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Background for Scrappa Sorehead

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:09 am
by GalakStarscraper
Best background submission and picture for this star player will be posted here.

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:50 pm
by UncleBob
Everyone who has been haggling with Scrappa about his hiring fee gets sick by just seeing a Pogo-Stick. Scrappa’s way of negotiating a contract is to bounce angrily up and down and screaming for more until you lose your nerve and give in. Scrappa really is a big child, but what do you expect from a Goblin who decided to play Blood Bowl by riding a Pogo-Stick? Well, one has to admit that it sure is brilliant. Given, that toy makes a rather silly sound something like: Oing, oing, oing, plah–doooing!, but hearing it means that Scrappa has just leaped over the defence line again and is on his way to score another touchdown. Only the best of Slann can challenge Scrappa to a leaping contest, as Scrappa achieved the “Highest leap of the season” for three times. Try to tackle Scrappa and swoosh, he’s gone, leaving the tackler sailing through thin air. Frustrated by this, many a player would love to press Scrappa forcibly into the spiral of his own Pogo-Stick and bounce him around, but as mentioned, the real trick is getting him first. Intercepting, leaping, dodging, rushing and scoring, Scrappa can be such a pain in the neck that he’s rather quickly not the only sorehead on the pitch.
Over the years, Scrappa managed to use his Pogo-Stick with such accuracy that he not only stays in control when leaping up and down on something uneven such as a prone player, but his leaps are so well aimed that it sure does hurt, too. Thank Nuffle, he doesn’t kit his Pogo-Stick with spikes anymore, since he once got stuck in the ground and had one hell of a panic to get unchained from it before those delighted blokes could come upon him.
Among the younger Goblins Scrappa is a role model and many a teenage Goblin dreams about getting his own Pogo-Stick to stay high above the others, bouncing cunningly among them and landing once or twice, quite accidentally of course, on one of those big bullies who have the habit to kick poor, little Goblins like them out of the entrance queue (“It was only a pinch, you big buffoon! And it wasn’t me, it was my brother. Is this your wallet? Really? Just found it, see – ouch!”).