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Background for Skitter Stab-Stab

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:13 am
by GalakStarscraper
Best background submission and picture for this star player will be posted here.

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:41 am
by UncleBob
Every Skaven that knows how to handle it’s dagger has a future in life. And Skitter Stab-Stab was so talented that he could have run for president, but to the disappointment of his breeders he decided to start a Blood Bowl career. After Mr. Stab-Stab didn’t get killed during the first couple of matches, but was in fact doing the killing himself, his breeders were finally quite glad with his decision.
Taking a look at Skitter’s talents he has every tendency to be a great receiver, but in spite of that, he always tended to the more grinding, pain-in-the-neck kind of play. Keeping in mind that he should be a receiver, it may seem a bit odd, as every receiver who has his wits together prefers a healthy distance to those clumsy psychos and pays a lot more mind to not getting cornered than anything else (if the only way out is to jump over the sideline - you’re dead). Skitter though, was always right in the thick of it and he made up for his lack of physical strength by developing a couple of thrilling abilities. For one thing, his dagger skill is outstanding as he mastered even the high art of wielding a dagger with his tail, putting his victims in the awful position that they can never know when or from where that stab might come (as far as they know, it’s anytime and from everywhere). Furthermore, Skitter has extraordinary body reflexes and cat like (don’t tell him) instincts that answer every movement of his victims with a swift answer of his daggers, going like: “There? Or rather there?” Whatever you do, that dagger gets there first. It’s absolutely impossible to break off this guy and if anything fails, he’s still very capable of stretching for that ball to run it in. All that makes Skitter Stab-Stab a real pest, and for a rat, that is high praise indeed.