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Vampire: The Masquerade team

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:50 pm
by Corvidius
I'm a keen Roleplayer and decided while at work to write rules for a Blood Bowl Team based on the Clans in Vampire: The Masquerade, here's what i came up with.

Statline for all players is 6, 3, 3, 8 with Regenerate.

0-16 Caitiff 60k with access to all skills on normal rolls

0-2 Brujah 90k with Sprint, Mighty Blow and Disturbing Presence. general, strength access on normal, agility, passing on doubles.

0-2 Gangrel 90k Claw, Fend and Thick Skull. General, Mutation access on normal rolls, agility, passing and strength on doubles.

0-2 Malkavians 90k Dodge, Stunty and Hypnotic Gaze. General, Agility access as normal. Strength and Passing on Doubles.

0-2 Nosferatu 90k Fend, Stunty, Mighty Blow. General, Strength on normal rolls. Passing and Agility on Doubles.

0-2 Toreador 90k Disturbing Presence, Sprint and Dodge. General Agility access on normal. Strength and Passing on Doubles.

0-2 Ventrue 90k Disturbing Presence, Hypnotic Gaze and Thick Skull. General Passing access, strength and Agility on Doubles.

Rerolls cost 70k

Wizards cost 100k per game.

I wanted to keep things simple with player costs and so didn't translate over all the Clan Flaws and suchlike, although it was tempting.

Those familiar with Vampire should be able to work out what skill is which Discipline. :)

Let me know what you guys think.

Re: Vampire: The Masquerade team

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:16 pm
by Urb
Caitff seem ok
Brujah - undercosted by a large margin. General skills should be doubles due to MB
Gangrel - same as Brujah, undercosted. Thick skull and AV8 doesn't make sense to me.
Malkavians - stunty with gen access? I can go anywhere on a 3+ with str3 with access to block, tackle, and stripball? Shouldn't they have str2 or less?
Nosteratu - Same as Gangrel. MB on a stunty?
Toreador - Still a bit undercosted but not as much as the other vamps.
Ventrue - Once again thick skull on av8?

Wizards? Don't think they should get any favors here. The team already is far better than the standard vamps.

Where's the nega trait? vamps are vamps and should have blood lust. I think animosity should apply as well.

RR cost, agreed.

Re: Vampire: The Masquerade team

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:20 pm
by inkpwn
Not to sure what I think of the team on the whole.
But I disagree with the discounted wizard, its not something any team should have.

Re: Vampire: The Masquerade team

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:58 pm
by Corvidius
The idea was more to represent what Vampire the Masquerade Vampires would have. Stunty was the nearest i could figure for those Clans who have Obfuscate which is pretty much invisibility.

Animosity would actually be really appropriate for every player on the team. Vampires in the roleplaying game don't really get on.

I didn't want to mess around with Stats as it has a knock on effect to the relative cost of skills.

Bear in mind with costing as well that the only basic game skill on the starting roster is Dodge and that the statline is human normal and the rerolls cost a lot.

The discounted wizard was the only idea for Clan Tremere that I could think of (they're magicians that can do all manner of weird things).

I do like the idea of Animosity over OFAB/Blood Lust for these guys as there's obviously no Thralls on the team.

Re: Vampire: The Masquerade team

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:01 pm
by Corvidius
Oh yeah, i should have said, thanks for the input. :)

Re: Vampire: The Masquerade team

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:24 pm
by Urb
There are reasons stats change for different starting skills. Take stunty for example. Lets you dodge anywhere on a 3+. Giving str 3 means you have a reliable cage breakers without any team development. Gen access as well. Av8. These guys are broken on a few levels. Many contradicting skills, stats, and traits and they start as star players with 12 you can choose from.

Reminds me when ogres were 0-12 and had goblins but even that was a bit more balanced.

For your own house league all good but imo for an offical team there is a lot more work to be done.

Re: Vampire: The Masquerade team

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:30 pm
by Urb
Corvidius wrote:Oh yeah, i should have said, thanks for the input. :)
More often than not I give too much input so I appologias for being so critical.

Re: Vampire: The Masquerade team

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:55 pm
by Corvidius
No worries Urb, the input is sound from a pure Blood Bowl perspective, calling it like you see it isn't always a bad thing. It probably true that it'd be more appropriate as a House Rule type team.

Brujah - I can take your point with these. Comparable to a Wight with 3 skills after it's first increase. I'd probably adjust him to 120k with Wild Animal and Animosity to offset the skill set.

Gangrel - Again i'd add Animosity because it's characterful. 120k again costwise.

Malkavians - Drop the General Access and Add Animosity. 100k. The Str3 AND Dodge/Stunty do make him a good cage breaker. Add Bonehead.

Nosferatu - Mighty Blow and Strength Access represents Potence (super strength). Add Animosity. increase cost to 120k.

Toreador - Add Animosity. Add Bonehead. 100k.

Ventrue - Add Animosity. increase cost to 120k.

Does that look better. With 70k rerolls and still not sure what do about the Tremere/Wizard.

Re: Vampire: The Masquerade team

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:36 am
by tzoscey
brujah should have wild animal :P

malkavian & nosferatu only for animosity to represent theirs unsocial behaviour

toreador's presence is more "fan favorite" than disturbing presence; i see more acurate "disturbing presence" for nosferatu than toreador
toreador should be sprint agile runners and ventrue the passer with hipnotic gaze

i see the point for giving nosferatu the stunty trait

aren't tremere the coaches? :wink:

Re: Vampire: The Masquerade team

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:08 pm
by Corvidius
Hi Tzoscey,

A good point on the Tremere front, pulling the strings while lettin the Ventrue think they're in charge, works for me.

I'm thinking that Stunty is pretty good coupled with Dodge. So i think I'll switch it for Shadowing.

This is clearly still work in progress and I'll make more adjustments later. :)