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My idea of the 4 gods stuff.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:48 am
by Smurf

0-2 Blood Letters
6 4 2 9
Block Frenzy Horns, Wild Animal 110K
0-1 Blood Thirster
6 8 3 10
Block, Frenzy, Horns, Mighty Blow, Leap, Long Legs, Wild Animal, Loner 210k
0-2 Chaos Warriors
5 4 3 9
Frenzy 110k
0-12 Khorhe cultists
5 3 3 8 50k

0-2 Deamonettes
7 3 4 8
Claws,Disturbing Presence, Hypnotic Gaze Bonehead 100k
0-1 Keeper of Secrets
6 7 3 9
Claws,Disturbing Presence, Hypnotic Gaze, Extra Arms, Horns, Bonehead, Loner 200k
0-2 Chaos Warriors
5 4 3 9
Claws 110k
0-12 Slannesh cultists
5 3 3 8 50k

5 4 2 9
Foul appearance, Stand Firm, Horns, Bonehead 110k
0-1 Great Unclean One
5 7 2 9
Horns, Stand firm, Foul Appearance, Thick Skull, Grab Bonehead, Piling On, Loner 200k
0-2 Chaos Warriors
5 4 3 9
Stand Firm 110k
0-12 Nurgle cultists
5 3 3 8 50k

0-2 Horrors Tzeentch
6 3 4 8
Big Hand, Side Step, Fend Bonehead 110k
0-1 Tzeentch dude?
6 7 4 9
Long Legs, Leap, Disturbing Presence, Hypnotic Gaze, Side Step, Fend, Bonehead, Loner 200k
0-2 Chaos Warriors
5 4 3 9
Fend 110k
0-12 Tzeentch cultists
5 3 3 8 50k


Bone head?
Slannesh - to stop and admire themselves
Nurgle - the pain of suffering
Tzeentch - because it's fun

Re: My idea of the 4 gods stuff.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:14 pm
by the.tok
Are these rosters meant to play only each other? They all seem so powerful at first glance :

About all of them :
Why give the same access to the whole team? Especially give GSM or GAM access to big guys feels wrong.
And even without taking this into account, the big guys seem underpriced as is (compared to Star players for example)

Khorne :
The BG is just too much. Out of the gate, you have a blitzing ST9 block frenzy MB player.
And with first skill tentacles, who is gonna be able to get out of his tackle zone?
And if you imagine it with 3 skills, like tentacle+claw+BT?

Slaanesh :
Seems a little less overpowered, but still... the BG is too much
With 3 skills, Block + dodge + surehands, who is taking the ball from him? if you are a ST3-only team, like amazons, what can you do?

Tzeench :
The same as Slaanesh... just worse with AG4

But if the point is a chaos only tournament, then why not? :)

Re: My idea of the 4 gods stuff.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:34 pm
by Smurf
Fair point.

Could get rid of the G and M access for the demons.

When you say underpriced... about 100K?

Re: My idea of the 4 gods stuff.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:02 pm
by burgun824
And here we go.

My idea of the 4 gods theme would be to go back in time and not let Nurgle ever get a team. Then we wouldn't have to deal with all this Khorne arguing non-sense. And we certainly wouldn't have to deal with discussing Slaneesh and Tzeench.

There are 3 acceptable chaos teams in Blood Bowl; Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs, & Pact. Nurgle should have never existed and neither should Khorne. There are a couple other teams I'd like to do away with too, like Pro Elf, Ogre and Khemri. Then all we'd have to do is nerf Zons and Dorfs and buff Humans and we'd have a very nice, even, highly polished 20 roster system to choose from.

I'd love to go more into depth on this topic but I have a plane to catch to the other side of the country. I'll let you all be trolled by that tid-bit for the time being and catch up with you later. :orc:

Re: My idea of the 4 gods stuff.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:19 pm
by spubbbba
I don’t think greater daemons should be in Bloodbowl full stop, along with giants and dragons they are far too large to be on the Bloodbowl pitch. Daemon princes work instead, they are a lot more varied and whilst powerful not quite so massive.

For god themed teams you are probably best having basing them round 1 particular god rather than having slaanesh daemons or Tzeentch beastmen etc. This opens up more possibilities for giving them a strong theme but also adding variety.

I would steer clear of any beasts or fliers like furies or steeds of Slaanesh for instance.

So that gives you the following players you can theme.
Cultists/marauders, beastmen and warriors, you could add Minotaurs to the list as well.

The foot soldier daemons each have champions and heros (heralds) so you can have positionals for them. You could also add nurglings, fiends and even flamers.

Cost wise you probably don’t want to have more than 1 non-big guy positional being over 100K.

Re: My idea of the 4 gods stuff.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:51 pm
by Smurf
Kick to the head... yeah, BB was trying to get away from the WH slush.

OK. Let's just call it bollocks and move on :o >>