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Eurobowl Captains / Forum Admin

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:00 pm
by Boneless
I have asked a few times to the committee, Ive asked Forum admin, as the Head Organiser and Dapiranha as Co- Organiser can we have Access to the captains forum please. It wont give us any advantage or help in any way, but it will help you should we have information we wish to give your captains.

So can some one please use a little common sense and add us both so we can relay information effectively.


Euro Bowl Organiser

Re: Eurobowl Captains / Forum Admin

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 6:05 am
by Darkson
And as I said to you, as the forum admin, I'm not going to add multiple people without the captains say-so (as per the rules they originally set out), so don't drag me into this.