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Team Sweden Eurobowl 2013 - Vote for team captain!

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:26 am
by Ozt
Maybe a bit early to start this thread but after our 2012 experience we are enthusiastic and ready to go!

Since there is no Swedish forum that is neutral ground for the Swedish coaches the election for Team Captain will be held here on TFF.

There are two nominees that are willing to step up as Team Captain and they were both part of this years Team Sweden:

Martin Svahn - NAF Lard 18457
Daniel Baumann - NAF Jammydodger 9072

Martins presentation:
Var har jag för meriter som är relevanta för att vara lagkapten för
team Sweden? Självfallet spelar jag BloodBowl, gjorde det som tonåring
och tog upp det när jag flyttade till Örebro för 6 år sedan.
Självfallet har jag drivit ligor, både som tonåring och nu i Örebro,
ordnat turneringar, ordnade uttagningsturneringen för EuroBowl 2011
och arbetar med ett jobb som ställer stora krav på organisation och
koll på många olika bollar samtidigt. Självfallet har jag deltagit i
många olika BloodBowl-turneringar, men de flesta har varit i Sverige
vilket är en brist. Deltog i EuroBowl förra året och tyckte det var
det ballaste jag varit med om i spelväg och skulle med nöje medverka
för att se till att det går bra för Sverige nästa år.

Vad ser jag att jag kan tillföra som lagkapten? När jag pratade med
den coach som nominerade mig för denna post sa denne att det var
utifrån organisationsförmåga av uttagningen till EuroBowl-laget 2012
men även inför organiseringen av de praktiska detaljerna som hotell,
flygresor och träningsläger inför 2013. Självfallet skulle jag
organisera den typen av praktiska saker och samtidigt tycker jag att
stämningen i laget är mycket viktigt för framgång och att det är
lagkaptenens uppgift att bana väg för en god stämning och stark
kämpaglöd. Som tur är har jag en hyfsad social förmåga och utifrån
mitt yrke ingående kunskap i gruppsykologi ;)

Jag känner väldigt många bra coacher i Sverige från många olika orter
och som lagledare skulle jag arbeta för att så många olika får en bra
chans att visa upp sin kvalité. De saker som jag sedan skulle se som
viktiga inför för att välja ut coacher till EuroBowl-laget är 1)
framgång på turneringar, 2) erfarenhet av turneringsspel, 3)
erfarenhet av att spela i internationella turneringar samt 4) framgång
på det uttag inför EuroBowl som kommer att hållas. Av de coacher som
deltog förra året skulle jag nog direkt erbjuda några en plats i
laget, för deras erfarenhet, framgång och engagemang under EuroBowl
(däribland Daniel B.) och de andra platserna skulle jag plocka från
årets turneringar, kval och utifrån folks engagemang.

Tack för visat intresse, Martin / Lard

Daniels presentation:
hej all,
my name is daniel, i've been playing bloodbowl for only about 7 years now. i volunteer for the NAF in the role of Joint Tournament Organiser, a role i share with Magnus Lyrberg. during my time as NAF TO there has been a significant increase in the tournament scene in sweden and the development of a core of tournament players, something that i will encourage to bloom.
i have taken part in a large number of tournaments; Carnage, Pearly Kings & Queens, Thrudbowl, NAF World Cup 1, 2, New Years' Doubt, Närkebowl, Stockbowl Cup and the most recent Eurobowl. my record has been continually improving and i managed to rank as the highest placed individual player for Team Sweden, as well as a number of acceptable positions in my last few tournaments (7th/24, 2nd/14, 30th/144, 4th/22).
i feel i would be suited to leading Team Sweden for a number of reasons;
1) i was "vice-captain" during the time that our captain was unavailable in Copenhagen, and so have some experience with the position.
2) i have attended a number of international tournaments and as such have experience of the setting, requirements and pressure of such an event.
3) in my role as NAF TO i have already proven my dedication to the BloodBowl community and my willingness to spend time to help improve the community - this same effort would be directed at the next Eurobowl Team.
Regards, Daniel

You can either vote in a post below, or send me a PM if you don´t want to make your opposition to the eventual Team Captain known officially. Please include your NAF number when you vote, and of course only Swedish coaches are eligible to vote! The voting will end on the 16:th of December.

