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stormcast roster

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 7:38 pm
by rumBowl
As they are the order mirror of chaos, I wanted them to be a tough slow team but with full positionals (as this is something that doesn't exist). They have no big guy as they have none in aos.

0-16 Linemen - 50k - 5/3/3/9 - G / ASP
0-2 Throwers - 80k - 5/3/3/9 - Strong Arm, Pass - GP / AS
0-4 Catchers - 90k - 7/3/3/8 - Catch - GA/SP
0-4 Blockers - 90k - 4/4/3/9 - GS / AP
Rerolls - 60k

The thrower has Strong Arm over Sure Hands as defending early shouldn't be too tricky and it helps with his slower speed passing to Catchers and as a fluff thing of them all being quite strong. I didn't want Blockers to just be chaos warriors with no mutations so also gave them 1 less MA to reflect the unbending order philosophy they should be in the right place already. Note also that the weakest player Catchers are the human's strongest players, just with Catch instead of Block.

Play wise, when everyone is in position they do very well, but if they let things get too chaotic, they lack the speed to recover.