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Background for Jordell Freshbreeze

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:54 am
by GalakStarscraper
Best background submission and picture for this star player will be posted here.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 11:00 am
by UncleBob
One of the most skilled, not to say superior players, that ever took to the Blood Bowl pitch is with no doubt Jordell ‘the Cyclone’ Freshbreeze. Being an Elf means that athletic superiority comes by birthright, and Elves love to point that out, but Jordell’s ability to leap, twist, jump and twirl, while balancing an egg on a spoon, is even outstanding among Elves. The last satisfaction for most players is, that as brilliant as Elves may be, they are wimps when it comes to the old “swift kick in the groin” style (followed by the old joke: “It shouldn’t hurt ‘em, hur, hur, hur!”). But with Jordell - wrong again. Trying to show Freshbreeze the world from a new perspective (flat on the ground looking up to the hobnailed boot coming down) is in for a surprise. More than one player charging with a grin at Jordell’s sleek figure comes to his senses again when lying face first in the mud, wondering what on earth had gone wrong. It’s just that Jordell Freshbreeze is not only elegant when it comes to catching that ball, but also in terms of blocking, dodging, diving and sliding. In fact, there is almost no footage at all that Jordell ever went down, or failed a dodge, missed a pass, had messed up hair - whatever! How come? Now this is one of the most amazing events in Blood Bowl media history. When Jordell played for the Talon Tearaways, together with Hubris Rakarth, he was so much overpowering his opponents that he felt the itch for new competitions. The stuff he attempted to do then were so complicated that his success rate dropped by 25 percent. The media started to call his daring attempts, such as leaping over a Troll while circling a pass into the end zone, “Jordell’s trick 17 with self-dupery”. Everyone was having a good time watching Jordell beating himself, especially Hubris Rakarth who was laughing his dark heart out. The only exception was Jordell who was flat out furious and reacted. He started to boycott the media and developed a rather picky rule of conduct concerning public relations. Every magazine that refuses to obey his whimsies - he is not talking to, and every cabalvision network that is not willing to cover up in Jordell’s favour - he refuses to appear in the matches they are covering. But beside being a prima Donna, Jordell truly is the perfect player and it will take a long time until a game by Jordell gets entirely drowned in sudden commercials and interferences. Jordell’s spokesman’s comment on the accusations were simple though “Whatever people claim to be, or make up, the moment your cabalvision transmission gets disturbed, it’s your receiver malfunctioning, everyone who says different is a conspiracy believing lunatic who would even suspect his own underwear of plotting against him.”