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Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:27 am
by serg-natos
Hello, guys. I have been thinking on doing a dwarf treasure hunter band since I started sculpting more than 10 years ago. Using the free time we all were forced to get for the pandemic, finally I were able to sculpt the first miniatures, old school style, and the metal mould will be ready in a few days, so I thought it was a good moment to start to share them.

In fact, if you are interested in any of them, send me a PM ;] I will be doing a "proof print", and if it works I will continue doing the rest of the band more oficially.



Oh, and to be clear:

- Thunderer is the estalian one with the crossbow.
- Shortbeard A is the imperial one, running.
- Shortbeard B is the estalian lancer.
- Shortbeard C is the tilean duelist.
- Shortbeard D is the bretonnian girl.


Re: DWARF BAND 1º Wave

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 10:14 am
by Loki
Aww, thought it was going to be a Dwarf Band with guitars, drums and stuff :lol:

Re: DWARF BAND 1º Wave

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 10:15 am
by Loki
Oh and they look good btw, even without guitars :D

Re: DWARF BAND 1º Wave

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 9:29 am
by serg-natos
Thanks XD

No, but I did a band, some years ago for Willy Miniatures' dwarf team XD

Re: DWARF BAND 1º Wave

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:59 am
by serg-natos
Helo, guys,

I don't remember who was interested in the dwarfs I had done, but they will be at home during next week. Caster had some perosnal issues, but he could finally solve them and go back to work. So, if you were one of those who were interested, send me a MP ;]

Caster had some personal issues, but he could finally send me the copies and they might be at home between monday and wednesday. If anyone is interested, send me a PM ;]

Re: DWARF BAND 1º Wave

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 4:05 pm
by Axtklinge
Wow, those look really nice.
Tons of character, congrats!