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Re: Flings on the Danish Open

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:56 am
by Omalley69

I tried to do you some honor by fielding flings at this years Danish Open. Had a close run the first day by nearly playing a draw against a top player with lizzies, won against another lizzies and nearly drew the guy that took top 3? with proelfs.
I ran 2 block trees and deeproot.
A vampire player metaed me and scored in my drive and sat on his endline with the ball in his drive just stalling time as i whould waste rerolls and turns just getting the trees to his endzone and puggy alone whould do nothing even thoug I KO fouled Whilhem chaney out for the the entine second half.

Topper (very experienced) took top 12 with ogres, and Bakonin did 3 wins and a draw with gobos, so all in all an impresive weekend for stunties. 8)