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Background for Hakflem Skuttlespike

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:41 am
by GalakStarscraper
Best background submission and picture for this star player will be posted here.

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:16 am
by UncleBob
Actually you can say what you like about the intelligence of Blood Bowl players, but their talent to end up in prison is remarkable. If you come upon a funny scenario, such as a naked man on roller skates hunting a mob of cats through the inner city, chances are, you’re looking at a Blood Bowl star.
Hakflem has a story of his own. Mutations don’t come regularly with Skaven, but are regular enough to create players such as Hakflem Skuttlespike. Being a mutant might seem hideous, but it holds a couple of advantages and it normally improves the player’s ability. Unless they don’t spontaneously combust, become insane (to a degree that they can’t even play Blood Bowl anymore) or developing the kind of mutation that makes you wonder (the kind of wonder that there should be a point in it, but I don’t get it). Hakflem now has a total of seven limbs and they are all good for something, actually they are so good at what they are supposed to do, that they not only earned him a living, but a fortune.
The only problem with Blood Bowl players and money is that they are going to spend it one day. Hakflem’s road to perdition was to blow all his savings on organizing pit fights (what’s wrong with a pub, laundry, pig farm, you name it). His little franchise grew over the years and in its prime it yielded huge profits and featured almost every combination of fighters imaginable. As the franchise grew, so did Hakflem’s pride and he boasted about it whenever possible. Until he did so during a post match interview, giving away every detail about a coming up pit fight in Nuln’s sewers, to the eagerness of a charming young reporter. As a result, the law enforcement squad of Nuln knocked on his door next morning and explained to him very amiably (in form of a spiked club) and with extraordinary eagerness (still the club) that his little franchise was in fact illegal and Hakflem went straight to jail for a solid 18 months.
As Hakflem couldn’t generate money anymore, neither with his franchise nor by playing Blood Bowl, but was in fact sitting on huge debts, he went as low as you can get. Within a month Hakflem Skuttlespike was bankrupt and had to abandon his retirement plans as the great mutator and organizer of the “Hellpit Pitfights – a hellish thing, no pity!”.
After he paid his dues to society, Hakflem returned to play Blood Bowl on a new level by turning freelance and accepting every assignment as long as he’s getting paid his fee. In fact he’s doing everything to make money and satisfy his debts, even accepting offers by teams far down the clan ranking.