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Background for Slibli

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:12 am
by GalakStarscraper
Best background submission and picture for this star player will be posted here.

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:44 am
by UncleBob
Slibli is the guard of the wisdom that lies within the wind and the dust. The protector of the seal that closes the gates to the sanctuary where the future threads are woven into the sky and sun. Slibli is the watcher that guarantees the circle of life, to protect it from harm and to allow it to flow smoothly and steadily. This is how Slibli is known in Lustria, in the old world though, the fans call him: „The Bouncer“.
Originally, Slibli was one of the Sauruses who were appointed to be a Temple Guard to oversee the rituals that assure the circle of life. Something a bloated toad sitting motionless for 24 hours on hard stone is extremely keen on to work smoothly. The rituals absorb about five hours of pointing at stuff, showing stuff around and speaking in tongues. After that a Blood Bowl match follows, crowned by sacrificing the loser. As long as these rituals were for cold-blooded Lizards only, everything was fine, but when Lustria got into reach of the old world and teams set out to participate in the ritual it came to a clash of cultures. The first team that arrived was an Orc team that brought 20.000 die hard fans with them. It was a disaster. The Orc players kicked the Skink priests when they kneeled down to pray and the fans lost patience after twenty minutes of ritual and tried to get the cold-blooded lizards started by setting the place on fire - without effect, except ruining the ancient temple. This cooled the interest in the ritual a bit; not enough action, too much rebuilding time, although the sacrificing element still urges Orcs to tempt Elves into participating. But while the tournaments in the old world were growing, the rituals lost more and more importance and ended up as an attraction for tourists only, who came over to buy a souvenir, to watch those fancy dressed priests behaving funny and then to throw the just bought souvenir at them when getting bored. The whole thing turned out to be a rich source for money as every souvenir proved to survive ten circles of life before falling apart. The Slann masters took a liking to this new development, called it the plan of the old and moved into a penthouse. Money corrupted the rituals more and more into a show. Slibli’s job to fend off feeble tourists on a cocoa frenzy, fighting for a reduction, wasn’t appealing to his pride and only his cold-blooded obedience kept him at his post. Fortunately, the Slann eventually got bored by the cabalvision transmissions of the old world’s tournaments into their meditating mind, as they had no team to root for! So they decided to set up a recruiting programme to gather all their talented Lizards to form them into teams. This development rescued Slibli from his boring existence as his amazing power to hold and secure his ground made him one of the first picks of the Slann. Nowadays, Slibli is still guarding the master plan by breaking wave after wave of opponents and bouncing them back into their half.

Re: Background for Slibli

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 8:25 pm
by SlannMann
"There can be only one Slibli!"

Slibli is one of the most well known players in Blood Bowl history, with some over-enthused fans claiming he was present at the very first games against the Khemri, over 8,000 years ago. The truth of the matter however, is that the star player known as Slibli has only been playing the game for the last 10 years. It just seems that he has been playing for a lot longer. The belief among the Temple Guard Saurus is that the distinctive skull-helms they wear are imbued with the former owners strength and martial skill, which are passed on to the new wearer and allows the fallen to continue safeguarding their charges for eternity...
The Saurus to take to the field under the name Slibli was the last Eternity Warden to serve the Slann Mage-Priests of Chupayotl. After his temple-city was swallowed by the sea and his masters lost with it he wandered Northwards, eventually stumbling across a game of Blood Bowl in which a Slann team was playing. These weren't the type of Slann he was used to defending (they looked like they could more than handle themselves!), but they were Slann, and took this as a sign from his gods to allow him to honour his former Mage-Priests. On stepping scaled foot upon pitch and assisting the Slann in an environment reminiscent of a battlefield, the powerful Saurus felt his lust for violence oddly satisfied and sense of duty renewed. Rather than return to his displaced existence, he travelled with the team assisting when and where needed, strapping on the pads more and more often as the year went on. As you might expect, the news that an Eternity Warden was playing Blood Bowl spread quickly to the other Temple-Cities of Lustria. The arrogant and aloof Mage-Priests of these cities decided that even if this was the will of the Old Ones, they would only refer to him as Slibli (a derogatory term used in Lizardman society) instead of his spawning name. On hearing this, the former Warden of Chupayotl took this slang-name as his own in a last defiant guesture to the lording Slann and swore a new oath dedicating himself to the full time protection of those Lizardmen and Slann who would take part in the sport of Blood Bowl (and of course meet the asking price for such protection, if only for the upkeep of equipment you understand).

It was the year 2484 and Grymbloq was a recently drafted Saurus on a Lizardman team which had hired Slibli for an up-coming game. This was the period in Blood Bowl when the 'chainsaw-wielding looney' craze was at it's height and, as such, was the game in which Slibli would fall foul of such a weapon. Grymbloq was eventually knocked out and consequently moved to the team's dug out area. On seeing the Saurus wake, Slibli summoned Grymbloq over to him. The star player explained that he was not actually Slibli, but the latest in a long line to wear the Slibli-skull-helm, having had it passed down to him as did the Saurus before him, back for thousands of years in honour of the original Slibli. He convinced the rookie Saurus to swap places with him before he succumbed to his wounds as he believed Grymbloq to be a Saurus of unseen worth and potential. On placing the massive Eternity skull-helm on his head, Grymbloq felt Slibli's knowledge of the sport and accumulation of skill pass into him, allowing the ancient spirit of the Eternity Warden to continue fulfilling his sacred oath and for the star player known as Slibli to make a remarkable recovery in time for the start of the second half ( much to the concern of the Dwarves who were no longer fielding a chainsaw...)