s with 2 extra RR and your daddy can tell you what to do in which order. If you are an 38 year old pro, you can go here too and play vs another player who has a +2RR handicap, because he doesn't know every trick in the book.

So far so good. But I would really like to restrict the tourney on Humans and Orks or Humans only. Because learning 120 different stats is difficult. Orks and Humans are in the starter box and pretty straightforward. And you have the minis for them to give your son/daughter/girlfriend his own first team. Like I had my first plastic human team in 1995.

As far as I know, restricting the Tourney to races is against the NAF regulations. So the games wouldn't count for NAF ranking and wouldn't get approved.
Is that correct?

So what is your input, remarks or ideas to run this?
Have I missed something?

Re: Brainstorming: Rookie Tryout 7s Tournament

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 11:48 am
by montanhas18
NAF doesn't like giving out RRs as well.

Sevens only has 7 players on the table and not that many different rules. You can also print player stat cards (simple text) or have everyone write down the stats. In Sevens you get 3-4 different rule profiles each round, and at least 40% of players are on the table are lines.

Let them use whatever race they want to use. Most boxes of GW's BB are more than enough to make a great Sevens team. If a kid wants to play Skaven because they really like the rats, why shouldn't they use it in the tournament?

The coach thing is... tricky. Some people overcoach, some kids don't have fun when they're too guided, they just want to roll dice and see stuff happen. I would rather have a "table minder", someone who stays at their table for the full game, makes sure no one messes up rules and interacts with the rookie for smalltalk, or ask the experienced players if they don't mind letting the rookie take back a non-dice activation to learn a better move?

The idea is great, but I think you're adding too much extra stuff. Just let them play.