This election is only regarding the captain, the rules for selecting the team members will be decided by the new captain after it is decided who he is.

Re: Team Sweden Eurobowl 2013 - Vote for team captain!

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:51 am
by duckwing
I believe both coaches would make a good team captain and I know they are both really nice guys so it's a hard choice. I say Martin/Lard simply because I have more direct experience of his ability to organize leagues and competitions.

NAF Duckwing 16278

Re: Team Sweden Eurobowl 2013 - Vote for team captain!

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 4:49 pm
by stashman
I believe both coaches would make a good team captain and I know they are both really nice guys so it's a hard choice. I say Daniel Baumann/Jammydodger simply because he was Vice Captain i Eurobowl and I think he did a great jobb "pepping us" and knowing some of the other teams and he has been "around".

NAF Stashman 8576

Re: Team Sweden Eurobowl 2013 - Vote for team captain!

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 6:18 pm
by coma
Both guys are friends and awesome. I vote for Daniel in this case.

Christian Sedin
NAF: coma 13697

Re: Team Sweden Eurobowl 2013 - Vote for team captain!

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 6:23 pm
by Thursablot
Well, I actually think Martin is the best choice in sweden but my vote goes to Daniel since his NAF history makes him more objective. This is if he does not feel that team captain has a given place in the tournament. Then my vote is Martin

NAF#19004 Nifel

Re: Team Sweden Eurobowl 2013 - Vote for team captain!

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:55 am
by LayZie
I say Martin/Lard simply because I have more direct experience of his ability to organize leagues and competitions.

NAF #16975 LayZie

Re: Team Sweden Eurobowl 2013 - Vote for team captain!

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:25 pm
by mr.selecta
I wote for Martin because his personal talents in organazing and "knowing" peoples need

NAF 18639

Re: Team Sweden Eurobowl 2013 - Vote for team captain!

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:29 pm
by Hansel
I vote for Martin.

My Naf nr is #19177

Re: Team Sweden Eurobowl 2013 - Vote for team captain!

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:58 pm
by Melisqus
I think both options are good choices and if I have to chose I vote for Martin.

My Naf nr is #16238

Re: Team Sweden Eurobowl 2013 - Vote for team captain!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:56 pm
by Odium Khan
Both Martin and Daniel have vast supplies of social and organizing skills and I believe they would do an equally good job at it. However, since it was pointed out, the Swedish BB tourney scene has had a growth spurt in recent years and in order to enthuse the largest population possible and keep this growth going I believe it is important to "spread the wealth" across the community when it comes to appointing committees and task organizers.

Seeing as Daniel is already NTO, my vote therefore goes to Martin.

Odium_Khan NAF #229

Re: Team Sweden Eurobowl 2013 - Vote for team captain!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:26 pm
by Mago
Both candidates are very nice guys and I think whoever gets the post will do a great job.

I believe Daniels international experience is more relevant, so my vote falls on Daniel.

NAF 17290

Re: Team Sweden Eurobowl 2013 - Vote for team captain!

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:20 pm
by adhansa
Both qualified but due to his experience in arranging tournaments my vote goes to Martin.

danielnaganting #16869

Re: Team Sweden Eurobowl 2013 - Vote for team captain!

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 8:02 pm
by khanmank
My vote goes to Martin

NAF: 15043

Re: Team Sweden Eurobowl 2013 - Vote for team captain!

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:52 am
by zerak
I'll vote for Daniel. (Only because i met him ;) )

Re: Team Sweden Eurobowl 2013 - Vote for team captain!

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 8:17 am
by Ozt
Voting is now closed and the votes are counted.

The winner is Lard. Congratulations Lard, now get to work deciding the process of choosing the team!